I smoked for almost 17 years… so, half my life time, and I thought I was doomed for the rest of my life. I’m very grateful to where I’ve gotten to and I hope I can stay positive and beat it. I wanna be able to kick it for good!!I had the same cravings myself! I was always thinking about having a smoke while I was still eating to where I never got to enjoy my meals. Like you said it just ran my entire life for nearly twenty long years. It's even harder then trying to quit alcohol or hard drugs.
All I know is that I feel more clear headed then I ever did before and the food I eat tastes a heck of a lot better.
Have a good day mate a stay strong like I said, the nicotine jitters as I call it will pass in time to where you'll never think about smoking again, well cigarettes that is.
The one thing that’s saving me, is as soon as I had kids, I stopped drinking (not fully) but sometimes I’ll go two or three weeks without even having a beer. Drinking and smoking go hand an hand…. So for me to be able to stop one, I must quit the other… so far so good!!
Have a great day CM!!!