although the leaf is something im very fond of, i have to be honest with myself it does make me think "stoner" and though it is a good thing to me, i love stoners i am one, to much of the population it makes them "red flag" things that have it, making them put up their worn out anti 420 armor and start the out dated "reefer madness" psyco babble, i find that when i tell someone about a natural product that can help their (insert ailment)
and describe to them how it can be a food ,cream,lotion,etc. i get very different reactions depending on when i tell them its cannabis depending on the person and if they are "anti" or not 1 example is i have an old friend who thinks "weed is for dopes" he was having nausea and headachs from a new medication, i told him about how theres something that can help for hours with a single edible dose, he was very interested and at the end i told him what it was , he said "no sh!t REALLY?" so he tried it and it helped of course, he admitted if i had told him first he would have thought i was full of it, now he is seeking out a mmj card!!, so as fond of the leaf as i am i realize there are some old lame connotations people can be victim to, and like any product or service a "face lift" "revamp" "update" can be a good thing, i am reminded of amway they had to do something to shake the old bad feeling ppl got when they heard the name, after they modernized and fixed many of the issues from the past, and thus quixtar was born, same company but re-invented for the better, not the best or most accurate analogy but you get the idea, to me cannabis IS MEDICINE! so i like the idea of "remastering the old record" its a fresh century, and im in favor of a fresh image for my beloved medicine! just my humble opinion .