3x Gelato OG, 1500x800 Tent, 315W LEC/CMH In Veg, 630W In Flower

That time it got dry stressed it and those new pistols were probably the reaction to that event. The extra trics on the leaves are an added bonus, can you stress it more? You say a week longer so what could it hurt that much?

That's a fair point, the timing is probably about right. I guess I could stress it more, but this is only my third grow so I'd like to just let this one finish in its own time. Another week isn't an issue, I'm not in a rush. They seem to have added a ton of extra weight over the past few days which is pretty sweet :)

your scrog net, you can stiffen the pipes with all thread inside of it

The "pipes" are solid wooden dowels, no hole up the middle of them :( I can get square aluminium tube and plastic 90 degree joiners, so that's an option... I also have a ton of square steel tube but that's a bit too heavy for this. The screen has actually worked really well so I'm not sure if I'll bother building a new one, might just keep using this one for a while.

I do want to let them veg for a bit longer next time, maybe another week or two... I didn't really know what to expect this time (since it's my first SCROG) so I just flipped at the same time as my last grows. There's definitely a lot of room left in the screen, and the buds could have been allowed to grow up through the screen a little more. I'm pretty happy with this though, considering it's my third grow and my first SCROG :)
The updated watering schedule used a bit more than usual, so I've had to mix today (one day early). I'm moving to "Week 11 - Ripen" from the GH Feed Chart, in 50l of water.

Micro: 32ml
Gro: 0ml
Bloom: 105ml
Calmag: 0ml
Dripclean: 3.5ml
Girls are kicking along nicely...

I had a very very good look at them close up, and I don't think they're anywhere near ready yet.

Looking at the leaf tip in the bottom right 1/4 of the pic, there appear to be ambers but there's also a big fat red hair right above, with the light behind it. Looking at the trichomes along the edge of the leaf they're all still clear, so I think that's a better read.

Min-max @ canopy 20.2-31.2, 25-70% RH
Min-max @ pots 28.8-21.0, 35-75% RH
Girls are kicking along nicely...

I had a very very good look at them close up, and I don't think they're anywhere near ready yet.

Looking at the leaf tip in the bottom right 1/4 of the pic, there appear to be ambers but there's also a big fat red hair right above, with the light behind it. Looking at the trichomes along the edge of the leaf they're all still clear, so I think that's a better read.

Min-max @ canopy 20.2-31.2, 25-70% RH
Min-max @ pots 28.8-21.0, 35-75% RH
They look nice and those red hairs can twist your view. Dont forget there's trics on the bottom of the leaf too and sometimes the few amber trics on top doesn't reveal the almost entire bottom is clears that will halve the potency you think you have. This is the funnest game right? lol
They look nice and those red hairs can twist your view. Dont forget there's trics on the bottom of the leaf too and sometimes the few amber trics on top doesn't reveal the almost entire bottom is clears that will halve the potency you think you have. This is the funnest game right? lol

Good tip, thanks! Thinking back to my last two grows I believe I've harvested both early, and I think it's because I've mistaken reflections/refractions for amber trichs. I've also been photographing my trichs from the same angle for all three grows, I'll try a few shots from below next time and see if there's a difference...
Nothing to report, just took some trich shots.

Shot from below of the same spot..

Still mostly clear, so just playing the waiting game. Buds appear a bit fatter than last time :)

Min-max @ canopy 19.3-32.2, 25-70% RH
Min-max @ pots 21.0-29.9, 35-75% RH
Nothing to report, just took some trich shots.

Shot from below of the same spot..

Still mostly clear, so just playing the waiting game. Buds appear a bit fatter than last time :)

Min-max @ canopy 19.3-32.2, 25-70% RH
Min-max @ pots 21.0-29.9, 35-75% RH
Good eyes, just hints of amber here and there.


Still lots of clear in the spots that matter, and still plenty of white pistils.. I see the "ambers" in some spots, but am sticking with my decision that those are reflected/refracted light from brown pistils, rather than actually amber.

Will continue the "Week 11 - Ripen" mix for another week, and aim to take trich shots every two days from now on.
Getting pretty close...

Is this foxtailing? All buds seem to be sprouting fairly massive calyces like this..

Leaves are going a bit yellow....

... at first I thought it was just leaves dying as they flower but, if the above is foxtailing, could those two things suggest the lights are a bit close? They're at 600mm from canopy top now now (2x 315w CMH).

I have a window to harvest on Thursday evening or Friday morning (four days away), then I go away for four days and probably can't harvest for another four days after I get back.

Min-max @ canopy 21.3-33.2, 35-73% RH
Min-max @ pots 22.2-31.2, 47-78% RH
They seem to be doing that all over, fairly evenly... a little googling suggests that it could be a symptom of light or heat stress, but it could also just be how this strain grows..

I'm going to harvest one bud this evening and photograph the trichs on a black background, that should give a better idea of whether they're ready :)
It's time :D



Will switch the lights off tonight, then harvest tomorrow night :D

I cut this little guy off yesterday, weighed in at 18.5g wet:


Will re-weigh once dry, I'm curious to know how much weight they lose.
The lights were switched off on the 21st, but it's been a hectic few days so the girls had a big sleep until I got a chance to harvest today. Washed the buds with the 3-bucket method (water w/ lemon juice and baking soda -> hot water -> cold water) and hung to dry:

I skipped the hydrogen peroxide bucket this time... absolutely zero sign of any mould or rot, and HP is super expensive here!

It's pissing down rain and looks like it will be for the next week... not ideal drying conditions!! I'm running a dehumidifier at full tilt in the room, with the tent's exhaust fan running at about 50%. I have a dual-head min/max meter sitting outside the tent with the probe inside, so I can watch the temps and humidity in the room and the tent separately.

The bud I cut last week was getting close to dry so I pulled a few nugs off it to try in my vape... so far so good, tastes amazing and packs a decent punch!
Humidity in the tent was 67% yesterday morning, 74% this morning. The room was 57% yesterday and 67% this morning. Humidity in my flat (outside the room with the dehumidifier) is 84% at the moment..

Rain is forecast for the entire week, so this is going to be a bit of a challenge!
27/10 - AM
Tent at 67%, room at 57%.

I tried a little experiment.. I slowed the exhaust fan down to 25% (from 50%), as I thought that if the fan was running too fast it would pull wet air through the room more quickly than the dehumidifier could do anything. Seems to be working, the room dropped 2% in two hours after I did it, and both the tent and the room dropped quite a bit since yesterday.
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