420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Justin Goody

I’m seeing some variation between growers and charts. With @Carcass giving a pretty large dose with no ill effects, I feel alright about playing by ear from this point.
What dose are you currently giving?

Thanks Boo!
I’m sure someone here has done it outdoors, or maybe @GeoFlora Nutrients can help us out with that one.
I've been over-feeding(?) mine. I used 5.5 ounces per top feed in a 5 gallon pot. This was based on GF's bag instructions that called for 8 ozs per square foot of soil.

Not sure how this has affected the plant.

The next time I use it I'm going with the very simple ration of 1 ounce per gallon of soil. That will put me above what the feed chart calls for but below what following the bag's instructions would result in. I'll be almost splitting the difference!
My concern is that I will wash away the nutes that are mixed in and also the top dressings. I wonder if there is anyone around that had used it outdoors?
I used it for a while outdoors, until that grow went sideways, but I noted no additional problems with frequent waterings. The granules don't break down quickly, so as long as you don't slosh them over the sides and out of the pot, they are going to add to the nutrient and microbe load every time you water... the more often, the better.
I used it for a while outdoors, until that grow went sideways, but I noted no additional problems with frequent waterings. The granules don't break down quickly, so as long as you don't slosh them over the sides and out of the pot, they are going to add to the nutrient and microbe load every time you water... the more often, the better.
Thank you for that.
I’m glad you have experience with it, and don’t mind sharing what worked.

I’m not afraid to say I have no experience with GeoFlora before this, and am totally spoiled being on cruise control with M.C.
I used it for a while outdoors, until that grow went sideways, but I noted no additional problems with frequent waterings. The granules don't break down quickly, so as long as you don't slosh them over the sides and out of the pot, they are going to add to the nutrient and microbe load every time you water... the more often, the better.
I remember you using it when you first moved into your new place, but I thought it was for a short time. How long did you use it outside?
Thank you for that.
I’m glad you have experience with it, and don’t mind sharing what worked.

I’m not afraid to say I have no experience with GeoFlora before this, and am totally spoiled being on cruise control with M.C.
Just wait till you realize how much the cruise control has been enhanced with the Geoflora. No longer will you need to read the plants to find a perfect green or diagnose deficiencies, overages or lockouts. Problems like these simply do not happen in a true organic grow as finely tuned as Geoflora. Now that I have things locked in, I don't think that I will even need calmag most of the time. This stuff is amazing.
I remember you using it when you first moved into your new place, but I thought it was for a short time. How long did you use it outside?
I think it was only a little more than a month. If it helps ease your fears, when I am in bloom I step up my watering cycle and except for once every 4 waterings or so, I am trying to water at least every other day. I am still applying the geoflora only once every two weeks even though I am watering that frequently, and even using barely treated tap water that has to still have high levels of chlorine and chloramine, each watering reactivates the granules and a little more nutrient and some more microbes are released. The geoflora does not seem to get used up or wash away even with very frequent waterings.
Just wait till you realize how much the cruise control has been enhanced with the Geoflora. No longer will you need to read the plants to find a perfect green or diagnose deficiencies, overages or lockouts. Problems like these simply do not happen in a true organic grow as finely tuned as Geoflora. Now that I have things locked in, I don't think that I will even need calmag most of the time. This stuff is amazing.
I love hearing that.
Though I love my results from the past year, I'm always looking for ways to improve taste. Much like strawberries or tomatoes, bigger doesn't always equal better as you know. After genetics, taste/texture/color is much more important to me than yield. Going with nutrients like this is the only way for us to move to the next level.
The genetics we are blessed to currently be growing are ready for us to feed them like the royalty they are.
I have to trust microbes and cultures the way I already trust the mantis and ladybug.
I also want to trust what others before me have done, so I can push these girls to their limits when the time is right!
Thanks for your insights.
Hello , with organic dry amendments i have hatched a plan , i make a microbe solution from potato and leaf mold , throw in my dry amendments , leave for few days , water my plants , you have a boost of microbes and your top dress is plant ready and broke down, it becomes stronger so be careful. More control, less binding.
If you understand what i mean is another thing , see leaf mold is the answer :laugh:

So you give the soil plant available nutes plus indigenous microbes,you let them do work for you

No complaints from the girls , seedlings also get some , i made veg and bloom dry amendments then let the little critters break it down in my barrels ,
Microbe city example , full of live microbes and plant nutes ready on demand , can do it with any organic top dress, sponsors Geoflora being one , , there is no smell , well once you open it there is until you close it lol :ganjamon: all good though

sorry about posting pics but i cant explain how i would like to , it works of a neutral ph , my pen is prob off a tad high , but i am not overly bothered about it , added to worm tea for extra benefits

anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms soil work as a team , sure your gut is over 90% anaerobic :nerd-with-glasses:there is also not much oxygen under the soil when you think about it

Hi @Trala ;)

I do a bit of everything. Let’s see I guess I’ll just break it down like plant food doses lol-
I would say these are my numbers lately:

Smoking (bong) 45%
Smoking (joint) 5%
Peanut Butter cups (40mg CBD) 15%
Capsules 10%
Vaping (indica co2 or BHO) 20%
Dabs/rosin/hash 5%

There’s a bit of method in that madness but I just do it as I feel I need it right then.
I probably also forgot a method because well, I’m a full time stoner :rofl:

What’s your favorite?
I always liked the billy. I used to billy 95% and joints 5%
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and for keeping the journal alive while I was gone.
Got some much needed unplugged recharge time in a really peaceful spot in the middle of nowhere for a few days.

Came back to happy healthy ladies, ready to rock. Even the runt doesn’t look too bad-
A little time out of the spotlight did wonders for them.
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and people are getting pumped about the comparative grow.
Oh wow!

What a beautiful back drop.

Plants are looking good too

Getting stronger and looking happier every day!

Oh wow!

What a beautiful back drop.

Plants are looking good too

It was a lovely (and much needed) trip.

Thanks @Trala, good to have you stop by ;)
I'd say your dad's runt is winning. ;)
No doubt. His is actually starting to look like a real plant. Mine is not exactly on fire, more of a smolder lol.

I have to look at it positively- It was originally my IcedG seed, so not matter what happens, I win ;)
It'll get there- maybe the GeoFlora overdose got mine off and running ;)
I was also worried about giving too much, thanks for being the guinea pig on that one!
Im sure she will come around, she’s dipping her toes in that GF right now
If that wasn’t enough, I’ll also be ditching my normal MC nutes, and trying out the @GeoFlora Nutrients 2 Part (Veg and Bloom) Organic Nutrient System.
You seem to be off to a good start Justin. Good job. :thumb:

I use MC and followed Mr Krip’s GeoFLora grow with interest. GeoFlora isn’t available in Canada yet which I find unfortunate because I would love to do an MC/GeoFlora comparison grow.

Hint, hint... :Namaste:

Meaning if anyone who can get GeoFlora ever does a comparison grow between MC/GeoFlora I think that would be great.
Finally seeing some branches and some real growth. Besides watering in the GF, they haven’t been drinking much water in the past 4-5 days. I’m waiting for bone dry to water again now
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