420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: January 2019

OGKB S1.. Home bred &home grown. Really gassy / doughy terps.. A little bit of acrid smell as well, like baby poop lol. Anyways here's my bid, hope you enjoy. This pic was outdoors at 70 days before chop.
I was looking through some old photos and came across this one I had uploaded back in 2011. I thought it was a cool pic, so I'll throw it in for consideration.

Note: Fellow old-timers will remember that back in "the day" :420: watermarked all the pics! ;)

I was looking through some old photos and came across this one I had uploaded back in 2011. I thought it was a cool pic, so I'll throw it in for consideration.

Note: Fellow old-timers will remember that back in "the day" :420: watermarked all the pics! ;)

No photo :hmmmm: it tries to load and then disappears... reported, maybe it’s some anomaly with the old pics - might be fixable :D
Yes I can see that one!

OK that’s that - Sorry folks to hi-jack “slide night!”. I can see all the other gallery stuff fine:hmmmm:
Thanks for the warning! :thanks:

Not sure why you can't see it. I inserted the link from the original gallery upload. But, I just copied the pic, re-saved & re-uploaded it, so hopefully you can see it here.

DISCLAIMER: It might be kinda anti-climactic after all the trouble to view it! :rofl:

Funny tho - when i was investigating it, I filtered the media gallery for just your stuff, Krip, and only got results back to May last year - so it seems only photos uploaded since the big gallery merge are connected to a member’s gallery. I dont know if that’s the reason I can’t see it - it’s weird that everyone else can, and I can see everything else ... ghosts in the machine? :hmmmm:

ANd it’s a nice photo Krip :D. It also shows us how much better the new site is at parsing the image files :thumb:
@Mr. Krip Hey bro I can see them both now...lol.. I was able to see your first one from the get go.. That's crazy, and I can still see it. Here is the screenshot. :confused:
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