420's Soil Bluebarry Mix Tipico Irpino: Auwia's Grow Journal, 2019

Day 22 : 19.10.2019
Light on: 6:00 to 23:59
Light Off: 00:00 - 05:59

Good morning, no watering today and I guess for the full day will be the same, in fact yesterday I over watered a bit more to give much nutrients as possible. Growing is constant and gorgeous and the environment is still clean.
This night with the new gap of 40cm from top and lamp looks like plants uncompressed and push up their horns! :) look here:

Have a nice Sunday everybody.
Hi all,
I just realized that plants are starting to bloom....:) I'll give a bit more of red as welcoming for the coming phases! :) let's see first signals:

The new power absorbing now is 170W/h, Lamp 8000 Lux and 36°C it's temperature.
Here the new look! :)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and talk you tomorrow! :)
Day 23 : 20.10.2019
Light on: 6:00 to 23:59
Light Off: 00:00 - 05:59

Good morning no water yet since Saturday morning, in fact the soil is still wet and humid. Flowers are growing and nothing will stop it-I'm sure- much red arrived yesterday in the evening and since that it will light for long time. Other red will come in the next couple of weeks and maybe we will shutdown another colour as test. Currently humidity is between 78-93% and temperature is 22°C, this night fixed on 99.9% with 21-22°C. I'm pushing a lot the vegetative stage because I would like to have much height, but as last 2 test already happened, plants starts to bloom quite early. It's ok anyway, less time, much time for other test.
Here how it looks like today:
Day 24 : 21.10.2019
Light on: 6:00 to 23:59
Light Off: 00:00 - 05:59

Good morning, manual watering with some add-on for pre-flowering stage. Growing looks constant:



Have a nice start.
Day 25 : 22.10.2019
Light on: 6:00 to 23:59
Light Off: 00:00 - 05:59

Good morning, still manual watering with fresh water today and nothing yesterday afternoon/evening . Plants are growing and in the meanwhile blooming too. Secondary branches are going up and the horizontal space is going to be full. Currently the distance between lamp and top is 37cm, so probably on Saturday I'll raise up of another 5cm. Following some pictures from yesterday and this morning:

Have a nice day.
Day 26 : 23.10.2019
Light on: 6:00 to 23:59
Light Off: 00:00 - 05:59

Good morning, manual watering half hour ago and growing is very fast I guess thanks the humidity/temperature combination too.

Have a nice start! :)
Day 27 : 24.10.2019
Light on: 6:00 to 23:59
Light Off: 00:00 - 05:59

Good morning, automatic watering at 5:50 today and no problem was registered! :) plants are growing verys trong day by day and everyday day they are going to be much fast and tall too. Tomorrow I confirmed 3 tasks to do:
1. Raise up the lamp of 5cm
2. Give nutrients
3. Set new light scheduling: 17on/7off -> for this point, I'll shift 1 hour behind all scheduling to better sleep in the night and use the box as alarm in the morning. The new time we'll be: 22:00-04:59 light off and 5:00-21:59 light on.
Following some nice photos:

Today is Friday, let's finish soon and have a nice weekend.
Day 28 : 25.10.2019
Light on: 5:00 to 21:59
Light Off: 22:00 - 04:59

Good morning, new scheduling is applied, no watering right now, because late I'll give nutrients to plants. Growing is still gorgeous:

Good afternoon, I've gave nutrients to plants and raised up the lamp of another 5cm ant the new light scheduling! Everything is done, here some nice pictures :cool:


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Day 29 : 26.10.2019
Light on: 5:00 to 21:59
Light Off: 22:00 - 04:59

Good morning, everything look ok here, today no watering because pots are still wet, maybe tomorrow in the afternoon. Let's see this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Plants are good and secondary branches are coming up fast on the big one and still slowly from the other two, but we patients! :)
Following a photo of his it looks like this morning:
Day 30 : 27.10.2019
Light on: 5:00 to 21:59
Light Off: 22:00 - 04:59

Good morning, I confirm! No water today, let's see in the afternoon or probably tomorrow morning! ;-)
Yesterday I raised up the lamp, but it looks like the gap is already on 26cm(first plant in the left) and 36cm the other two! I think before next Saturday I should increase again, but this time before the plan! :)
Plants are very healthy and photos are very nice:



From this last picture is not clear yet, but secondary branches are growing too and soon the l they will jump out! :cool:
Day 31 : 28.10.2019
Light on: 5:00 to 21:59
Light Off: 22:00 - 04:59

Good morning, manual watering right now, I'm not sure, but maybe I have to flush pots. Let's see the weather in the weekend coming, if we will have 3-4 hours of sun in row, I'll do.
For the rest plants are growing very fast and the gap between lamp and top is very small (22cm - 30cm - 28cm), I'll force a little bit the hand this time to try to resist until next Saturday trying to compact or reduce a bit the gap to align all 3 tops ( it's quite impossible, but I'll try to do).
As usual following some photos of yesterday and this mooring:

Have a relaxed start!
Day 32 : 29.10.2019
Light on: 5:00 to 21:59
Light Off: 22:00 - 04:59

Good morning, good news! :) tomorrow I'll go on vacations for 1 week and activities planned for the weekend are cancelled! :cool: well the plan is little bit changed, but it was arrived in the best moment, so now I can test how much independent from plants I'm! :) means algorithm and prototype have to do the rest! This afternoon I'll raise up the lamp of 10cm (just to be covered for a couple of days) and I'll give nutrients for blooming (as plan). Pots are always wet last time (that's why I had plan a flush) but I guess I can survive for 7 days without. On Saturday I'll schedule an automatic watering with the nutrient that is making the difference for vegetative state for all 3 plants and then I'll stop completely because flowering is started since 10 days now! The new light on/off scheduling is already set and from the next Saturday it will be 1 hour less of light. 14h in total.
Let me show you the progress:

Next 7 days I'll post only pictures from the inside of the box.
Have a nice day.
Good morning guys, I'm back from vacation but it was a disaster! :-( the plant on the right completely died:

The second one is going to be and the first on the left is tall and it's curving:

Omg I don't know yet what happened, but it's unbelievable everything was going very well and during my vacations everything worked as it must by... maybe a overwatering of nutrients killed roots! It's crazy! The soil was still wet yesterday, today I'll try to flush.... But probably I've to close this test cycle as failed! :'-(
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