Rifleman, Congratulations for a well deserved win!
Truly, You are the best choice! You were chosen by fellow members and past MOTM winners for a reason.
You are a TRUE WINNER, not just the Winner! Reps to you, my brother.
Let me explain to the others.
I learned this after checking the results of this very close contest just a few min ago. I got a PM from Rifleman, which he sent just minutes after learning he was March2016 MOTM.
He is passing forward on most of the generous offerings from the awesome 420Mag
Sponsors that contribute to the monthly
contests, to US, his fellow MOTM contestants!!
Thats a winner, in my book! Thank you, Rifleman!!
. I will PM you my choice soon.
I also want to thank all of the members that did vote and an extra BIG
THANK YOU to those that trust, believe and have confidence in me enough to have cast their vote for me. I love you all!
Once again, Thank you, Rifleman.