420 Magazine's Member Of The Month: June 2016

Member Of The Month - June 2016

  • Emilya

    Votes: 8 7.2%
  • Canna Montana

    Votes: 15 13.5%
  • Tead

    Votes: 6 5.4%
  • Dirt Mcgert

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Dennise

    Votes: 29 26.1%
  • Snidrajsed

    Votes: 12 10.8%
  • Fuzzy Duck

    Votes: 8 7.2%
  • Major PITA

    Votes: 29 26.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Everyone is practicing for the talent portion of the pagent. Set for a good showing this month.

I am so glad they replaced the questions and answer segment with the talent portion. Nothing more boring then one nominee after another saying they wished for world peace.

Anyone hear any rumors as to what everyone will be doing for their Talent portion? I know I finally convinced Major Pita to abandon the chainsaw juggling while singing "Your my Yanky Doodle Dandy" but now he is tight lipped about what he is planning!

I did hear that Dennise was contemplating jumping the Grand Canyon on a motor bike but after she laid her bike down the other day, thats out. I hate it when I am in the dark, guess I will just have to wait and watch the show like everyone else.
:woohoo: Soon be time for me to ride the goat in the barrel for my initiation hey OG?

**humm... I meant ride in the barrel with the goat.. Really I did, I swear!! :rofl:
There's been talk of an accordion solo.

Yes I heard talk that someone was thinking of doing a rendition of Led Zeppelins "Stairway to Heaven" on an accordion while walking up an escalator the wrong way. During rehearsal someone messed with the speed controller on the escalator, it was hilarious. At one point they were just short of sprinting to keep up with the escalator. I will not say who was messing with the speed controller but I will say it would surely take a skilled electrician to make that escalator speed up and slow down that quickly :laughtwo::laughtwo:
Oh thats right, your scheduled for this months initiation, just a quick reminder, no matter what happens, your only answer should be, "Thank you sir/ma'am may I have another!"

Thank you sir, may I have another??
Awww, c'mon, not from the barrel the monkey was swimming in!

Calling one calling all keep on the lookout. I am going to post a great July 4th forum wide smokathon thread. Start planning your nugs, edibles, and general craziness. 4/20 smokathon was fun, let's have another!

That would be a great idea Shig! I missed out on the 420 celebration on here where I was still pretty new to the forum at that time. I may be from Canada but I would still love to come one over and celebrate July 4th with the neighbors. Where would this be posted?
If someone is bringing accordions to the competition this time around, then I know right now what I will bring when it is my turn to be in the line up! A big ol' set of flaming bagpipes!! Maybe I will even wear a lovely kilt for you all as well but I will be sure to wear something underneath like maybe, a banana hammock? Ohhh yes, but I will be sure to read the instructions and wear it the correct way unlike Mr. Fuzzy Duck decided to do that one time and very much so surprised everyone :)
Thank you sir, may I have another??
Awww, c'mon, not from the barrel the monkey was swimming in!

That would be a great idea Shig! I missed out on the 420 celebration on here where I was still pretty new to the forum at that time. I may be from Canada but I would still love to come one over and celebrate July 4th with the neighbors. Where would this be posted?

It will be in the general forum area and when I put it up I will go around to some of the major threads and make sure we can get everyone notified. It's gonna be lots of fun. I think the 4/20 celebration brought all of us a little close to one another so I want to keep that feeling going! If you are subscribed to my journal you will be sure not to miss it "wink wink" :rofl:
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