420 Magazine's Member of the Month: December 2018

420 Magazine's Member of the Month: December 2018

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Last call for your MOTM nominations before voting starts on the 15th.

By PM only please - drop me a line with your reasons why.

Note: Richard Richardson has gone MIA (not unusual, nothing to worry about). So if you have already sent your nomination to him, could you please forward it to me.

Can we nominate YOU for honorary Member of the Month?
December’s Member of the Month Nominees

Congratulations to the following members for making the shortlist. Thank you, each and every one, for your contributions. :circle-of-love:

The poll is now open.

All comments are from members' nominations.

“I would like to take the time to say thank you to bobrown for all his help on a personal level but it doesn’t stop there. No! No! I have seen him on multiple threads dropping tons of valuable information and bring other growers together to talk about methods they use and ultimately spreading a ton of brilliant information for us noobs.”

“I can’t believe that Emilya hasn’t got a Member of the Month title under her name! She is incredible! I looked up her work and she has posted some superb tutorials, including how to water and making your own CalMag from eggshells. Her journal carries out brilliant and useful experiments and her soil knowledge is vast. She’s been advising, helping and spreading her knowledge not just in the last month, but for years. On top of all this, she is a kindhearted spirit. My shoe-in winner!”

Mr Krip
“I would like to nominate Mr.Krip,once again for MOTM. He has been there for me and other members, since the start, always helping out when needed, with accurate answers to any question.” “He's a cool dude, who obviously knows a lot but is modest and supportive. I really hope he makes your shortlist.”

“I wanted to make a nomination for December MOTM. I'd like to nominate Dutchman1990. He's a very helpful and productive member of 420 Magazine.” “Dutchman is friendly, helpful and his journal is really clearly set out. He’s a great member.”

“I don’t know if NaturalSpirit has been nominated before, but he sure deserves to be. He’s really generous, really good-hearted and really fun to have around. His positive spirit is typical of the reasons I’m on 420 Magazine."

“In all my years I've never met a more dedicated and loving membership, but recently I've watched the magic of loving flow from HashGirl in her effort to spearhead support for another member in a difficult domestic situation. What she pulled off is a blatant demonstration of what this community is all about: she pulled the membership together in a loving show of support, moved mountains and made it happen in the real world. She turned positive energy into positive action. She deserves the recognition for this bold and loving act of friendship and for the way she let us all be a part of it. If that doesn't smack of MOTM material I don't know what does.”
A huge thank you to whomever nominated me yet again for this prestigious award!
Many years ago I began in this hobby as a young woman determined to produce product for myself and my immediate family, and medicine for my Aunt who was suffering from a terrible case of MS. My first attempts to grow this weed were terrible and I knew I needed help, so I got brave and joined several online forums.
Although many newbies with dumb questions got ignored by the experienced guys, I managed to get the attention of some very talented growers, and I actually got them to talk to me, this dumb newbie with the dumb questions and the hard headed ideas as to how I thought this was supposed to all work. Female growers were even rarer back then and I was out to prove that I could do this thing, in a mostly male dominated hobby. Thanks to those guys [and a few gals] who took me under their wings early on, this stubborn girl learned how to properly water a weed, how to make natural fertilizers and supplements, and how to grow this weed using various soil and hydro methods. I also learned that I had a voice, and a knack for explaining things.
Only because some very talented old school growers took the time and had the patience to have long conversations with me about every aspect of this growing thing, I managed to start getting some decent harvests. Through the knowledge I gained I was able to get my Aunt on an RSO program that eventually got her off of the terrible drugs they had her on day and night, and we managed over time to put her MS totally into remission. My family and I are eternally grateful for the life that has been given back to Aunt Suzie, and due to that experience I made it my mission to give back to this community.
You will find me looking for newbies and will most often see me join threads that are brand new and are clearly cries for help with a damaged garden. Every week I answer scores of these messages, oftentimes spending hours with a new member to find out exactly what they are doing wrong and the misconceptions they have as to growing this weed. More often than not, I will write a dissertation on this new member's post, giving detailed explanations so that they can understand through my words and logic, why a certain thing needs to be done. After answering the same questions about watering over and over and over again, mainly out of frustration, I wrote what is now my signature piece, How to Properly Water a Potted Plant, and I am overjoyed to see that this one work has saved countless gardens from disaster all over the world in the years it has now been in existence.
I am on a mission to give back what was given to my family and myself by the cannabis community. I spend hours online everyday in this quest, sometimes patiently explaining and sometimes scolding, but always attempting to pay it forward.
Thank you again for the nomination and please know that it is appreciated more than you could possibly know. In the past, being in a formerly illegal state, I discouraged people from voting for me in this contest because I didn't want the fame or even the notice for what I was doing. Today, these fears no longer exist for me and I have been thinking how nice that butter machine would look in my kitchen.
Thank you for considering me as member of the month this month. I have just recently returned to activity here, having taken a year or so off to take the heat off of my grow operations and allow me to take a much more public role in helping get the vote out here in Missouri to pass our MMJ amendment. That work was a huge success and Missouri is now legal for MMJ, and I am finally free to make all the noise that I want to online without fear. As many of you have seen, I hit the ground running when I came back, and I already can see several gardens that I have helped since returning. I am making a difference, and I am proud to be able to say that I am helping others, especially those with medical needs. Those who have put my watering method in their signatures, thank you... you are also helping save gardens. Those who have made my DIY calmagphos or my dandelion nutrients, you get it, and thank you for your support and thank you so much for all that you have done for me. I consider you all much more than a cannabis community, you are family.
Be well everyone, and good luck to all the contestants in this month's competition.
Thanks for the nomination and again it's an honor to be among this month's list of great people/friends! :thanks:

Goodluck to all! :goodluck:
Congrats on the nom Krip! Well deserved!
“In all my years I've never met a more dedicated and loving membership, but recently I've watched the magic of loving flow from HashGirl in her effort to spearhead support for another member in a difficult domestic situation. What she pulled off is a blatant demonstration of what this community is all about: she pulled the membership together in a loving show of support, moved mountains and made it happen in the real world. She turned positive energy into positive action. She deserves the recognition for this bold and loving act of friendship and for the way she let us all be a part of it. If that doesn't smack of MOTM material I don't know what does.”

I remember that.

Thanks to whoever nominated me!
It is a true honour and pleasure to be a part of this wonderful community! From The vast amount of information to the loving and caring group of friends here what an amazing place! Starting my growing journey back in July this year... never did I think I would be able to grow plants to the degree I am now ! With the care guidance and support from so many wonderful people here it has truly impacted me in the most positive of ways!

Thanks to everyone for everything you do and a big CONGRATULATIONS to this months nominees !

Keep up the great efforts everyone:passitleft:
Thanks for the nomination. It was a very nice surprise this morning. And, the info posted under my name was beautiful. Thank you so much.

Congrats to all the nominees this month all well deserving individuals! I am very thankful for you and all you do to contribute to our community especially, Sense Emilya!!
Best wishes to the dedicated field of helpful members. You are a big part of why this forum shines. :hugs:
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