420 Magazine's Official Comparative Grow with Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy

Purple Ghost Candy day 31

Plant 1 and 2 are around 32 days old now.

Plant #3 and #4 are just starting to find their legs... They're around day 6 now

I plan on running 1&2 in veg for roughly 60 days with pretty heavy training before flip.

Still undecided on what I want to do with 3&4. I might leave them natural and flip them with the bigger ladies. I'll wait & see how they develop. If they aren't where I want them when I'm ready to flip the big sisters, I'll shift them into my small room to veg a bit longer.

Mine are 25 days from sprout, and growing fast :slide: almost ready to be transplanted into their final homes..

Mini update (in advance of my weekly Saturday 16:20 update)...


All three subjects are planted, Jiffy Pots and all. S:00, Blinky is in a 1 gallon planter and will remain in it until she goes in the cage in June...Might do it final weekend of May and see how it goes. Shame it's the previous weekend 4/20 falls on...

S:01, Inky, with her sunflower guttersnipe companions are in a 5 gallon bucket with about 75% yard dirt and 25% Miracle Gro potting mix, whereas S:02, Pinky, is actually in 100% MG soil.

Thus far, it is looking like the rain predicted for today is either not happening, or will be much later. So I think I will go ahead and get the girls some porch time really soon. In fact, I think that is going to be my next chore coming up after this, before I get other journals updated. Looking perfect to sit out there with a cup of coffee (spiked or not), a bowl of Bitter Sweet Pie, Feyleaf, or Birthday Cake Lite, and continue with Ravenloft: I, Strahd for a short while.
On second thought, although it is 52 out there, that partly cloudy is now mostly overcast and that breeze is sucking all the niceness out of the air. So just the porch sit and then more journaling and other stuff. Hoping to have all active journals updated in some way or another by 4:20 Saturday afternoon.
And 2 hours later, I must affirm that my Bitter Sweet Pie:2022 is fantabulous. Hope the upcoming BSP Lite:2023 is just as good (the seeds from the BSP mother plant pollinated by a Birthday Cake Lite Boy).
@Trala got the joint journal up & running today!

Swing by and check it out! It's gonna be one helluva grow show. 🤙

Link is in my signature

I planted three seeds and got two and a half seedlings. I’ll do my best to save my little special needs girl.

If she survives, she will be grown in a conjoined manner with her sister.


As P9 said, I’m doing a joint journal with him. This girl had an interesting awakening. Was dead, then like Jesus, on the third day she rose again lolling.

Here’s the link in case you’re interested in following her life

Click here 💜💜💜

Rocking along over here... :theband:


Today is day 35.

PGC #3 and #4 are 9 days old. Starting to find their legs now...

Plant 1 and 2 are around 32 days old now.

Plant #3 and #4 are just starting to find their legs... They're around day 6 now

I plan on running 1&2 in veg for roughly 60 days with pretty heavy training before flip.

Still undecided on what I want to do with 3&4. I might leave them natural and flip them with the bigger ladies. I'll wait & see how they develop. If they aren't where I want them when I'm ready to flip the big sisters, I'll shift them into my small room to veg a bit longer.

love experimenting.
Up-potted the 3 sisters into 1gal (or nearly) pots and put into the 16/8H tent to get closer to the light period when I'll be putting them out in the garden (weekend of 5/4) along with anything else that needs to get out there like these globe thistle that I hope will outgrow the PGC so block them from the neighbors.

They're a little woozy from the watering and extra feed so getting adjusted still...

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