3rd Grow Going Wrong

Feeding plants above.
I have seen products from that company before but am not familiar with what is what with them. Also received a few samples from a factory rep last year but have not had the chance to look over any info on the packages or on-line. Maybe someone else has been using that line of fertilizers and amendments.

I feed plants when pots feel light.
Good start. Sometimes new growers tend to water a certain amount every so many days whether the soil is dry or wet. Then they end up with new problems because the soil is continually saturated.

Growing in soil, only using Fox Farm.
Another soil that is popular with many here. You will want to consider getting some more since it will be time to transplant sooner than later. Get the Fox Farms Ocean Forest for the transplanting.

Need guidance on checking runoff as I’ve never checked it.
You are in a natural soil and not a hydroponic soil. Not much that checking the runoff will tell you unless you have specific questions. I don't think that it is something to worry about at this point considering that you are using a known soil.

The link below will lead you to a message posted by @Emilya Green about 2 and 1/2 years ago and for the most part it is about checking the pH in a pot of soil. It is worth the minute or two it will take to read it and afterwards you might not want to go down the "checking runoff" rabbit hole at this time.

Ph soil / water pen

And it is helpful to check run off if in living soil if possible because without a soil test it's just a guessing game but sometimes we get lucky but if the EC is through the roof you know you need a flush after you check the pH and if it's low well feed but if that's not the issue on to the next thing it's the game of ruling out the easy before you go after the hard✌️. My opinion only
And it is helpful to check run off if in living soil if possible because without a soil test it's just a guessing game but sometimes we get lucky but if the EC is through the roof you know you need a flush after you check the pH and if it's low well feed but if that's not the issue on to the next thing it's the game of ruling out the easy before you go after the hard✌️. My opinion only
I run coco never check runoff.
But I don't get issues so I generally never bother.
Are you getting an issue or just being proactive? :Namaste:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I run coco never check runoff.
But I don't get issues so I generally never bother.
Are you getting an issue or just being proactive? :Namaste:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
No no issues I Get my soil tested the start of every run but if I do run into a issue I check pH first and then run off but my soil receipe and inputs are pretty SOLID so not to often do I run into a issue maybe if I'm learning a new strain but other than that I'm 😎✌️
No no issues I Get my soil tested the start of every run but if I do run into a issue I check pH first and then run off but my soil receipe and inputs are pretty SOLID so not to often do I run into a issue maybe if I'm learning a new strain but other than that I'm 😎✌️
I feed max ppm's at every stage, daily to runoff at 5.8.
I grow microbes and fungi in my coco.
Takes care of the roots.
As long as my roots are happy my girls are healthy.
I ran some soil last summer but fed it daily like coco, Bill284 Method.
Was really good, maby too good.
Had too much bud, hehe. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Ic talk of micro organisms on here remember in living soil you are feeding the soil not the plants the microbes feed the plants though the signals of the exudates the plants roots put out that's why pH is so important some micr organisms don't live out side of a certain pH range a must read for any living soil or organic soil growers IMO✌️


Have you read the rest of the series?

Teaming with nutrients, Teaming with Fungi, and Teaming with Bacteria? Teaming with bacteria will blow your mind backwards if you’re not familiar with it.
I have it's all good the fungi one is a little difficult to understand the terminology. You must have you know the series'

I got lucky with that one, I knew myco and fungi very well already before I read it so it sort of reinforced what I already knew which was very helpful.

Teaming with bacteria is why I no longer do fancy germination. I roll my seeds in myco then toss them straight in the soil every time and have a 99% germination rate.
I'm a serious follower of Dr Elaine Ingram good stuff 👍

She changed my life and outlook on everything. When I listened to her it was like she was unlocking knowledge I had deep inside of me instead of feeling like I was learning something new.

I do the same my clones to usally I get good return to sometimes I mess up but usually like you 99%

Yep and it’s usually a mistake I’ve made is why they don’t make it instead of them having any actual issue sprouting/rooting
She changed my life and outlook on everything. When I listened to her it was like she was unlocking knowledge I had deep inside of me instead of feeling like I was learning something new.

Yep and it’s usually a mistake I’ve made is why they don’t make it instead of them having any actual issue sprouting/rooting
Pretty DEEP man 😎😂😂👍
Organic is the only way to go I did the hydro and the aeroponics thing, worked out good but the taste in organic in MUCH BETTER and sustainable it's way cheaper this way with less work when you get all your critters working for you the microbes and beneficial insects 👍

It’s a learning curve if you’ve never gardened/farmed/grown but once you get it, it becomes so simple. It starts off a little pricey while you get everything together but so does a three part synthetic nutrient plan, however once you’re up and running the costs quickly become minimal.

Well I got a Bio char thread going check it out good info on that page maybe you can share some of your knowledge

I’ll check it out thanks for the heads up
It’s a learning curve if you’ve never gardened/farmed/grown but once you get it, it becomes so simple. It starts off a little pricey while you get everything together but so does a three part synthetic nutrient plan, however once you’re up and running the costs quickly become minimal.

I’ll check it out thanks for the heads up
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