420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Jack420

Best of luck to you @Jack420 not that you need it. You are a very good grower. I'll pop in from time to time to check on your progress if that's okay.
Best of luck to you @Jack420 not that you need it. You are a very good grower. I'll pop in from time to time to check on your progress if that's okay.
Thanks brother we all need luck at times in life to make things interesting lol but more them welcome to pop in at eny time
We have lift off I can see the baby now she looks good I’m sure she will even look better wen I get home from work
So here is my lil girl will live here for now till I run 30 clones for my flood table just got the new tent up she will love life here for now

that’s rocks mine came up with out issues so far so good thanks for stopping bye !!!! I will swing bye n check ur ladies out !!
Huge thanks to @Prescription Blend for sponsoring my flood table to my this sog run happen growing my baby as soon as I can take at-least 15 to 20 clones we are in business
Huge thanks again @Prescription Blend the goods get here today so now for the wait on my gsc to grow so I can rip 30 clones
All caught up @Jack420 ! Looking forward to watching your journey.

I’ll prob keep a mom also
I want to do the same thing. I'm just now sure which way to approach the process. Take clones of all the plants and then choose winners after the harvest and cure? I'm just not sure how to pick a good mother. So I'll be watching your selection process and taking wisdom when possible. Take care.
Thanks for the swing bye I’m sure all seeds are goin to be really good I’ll just keep a clone of my 1st plant n after cure if for some reason didn’t catch my eye will pop another seed to see the difference who knows with this kind of stuff!!
Noticing two of mine got wider Indica looking leaves and one has thinner leaves so two are leaning OG kush and the other is leaning towards the Durban Poison.
Haven’t pulled mine out to really look at it but I really hope mine holds more of the dp traits !!! I’m definitely running a few runs with only gsc and I hope it blows my mind so I’ll keep a mom for a wile
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