4 Strains Under TopLED LG-G04B96

Hi, Pantagruel. nice finished products! :thumb: :cheertwo::cheertwo:
This is the final product of my little Durban Lights plant, 6 grams dried but not yet cured. I can't wait to sample. :)

Durban Lights
And another one bires the dust. Harvested Lucy after 36 hours darkness. She yielded as much as the Durban, about 3/4 oz when dry, which surprises me because a much smaller plant. Pictured are 2 of her nicer branches. Below that my crop of new girls that I just moved in from the greenhouse as they were getting too obvious.


Durban, Red Dragon, Durban Lights
It was around 65 days and only about 5% amber so it likely could have gone a week longer but I like the effects of an early harvest.

The RD really crytals up nice, I can't wait to see what the god-light does to that girl of yours!!

I have a new trimming method, I only keep the densest tip of the big buds intact, I trim all the small buds off for a quick dry/cure so I will have a smoke report very soon. In fact, we already sampled the Lucy I harvested a few days ago. Problem is I started testing out my Durban Lights at 7 am yesterday then throughout the day, so by the time I tested Lucy in the evening all I really knew was I was couch-locked. I did notice it was a real creeper though :laughtwo:

Red Dragon and Durban are two at the top of my togrow list! I'm excited for this one :goodjob:

I am drooling to try the RD but I'm trying to do a reasonably slow dry so I get some of the taste. Some of the little buds are almost ready, almost.....
Red Dragon and Lucy are ready for jars. The Kali Mist is at 11 weeks flowering now. Been decreasing the light cycle for the last two weeks and I'll drop it back tomorrow again to 10 hours so hopefully she will be ready at 12 weeks.

Wow. Ok, so I don't have a smoke report but I can comment on the combined effects of the Lucy and Red Dragon. Since the strength of leaf varies initial dosage is always a bit of a question mark. As it turns out, I probably consumed a triple dose. I think wow about sums it.

Very smooth, no anxiety. Surprisingly no couch-lock. Just a very happy, creative, colourful experience that lasted a lonnng time. Psychedelic would be accurate, but so smooth, no agitation or confusion of any kind.

I guess most people won't ever be in a position to try this combination, but I have 4 more seeds of each so this recipe is definitely going in the book. Absolutely hands down the most wonderful experience I have ever had using edibles. 50% Lucy. 50% Red Dragon.
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