420's Soil Ppm Charlie Grow Journal, 9/2021

Seriously, I wish my ignored plants would look that way!

Dang, I'd be happy with plants like that anyday! Looking great Charlie!
@Rexer your thoughtful help and advice is always a mainstay for me. Thank you so much for the compliment!

If you notice, there is one tattered yellow half-eaten Candy Kush leaf in the center-right of the first pic. The shop vac I use to suck-up drainage from the pans "inhaled" part of it. Guess I forgot to clip that one. LOL! :thumb:
I have been ignoring my "poor babies". Five Candy Kush remain in the flowering tent. All Candy Kush are at 6-weeks + one day on a 12/12 light cycle. I expect a 10-12-week flowering period for these delights.

Here are the pictures in a Friday night flurry - enjoy! Thanks for visiting!

@Krissi1982 , @Bill284 , @Rexer , @StoneOtter , @InTheShed , @Dank777 , @marcus611a




Charlie, look at how amazingly happy they are!! Just downright gorgeous! Fantastic work!!
The Harvest is IN

The harvest is complete - all 420 were wet trimmed over the last five-days and now are hung for drying. Four Fruity Pebbles and three Northern Lights. All went 11-to-12-weeks in flowering.

Enjoy your Friday night doober and see the show...a little "touch-up" dry trim is anticipated.

@Krissi1982 , @Bill284 , @Rexer , @StoneOtter , @InTheShed , @Dank777 , @marcus611a






The 1st and last pics are my favorite although I love them all! Look at those buds! Smelling absolutely divine at Charlie's! :yummy::green_heart:
Charlie, look at how amazingly happy they are!! Just downright gorgeous! Fantastic work!!

The 1st and last pics are my favorite although I love them all! Look at those buds! Smelling absolutely divine at Charlie's! :yummy::green_heart:
Your words are important @Krissi1982 ! Thank you so much. I have a ways to go to catch up with your Green Thumb.
Your words are important @Krissi1982 ! Thank you so much. I have a ways to go to catch up with your Green Thumb.
Charlie! Please! Look at all of that wonderful around you! It's me who looks to you for grow wisdom! I love that you bring me along so that I can admire your 420 w you!

I saved the couple biggest colas on my Gelato hermies-no seeds up there. I took a bowl worth just now and I knew you would appreciate me using the medicine, and man she is strong! And flavorful!

I'm glad I have more seeds and will run her again. This time maybe no topping if her genetics don't handle stress well.

But, just to show that we are all growing and still in our faults, we see stars
Hey Charlie good morning bro. I was wondering in this pic you put on here I circled in red some leaves what was causing this on your plant because mine is doing this and I'm 5th week in flower. I know you can tell on some of my pics

I transplanted two Fruity-Pebbles/OG-cross yesterday (7-gal fabric bags) and three Northern-Lights/Skunk-cross today (5-gal fabric bags). Two more Fruity Pebbles from the first crop of "goodie" clone-seedlings to transplant tomorrow (10-gal fabric bags).

All transplanted into a peat/perlite mix and a peat/perlite+coco/perlite - 50/50 mix. Soil amendments - worm castings, Mycorrhizal inoculant, GeoFlora veg and/or GeoFlora flower organic fert and dolomite. All recent transplants placed back in veg tents to acclimate, adjust and restore.

My veg tents now literally "runnuth over" and the 10-gal transplants planned for tomorrow will have to "restore" outside the confines of the veg tents. I have a dresser top in the veg room that will be perfect for them. I plan to mount a 200-actual-watt full spectrum LED light above for a week or so of "rest-time".

In a week or so I will clone the transplants for possible future grows and put all new gals into the flowering tent on a 12/12 light cycle.

Thank goodness I am finally getting a handle on my overloaded veg tents. My peat bags are stored out-of-doors and froze soild in the recent cold weather - first chance I have had to scoop some "soil makings" up.

D*mn this eternal winter! :eek: Right, @Krissi1982 ??!? OOWWWEEEEE!

On the 420 curing front - my four Fruity Pebbles and three Northern Lights 420, I recently harvested are progressing well in jars and 5-gal buckets. In my lazy inattention, I over-dried a couple of the harvested 420. I am slowly re-hydrating them with apple peel and stabilizing jar/bucket humidity with 62% Boveda bags.

Each day I check the cure progress - the Fruity Pebbles smells sweet, fragrant and "fruity-delicious" and Northern Lights more subdued and sweet skunky. No foul or significant grassy odors have been noted.

Pics when I get tent things arranged flower-wise and cure jar/bucket-bud pics too...stay tuned!

In any case...thanks for visiting and smoke a fattee. ppm Charlie

I transplanted two Fruity-Pebbles/OG-cross yesterday (7-gal fabric bags) and three Northern-Lights/Skunk-cross today (5-gal fabric bags). Two more Fruity Pebbles from the first crop of "goodie" clone-seedlings to transplant tomorrow (10-gal fabric bags).

All transplanted into a peat/perlite mix and a peat/perlite+coco/perlite - 50/50 mix. Soil amendments - worm castings, Mycorrhizal inoculant, GeoFlora veg and/or GeoFlora flower organic fert and dolomite. All recent transplants placed back in veg tents to acclimate, adjust and restore.

My veg tents now literally "runnuth over" and the 10-gal transplants planned for tomorrow will have to "restore" outside the confines of the veg tents. I have a dresser top in the veg room that will be perfect for them. I plan to mount a 200-actual-watt full spectrum LED light above for a week or so of "rest-time".

In a week or so I will clone the transplants for possible future grows and put all new gals into the flowering tent on a 12/12 light cycle.

Thank goodness I am finally getting a handle on my overloaded veg tents. My peat bags are stored out-of-doors and froze soild in the recent cold weather - first chance I have had to scoop some "soil makings" up.

D*mn this eternal winter! :eek: Right, @Krissi1982 ??!? OOWWWEEEEE!

On the 420 curing front - my four Fruity Pebbles and three Northern Lights 420, I recently harvested are progressing well in jars and 5-gal buckets. In my lazy inattention, I over-dried a couple of the harvested 420. I am slowly re-hydrating them with apple peel and stabilizing jar/bucket humidity with 62% Boveda bags.

Each day I check the cure progress - the Fruity Pebbles smells sweet, fragrant and "fruity-delicious" and Northern Lights more subdued and sweet skunky. No foul or significant grassy odors have been noted.

Pics when I get tent things arranged flower-wise and cure jar/bucket-bud pics too...stay tuned!

In any case...thanks for visiting and smoke a fattee. ppm Charlie

Do you find using using fabric, you leak everywhere?

Also, the apple peel? That's new to me.

Damn winter is causing us all something! Speaking of soil, I am out! I need 2 bags to transplant this weekend. And last week my garden store was closed for vacation...the whole store....smh

7 and 10 gl. I'm glad you have the space for that, I surely don't. Why not work with anything smaller? Is it better to mix your amendments with a larger pot?

Umm what else did I have damn me forgetting to pull the quote....

Oh how long do you wait usually to flip to 12/12?

Do you start seedlings at 24/0 20/4 or 18/6?

Just want to know more about how you make your garden wonderful...maybe steal some tricks.
Do you find using using fabric, you leak everywhere?

Also, the apple peel? That's new to me.

Damn winter is causing us all something! Speaking of soil, I am out! I need 2 bags to transplant this weekend. And last week my garden store was closed for vacation...the whole store....smh

7 and 10 gl. I'm glad you have the space for that, I surely don't. Why not work with anything smaller? Is it better to mix your amendments with a larger pot?

Umm what else did I have damn me forgetting to pull the quote....

Oh how long do you wait usually to flip to 12/12?

Do you start seedlings at 24/0 20/4 or 18/6?

Just want to know more about how you make your garden wonderful...maybe steal some tricks.

TO: Ms. "I Screwed Up My Shoulder and Now I Can't Play Guitar or Fiddle" - @Krissi1982 :cheer:
SUBJECT: Speculations on Life and Whatever Floats your Snow Canoe (or Frozen Woodpile - @Bill284 )
DATE: No, Thank-You, I Don't Eat Them
CC: No One Ever Listens to Me Anyway - So - Let Them Eat Cake

Re: Fabric Bags and Other Meshed Threads
No, they don't leak everywhere in my grow. I have oversized catch pans and plant risers to keep their little feet dry. When I water/nute, some small amount of liquid runs down the inside of the outer ring of the bag at first and exits the bag sides. As the soil in the outer ring becomes saturated, all liquids are absorbed by the soil media until actual bottom overflow. At that point no more significant "side-leak", just overflow through the bottom of the bag. I allow them to drain fully then I vacuum-up and relocate excessive overflow from the pans. I estimate I might get a 1-cup of "actual side leakage" - MAX - for each gallon of liquid applied.

RE: Soil Starved and Dirt Poor
Garden store owners that vacation in mid-Feb. and leave their poor, crippled and needy clients in the lurch (kindly gesturing to you Ms. @Krissi1982 ), are loutish and should be verbally flogged with foul remarks and words of group disdain. In the future, I suggest you get on their web email-list so you are advised in advance of their yearly vacations and store closures. Bet they are "sparkin-one-up" in vacation life while you are left in the cold. :thedoubletake:

Re: Life is Long But Time Is Short
Really, I would like at least 6-8weeks for the veg 18/6 cycle from seed/clone to beginning of flowering time, minimum. I like to begin LST and have the 420 develop some small lower woody branches before starting a flower cycle. I use those small lower branches as clone material prior to putting advanced vegs into 12/12 cycle.
However, my current overloaded veg tents tell a different story - BULGING ! I use feminized seed, only - no autos.

RE: A Light Time Was Had By All
Clone/Seedlings 18/6, flower 12/12.

RE: My Tricks
"...the Force is Strong...", Ms. @Krissi1982 .

Doob-Baa-Tivilly Yours,

ppm Charlie :nerd-with-glasses:

P.S. I am starting an 11-day droughting of the five Candy Kush in the flowering tent today - based on your expert recommendations and thoughtful research. Thank you.
Correction: The Fruity Pebbles transplanted today were put in 7-gal fabric bags, not 10-gal bags.
How did they like their transplant Charlie?
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