420's Fish4Fun420 - Grab Bag Seeds - Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

You will be probably drying these ladies by christmas morning ;)

I hope so! I can't think of a better way to spend the holiday! No presents just tress, lots and lots of trees :smokin:
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

My girl actually look better and better every day. Its totally a learning experience lol. Just over a month old and now they seem to be growing very fast from all parts of the plant. If you have any questions about my grow or yours dont hesitate to ask. I'm still very new to this as well though lol
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Hi Fish!
Followed your link over from your introduction page and am excited to follow along with your grow. I'm particularly interested in watching your future girls make the transition from outdoor to indoor.

Staying on that topic; have you begun to think about what type and wattage of lighting you'll move the girls under once it's time to move them inside?

Thanks for sharing your grow and journey with us. It's an exciting hobby to grow your own smoke and a very "rewarding" pursuit!

Be well and happy growing.
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Welcome to the party TanR! I have not yet thought about lighting because I don't know exactly where I will be keeping these ladies. I was hoping to keep them in my 4x8 closet but with a few people saying I could possibly have up to 15 with this many seeds it will all really depend on the number of plants I get. This a low and I mean low budget ordeal so I was hoping that with a clean area, some safety blankets shiny side in, a lamp or two I would be all set. My brother on the other hand wants to do some shrimp, self sustaining ecosystem hydroponics but I told him he could do it if he paid for it himself lol!

One idea I had thought of though after looking at a bunch of different setups was to build a rack on the back wall of my closet that would hold the pots at a 30-45* angle so I could scatter them to save space. Put a safety blanket behind the rack to help reflect the light onto the back of the plants. I will have to doodle up a picture in paint to describe it better but I think that would be the best bet to keep them contained in a small enclosure but give them plenty of room to grow out and up. Do you know of any downsides to having the pots sit at an angle? I've seen them sideways so I can't imagine it would effect the plants that much... maybe use some string to help hold them up when they get bigger?

I also have planted the last 50 seeds this morning after two days of soaking, one in a paper towel the second in a cup of water. I saw at least eight seeds that have popd and maybe 10-12 that looked to be starting. As for the others we will see I planted them all, time will tell. Did two rows like this put the seeds about an inch and a half-two inches down, four to five inches apart and watered them down.

The moment we've all been waiting for! Drum roll please!

The Dunks cup baby has made it! It's now two inches tall and looks like it's ready to spring up at any time! I noticed it has two different types of leaves growing two big round ones and now two tiny spiky leaves are starting. I know I read it somewhere but can anyone give me the spark notes on the different leaves? Also now that it's about two inches tall I believe it's time for potting yeah? Should I go to a medium size pot or let it go crazy in a large pot?

Questions from this post:
-Does having the pot rest at an angle effect the growth of the plant and if so how?
-Now that the sapling is a few inches tall should I put it in a medium pot or a large one?
-What are the differences between the different kinds of leaves?

Thank you all for your support this adventure has been good for my soul and it has only just begun! :cheer:
Much love! -Fish
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

My answers--
1) not really. Its gonna grow vertical to however you have the pot facing. he issue I forsee is pot drainage. Most have drainage holes at the bottom, so Icould forsee a root rot issue.
2) There are good reasons for both. Less transplanting means less chance of shock. But transplanting many times into bigger containers makes for a better rootball and less wasted soil.
3) The round leaves are called cotlydons. The provide nutes if y will to the seedling until it is established. Then they will fade and almost peel off the stem naturally. Most growers say the 3rd set of leaves are the first set of true leaves, and thats when shes official. :)

Hope that helps sir. ;)
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Yes sir it sure does! These next few weeks are going to be exciting, time to get started on my indoor space seeing how the days are not getting any more day light up here in the woods! I started clearing out my closet I'll take some measurements of the space and put up some photos so we can start talking shop.

Thanks again for the info Spimp, cheers to you my friend!
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

It's 1:15am and I just got done reading through... a ton of journals. Seeing the success rates with people planting seeds directly in dirt I am a tad nervous as to how many plants I get. Most I'm seeing are 90-100% germination. It's different for every situation but lets just say that's my percent, we're talking 40+ plants (#_#) eeeeeek! May as well clear out my bedroom, make one window my intake and the other the exhaust LOL! I won't know what to do with myself, wicked excited!
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Quick note I transplanted the Dunks Baby (that's just what I'm calling this plant lol) today into the garden the root ball was as round as my fist with thick roots, it seemed very happy! I also made a big dent in my closet I still need to use part of it for storage but the space I have to work with is 3ft deep 5 foot wide 6ft tall sooo 15square feet? sure sounds good to me. What I'm getting at is even if I get more than what I expected I think they will all fit in my closet. I can't imagine 40 plants growing from grab bag seeds, I'm planning on cloning anyways so if I don't get 40 I'll be ok with that! I'll take some pics tomorrow when there is better light so we can talk about pimping out my closet!

For now I'm going to go for a burn cruise to the beach! Happy Weedday everyone!
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Getting a little worried about the weather it dipped down into the low 40s last night and I must say the Dunks Baby didn't seem to like it. Today we should have a high of 70 so I'm sure it'll perk back up. As of this morning 9/6 no additional saplings that I can see but we'll give it time and see what happens.

This is the space I have available again the dimensions are 3ft deep 5 foot wide 6ft tall. I have a shelf on the side that I can take down if needed but I figured for now it'll be more space to hang lights, tie down stuff.

As you can see it's dark, I'm not a fan of bright lights in my bedroom so even with my lamp across the room you still can't really see all that well. I have a few computer fans, one 12in fan from a laptop cooler that is way to heavy for use on my lap so I'll re-purpose it for my closet project, as well as a few small desk fans so I think I'm good for air flow. The walls are already white, I figured I'll hang a few emergency blankets around the sides to help regulate the temp and reflect light around the plants. This is a low budget operation as I'm currently between jobs so what I'm asking from all you guys is what are the best lights for flowering that wont cost me an arm and a leg?

Much Love -Fish
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

40 + PLANTS:cheesygrinsmiley: BUT:hmmmm: Where are you going to keep most of them that flower? In that closet?

Its looking good though Fish, keep us posted on the closet build! May the Ganja Gods be weedth you ;)
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

none of them have sprouted yet other than the first one, I have friends and family that may take a few off my hands. Worst case scenario I will keep them indoors vegging to the sky and flower a few at a time. Too early to tell yet.
Re: 420's Fish4Fun420, Grab Bag Seeds, Out/Indoor Grow Journal - 2013

Quick update as of 9/9 it looks as if I have nine saplings that have made their way to the surface. Nine seems like a nice manageable number. The Dunks Baby is now about six inches tall with big strong leaves. Noticed a little spider was living under a leaf so I cleared up that problem. I did notice that as the days are getting colder the plants seems to be taking their time to grow. Dunks Baby went from seed to a few inches in only a day or so and these others are taking their time, does cooler weather stunt their growth?
I have good news everybody! I have 12 plants that have sprouted and they are all on their second set of leaves! I have only had to water them a few times because we have had regular rain for the last week or so. They are all around six inches tall and seem to be very happy! I am now cleaning up my garage in hopes to find some plastic pots to put them in. We have gotten our first frost of the season but they don't seem to be affected by it. The sun comes out, hits 70+ degrees and they look perky and healthy! I will have more updates as time goes on but for now I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on my progress.

Much love to yall! -Fish
I will get everyone some pics tonight. It was 50* when I went to sleep and 45* when I woke up and after the morning inspection they didn't take as well to the second frost so they will be coming out of the ground today and moved indoors. After a second inspection there have been some small late bloomers! After I get them potted I will count them they are tiny little guys can't believe I missed them! My dad was having his coffee this morning and goes "I think you'll do good with those babies, you going to share once it's done??" Now he is old school church raised, clean cut guy. I stood there and felt like we had a bonding moment haha! Growing up I never thought I'd hear those words come from his mouth but now it looks like I have a partner in crime!

I will have pics tonight for everyone, keep your fingers crossed they pull through the cold air doesn't fare well for them.
Welcome to the party Techman glad to have you on board my friend! :welcome:

Here's the low down folks, I took some time today and pulled up my veggie garden and moved my plants into pots. The final count is 19!! I can't believe that I went from 50 seeds to 19 plants (which is a LOT more manageable for me) I'm happy for my first go at this. They are already showing signs of a happy plants now that I've pulled them from the ground and placed them in some sun in my room which is a lot warmer at night so I'm hoping to see more productive growth in the following weeks.

Some picture as promised:


The Dunks Baby (grand daddy purp) I hope it's a female, if it is it will be the plant I'll learn to clone with.

The pots I used are 6in pots that I got from free from my local farmer friend. I'm glad he was around because the ones I had saved up looked to be tossed out with the trash :hmmmm: I looked through the soil I had here at the house and found some bags of peat moss tourbe that I mixed with some miracle grow potting soil.

For those of you just chiming in the seeds were a grab bag as stated in the title. The only one I can identify is the grand daddy purp seed. The rest are a mix of Jack Ohara, Blue Dream and a few other strains I can't remember but they are all great and I enjoyed smoking all of them so I am sure having variety of plants will be great once they are harvested :roorrip:

The pots I placed on a storage bin and then used the cover to place the rest of the pots on so I can water them w/o making a mess. I have my desk fan oscillating on low from threeish feet away, just enough to make them move slightly. I did get a few plants that have bloomed late and were not at all pleased by the cold weather. They went from fresh and vibrant to looking hung over the next morning. I'm hoping that now they are indoors tomorrow morning they perk up a bit with the new soil and warmer temps.

OK questions time... so far I have not spent a red cent on this project so now I need to invest in lights. I have about 50-60$ max to spend on the project at the moment so I need your help. I have read over the light guide but in all honestly it translated to a bunch of gibberish. I never have understood electronics and light spectrum guide made my brain explode. I'd like to have two or three hanging lights that I plan to put on a chain or some rope so I can adjust them as time goes on. I have a Home Depot and Lowes near by that carry any kind of light I'd need but I don't know what to get. I'm looking for lights that can screw into normal light sockets, I don't have the room or want for any long tube lights with a hood. Please point me in the right direction for lighting! :Namaste:

Much love -Fish :peace:
Ok, with 50-60$ the only choice I see is CFL's. You want 'bright white'. Thats the blue color or 6500k spectrum. Thats for 'vegging'. With that budget its gonna be not nearly enough light, but enough to veg them. Your gonna have to reconsider for flowering though. I am using CFL's but the bud density is just not there. Its a good product, and high quality smoke, just fluffy. And Im running 12 26w CFL's on two plants. Its just not enough for flowering IMO.
What are your plans regrding how big you want them to get before you flower them?

BTW, nice job on all them beans!
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