Hmm... Works for me. Are you hitting the little picture icon in the message entry box? Looks like a little square with a couple of triangles in it? and then pasting http : // www . 420magazine . com /gallery/data/500/purple_purple_nug.jpg (without all the spaces) into the box that pops up? You have to paste it OVER the https:// that is already in the box, but since it is highlighted, that should be automatic.
Moderators: Please move this picture into the above post because it is theno420's nug, NOT mine. I just tried inserting it into this post as a test. Or if she manages to edit it into her post I'll remove it from mine lol.
By the way, theno420, that's a freaky bud!
Moderators: Please move this picture into the above post because it is theno420's nug, NOT mine. I just tried inserting it into this post as a test. Or if she manages to edit it into her post I'll remove it from mine lol.
By the way, theno420, that's a freaky bud!