These are the nominees for Member of the Month - December 2015
@ShiggityFlip As the nominators put it, "I see Shiggityflip every day, greeting new members", "Shiggityflip helps everyone from new members to older members who are having issues with their grows" and "Shiggityflip is a great asset to the community." They are absolutely right, which is why Shiggity is on this exclusive list.
@OlderGrower Here's a verbatum nomination: "I would like to put Oldergrower in the mix please. He is always one of the first to greet a new member. He actively assists others in the FAQ forum and other places. I know he reports violations as we have joked back and forth about the amount of UK kitchen sales BS we see. And he creates lots of positive content. I believe he is worthy of recognition. I hope you do too." We certainly do.
@Radogast A few words from his nominators: "I personally find him to be a great source of both information and encouragement", "His journals, both on topic and off, are filled with experimentation, humor, and experience", "A spiritual gardener", "I see him in multiple threads sharing and encouraging", "Always in the news threads which is great because he always has an interesting point of view". Welcome to the list, Radogast.
@Emilya Green is rightly here again. Some new reasons sent in: "Just so helpful", "Always there for those with FAQs - and I haven't disagreed with any of her advice", "Emilya is a great example of what this place is all about", "So generous and her detailed replies are very clearly written". Another worthy contender.
@DankWolf907 A wonderfully active member: "He's got a really positive attitude", "He shares what he knows, and he knows a lot, with a great sense of humour", "DankWolf907 is always contributing and I learn a lot from him". What you may not know is that he is also of great assistance to us Mods, being the fastest spambot spotter and reporter around.