40 day old Northern Lights Auto: does this look right?

I'm in the same boat, mine is coming up to 4 weeks (including seedling stage) it's like 5/6 inches tall and showing the sex at the nodes and is just too small, I recently topped the 5th node and done a small LST on her, shall I keep going or should I killer her off the grow?
Hiya bud sure I've bumped into you here somewhere before. Have you figured out why she stunted yet? If not then I'd wait untill you suss that before starting any more.
If you've got a journal for her give me a tag and I'll get some more eyes on if needed :)
If not then pm me (cos I'm really bad for thread jacking) and we'll figure it out.


@Haak that bitch is a BEEEAAAAASSSST!!!!

Just flicked back to your first post.
12 days ago... SHE WAS BARE NAKED!!!
Wow! That light mate. I'm gobsmacked.
How many watts is it pulling? I looked again there but couldn't see it.
Even pros rarely pull that off without some sort of hydro system. Tremendous effort young Jedi. A master in the making you are....

If it's good, grow it again.
Do exactly as you done this time!!!!
but I'd look into some plant training techniques.

My personal recommendations for next time would be Iether....
Top it at the fourth full node and lst from there. Or just tie the main cola down once it's big enough.

Both can achieve the same result but takes a lot more work without the topping because you're always trying to even out with the main cola. Which grows a lot harder and faster.

I prefer topping autos, gives a more even and predictable plant to deal with. 4th node gives you 6 main colas that turn into 12 about a week later. Then the maths gets stupid and if you're lucky you get to tie them down a few times.
Doesn't take long to hit 100 colas if you can grow them like that thing.

Or... You can take the shitebag way, tie the main cola down as soon as she's tall enough and lst from there.

iether way, you'll end up with a nice even canopy so every bud will get the full benefit of that light and
You'll get an army of full colas!
All about half way between the big one and the small ones!
Just imagine what that would look like!! :)
Hey mann, yeah we had the odd chat on this thread :) I'm not sure why she's stunted as it's my first ever grow so I'm presuming she's either over feed to being placed in an 11L pot which has slow root growth especially with an auto.
I've got 6 growing which are 2x auto NL and 4x dark devil autos and that plant is the only one effected whilst the others look okay, I'm going to use her as a project, learn from her and hopefully gain more knowledge as time goes by
@Barney86 haha good to hear from ya bud, my light advertises 1000w and is supposed to be pulling 650 from the wall. Im aiming to hit at least .5g/actual watt on this grow and improve my baseline from there. Flipping back thru my pics in my phone i have trouble believing she wasn't switched at birth like an ugly baby hahaha! Can't wrap my head around this thing lol. I definitely plan on repeating this strain though. I started a Cheese Auto to keep the cycle continuous while i set up a second grow tent. I want to run northern lights in its own tent if it produces these monsters repeatedly, then the second tent will be +speed autos from Dinafem/Sweet Seeds. They advertise 7-8 weeks from pop to chop so i can't resist giving them a go
I'm in the same boat, mine is coming up to 4 weeks (including seedling stage) it's like 5/6 inches tall and showing the sex at the nodes and is just too small, I recently topped the 5th node and done a small LST on her, shall I keep going or should I killer her off the grow?
Be careful with light placement as well. Had my 300w about 14 inches away and it didn't burn her but stunted her. Mine was slightly bigger than yours but I also caught it a few weeks ago. Bounced back well but still hurt her progress. @Haak did you defoliate? My NL auto has a different shape, but maybe it's just genetics
@Haak were growing the same plant auto Northern lights, and when I asked earlier about the brown tip with leaves curling and looks like an upward hook with a dark green fluffy taco look I got told its nutrient burn yet I'm starting to think it's heat stress as my plants are in between 25D/77F and 27D/80F, would you say that's extremely high for the earliest stage of development? Also my dark devil has a brown tip starting to form and this was after I added calmag for the first time after using water
@Haak were growing the same plant auto Northern lights, and when I asked earlier about the brown tip with leaves curling and looks like an upward hook with a dark green fluffy taco look I got told its nutrient burn yet I'm starting to think it's heat stress as my plants are in between 25D/77F and 27D/80F, would you say that's extremely high for the earliest stage of development? Also my dark devil has a brown tip starting to form and this was after I added calmag for the first time after using water
Do you have a grow journal for it? I can head over and check it out
I haven't got a grow journal on this, I'll type it.

I'm using the biobizz range which includes grow, bloom, top max and light mix.

The temps are 25D/77F and 27D/80F, the humidity ranges from 55/70%
They are around 18/24 days old including seedlings, I don't over water them as I gave them 30ML as seedlings and gradually increased it to 200ML (watering every other day) by the time its showed its 5th node, I haven't gave any nutrients other then calmag without PH as its organic biobizz, the natural nutrients will effect the PH levels and can sustain plant life for upto 3 maybe 4 weeks. I really don't know what the problem is


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That to me looks like too high concentration of nutrients or the start of light/wind burn. The leaves and leaf tips curling upward is usually associated with lower than optimal humidity combined with too much direct and/or indirect air movement. Brown spots are usually an indication of ph lockout, magnesium lockout, or a combination of the two
Yes I have been slowly defoliating leaves that were either directly blocking medium to large bud sites, or they were over 50% dead. I had a few problems here and there with dryness that led to salt buildup and ph issues, then overwatering that caused some of my own rust issues and curling.

@V3nomzz oh yeah it could also be overwatering
That to me looks like too high concentration of nutrients or the start of light/wind burn. The leaves and leaf tips curling upward is usually associated with lower than optimal humidity combined with too much direct and/or indirect air movement. Brown spots are usually an indication of ph lockout, magnesium lockout, or a combination of the two
My 600W Led is around 25inches from the canalopy and my fan is constantly on yet on the lowest setting and isn't an oscillating which could possible be the reason, as for nutrients I haven't used any other than calmag to relief the stress, have you got any tips on how I could correct it? I'm buying an obcilating fan soon

Day 54. I think she's showing deficiencies as i have some spotting and dying fan leaves towards the top, among all the colas. Im going to up the nutrients and see if that stops the problem. Ive been running 900ish ppms the last 2 weeks so i think she's transitioning out of it.
Hiya bud sure I've bumped into you here somewhere before. Have you figured out why she stunted yet? If not then I'd wait untill you suss that before starting any more.
If you've got a journal for her give me a tag and I'll get some more eyes on if needed :)
If not then pm me (cos I'm really bad for thread jacking) and we'll figure it out.


@Haak that bitch is a BEEEAAAAASSSST!!!!

Just flicked back to your first post.
12 days ago... SHE WAS BARE NAKED!!!
Wow! That light mate. I'm gobsmacked.
How many watts is it pulling? I looked again there but couldn't see it.
Even pros rarely pull that off without some sort of hydro system. Tremendous effort young Jedi. A master in the making you are....

If it's good, grow it again.
Do exactly as you done this time!!!!
but I'd look into some plant training techniques.

My personal recommendations for next time would be Iether....
Top it at the fourth full node and lst from there. Or just tie the main cola down once it's big enough.

Both can achieve the same result but takes a lot more work without the topping because you're always trying to even out with the main cola. Which grows a lot harder and faster.

I prefer topping autos, gives a more even and predictable plant to deal with. 4th node gives you 6 main colas that turn into 12 about a week later. Then the maths gets stupid and if you're lucky you get to tie them down a few times.
Doesn't take long to hit 100 colas if you can grow them like that thing.

Or... You can take the shitebag way, tie the main cola down as soon as she's tall enough and lst from there.

iether way, you'll end up with a nice even canopy so every bud will get the full benefit of that light and
You'll get an army of full colas!
All about half way between the big one and the small ones!
Just imagine what that would look like!! :)
I've finally figured out the problem for the first plant wohoo! She was slightly over fed at a reading of 540 when she should of been at around 200ppms and I flushed her with around 8liters of water and so far she's not showing any bad signs, so hoping for tomorrow if she stays the same, also in getting new leaves forming around the node section, as they are growing is it safe to remove the big fan leaves or will that completely effect growth?
She's looking beautiful then ever! I don't know what mine is now playing at. First she was stunted and over feed now she's growing another seedling in the edge of the soil
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