420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Brett Blaze

The yellowing is only on the taller plant and generally on branches that are lower although a few are on higher branches. I don't think it's light stress. The light is 18" above the tallest cola. Look in upper right corner of pic #4 of today's post.
I think I have a twin bud on one plant also. I posted a pic on my grow, but will update here once I can verify.
When I looked closer there is a second double bud on the same branch. I'll try to remember to get a picture when the lights come on.
This is another twin bud on the same branch as the other one two nodes below. You can also see the yellowing in the center of the new leaves.

And this is in between them.

Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 22 - 73 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 5
#2 Bloom Day 10

#1 is catching up to #2. Gained an inch as is only 5" difference. #1 is 20" high while #2 is 25". Should only be a few days before they are the same height.

I would really like to do a major pruning since these ladies are very bushy and thick underneath the canopy blocking airflow and raising RH. My plan was three weeks after flipping to allow for a full stretch without any unneeded stress. I'm at that place in time but only when the lighting changed. I would add another 4 to 5 days for actual flower stage begins. That puts me at 17 days for #2 and 12 days for #1. I'll plan pruning #2 this weekend and depending how much #1 catches up may also get a pruning.

Today's Photos:

:peace: :passitleft:
Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 23 - 74 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 6
#2 Bloom Day 11

There is now only about four inches between these ladies. #2 has not increased overall height in a couple of days and sits at around 25" high.

I am not seeing any more spreading of the yellow streaks. I have removed all Cal-Mag and Terpinator from the @Prescription Blend nutrient solution in the latest batch. Future batches may include some Cal-Mag, because this is coco, but no more Terpinator to allow the Prescription Blend to work on it's own for the rest of flower.

Today's Photos:

Full Tent

:peace: :passitleft:
Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 24 - 75 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 7
#2 Bloom Day 12

I am really happy at the progress of #1. She made up another inch last light and is now only 3" below #2 when measuring the tallest branch of each. #1 is measuring at 22.5" (57 cm) and #2 is 25.5" (65 cm).

The plants are getting so big it's hard to keep my belly out of the straight down photos.

Tonight I will be pruning #2 to remove all the leaves and branches below the canopy. It's so dark underneath I have to use a flashlight to check the water flow. I may do #1 tomorrow. Because of the light schedule I only have a few hours in the morning and evening to do any pruning so I need to split this up regardless if #1 is ready.

Have a great weekend.

Today's Photos:

:peace: :passitleft:
Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 25 - 76 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 8
#2 Bloom Day 13

Last night I did a major pruning on both ladies. The lower area was opened up to allow more light and air flow. The pictures don't show the extent of the leaves that were removed.

Short update (shorter than usual) so I can go out to brunch this morning.

Have a great day.

Today's Photos:

:peace: :passitleft:
Nice! Easy to see the new watering system you've been wrestling with.

Lookin' good, BrBl.
Yes, I can now see how much water is coming out. I used this time to remove some coco beneath the water ring to allow unrestricted flow which I don't even know how much I had before because I couldn't see it.
Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 26 - 77 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 9
#2 Bloom Day 14

It looks like stretching has definitely stopped for #2. She stands at 26.5" (67 cm) tall and has for a few days. The other branches are reaching to the top and hopefully she will have a fairly flat canopy. This is the perfect strain for tents with limited height. I see the Indica dominant GSC seeds being under 20".

#1 is sitting at 23.5" (60 cm) and still stretching. The 5 day difference should not make much difference, at least for me, when harvesting.

I'm noticing a slight color different between the plants with #2 looking a little paler. A Sativa will generally be more lime green than an Indica because of lower chlorophyll but each should be the same color. These particular seeds definitely have Sativa dominance so I would expect Sativa traits. Most leaves have 13 fingers. #2 is also the one than has yellowing on the newer leaves close to the stem which doesn't seem to be getting worse but I can't say it's better either.

The colas are stacking up pretty nicely after just three weeks. #2 has odd stacking. I showed pics of twin and triple buds and there are several other branches that have three buds growing on top of each other. This should make interesting looking colas.

Today's Photos:

:peace: :passitleft:
Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 27 - 78 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 10
#2 Bloom Day 15

Both ladies are the same height as yesterday. I am expecting a little more stretch from #1 but the pruning may have slowed it down. Both are still looking great. Not much else going on just waiting.

Today's Photos:

Some pics of #2 stacking

:peace: :passitleft:
Daily Update -

Stage - Flower Day 28 - 79 days above ground
#1 Bloom Day 11
#2 Bloom Day 16

Although both ladies are looking great there is something going on with #2. The color is lighter than #1, it has a yellow streak area on the new leaves around the vein and the stem is purple. This is a sign of potential lockout. I have been struggling to get my output waste water ppm to an acceptable level, which is essential to remove salts, for a few weeks now. Even a little longer on #1. The output should be less than 200 ppm more than the input for an ideal output ppm. (Example: Starting solution is 1400 ppm, the output should be less than 1600 ppm. If it gets to 400 ppm over the input action should be taken).

The output of both have been above the 400 ppm threshold for some time. The first corrective action I took was to fertigate (feed and water) more often. So I set up an auto irrigation system to be able to fertigate halfway through the 12 light cycle (3:00 AM) and then I added 3:00 PM to provide more frequent watering. This usually reduces output ppm but in this case it didn't. It has also been a struggle to get proper runoff with the auto system (approximately 20%) with runoff usually on the high side so I expected a reduction in runoff ppm and was surprised to see no affect.

Last night I decided to flush both plants with plain PH 6.0 water. This is usually a last result since it can stress the plants. No additives were added to the water and each got a gallon. The goal was to reduce the output ppm delta by half. Below are the results.

Flush Data: Previous fertigation solution had 1385 ppm and each had a runoff around 2050 ppm. A difference of 665 ppm. Well above the 400 ppm threshold. After running 1 gallon through each plant, at 1/2 gallon portions, runoff at the end of the flush was around 1675 ppm on each plant, 290 ppm over the input. The goal of reducing the ppm delta for the output by half worked. It's still a little high but much better.

I skipped the 3:00 AM fertigation and watered normally this morning. I wanted a controlled fertigation to get around 20% runoff so I could measure the output accurately.

Todays readings: Input 1385 ppm. #1 1600 ppm (215 over) #2 1543 ppm (158 over). Both outputs look great. Let's see if we get some better color in # 2 in the next few days.

Today's Photos:

A comparison of leaves from both plants. They were each taken from the same area of the plant. #2 is on the left.

:peace: :passitleft:
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