I told you all prop 19 did not enjoy wide enough support in the MJ comunity and would not pass! We just need an even playing field for small family growers and comercal growers,include thoughs 18 year olds,and cut back on and put limits on taxes,controls,and regulations in the next bill! I sugjest a stepped fee for different size grows with out fees for less than 100 lbs. for sale. Taxes would be sales taxes only,allow public use where ever alcohal can also be used in public,and only put a small fine on` habitually` smoking in front of minors(under 18) like it is with alcohal! I also favor the drinking age to lower to 18 in Cali,old enough to serve our country,old enough to deside if you want to drink or smoke MJ! We also need to address MJ and work place conserns and driving DUI conserns in the bill and have it written better and easy to understand! Just my take on the next time around!