3rd Grow: 1st Journal 2020: Indoor GR & Soil

How does the rest of the plant look?
No issues what so ever.
My GR temps get to 84* during the afternoon so I increased the RH .
I also adjusted the fans a bit for more circulation.
I got a cooler and filled w/ frozen ice containers and sort of doing a swamp cooler.
Dark period temps are low 70’s.
We have guests coming so I can’t use the portable AC unit till they leave next week.
It is used to keep upstairs cooler.
Any issues?
I added a cooler full of ice packs and changing out ice 3 times during 12 hrs of light.
I have a fan blowing across the open cooler and keeping the temps below 83*.
I also went thru 2 cycles of 3 days . One w/ water only. One w/ water first and then nutrients.
I have raised RH to 65% because of temps.
This morning the plants were definitely stressed ( after 3 dry days ) , most leaves were severely drooping ) so I am thinking 2 day cycles.
@Emilya would you agree ?
3 rd week of flower starts tomorrow and stretch is really bustin.
with the heat problems and even the constant droop after the watering, no, I do not agree that you dried them out all the way in 3 days. It looks to me like your lower roots didnt get any oxygen on that pass, or at least some of the leaves would be pointing upward. All of your leaves have a downward slant to them... one of the surest signs of watering too often.
with the heat problems and even the constant droop after the watering, no, I do not agree that you dried them out all the way in 3 days. It looks to me like your lower roots didnt get any oxygen on that pass, or at least some of the leaves would be pointing upward. All of your leaves have a downward slant to them... one of the surest signs of watering too often.
Em. Yesterday morning all leaves on all 6 plants were “rising to the light. “
That was 2 days after water.
As the day progressed the leaves on one after another plant started drooping.
This morning , most all were severely drooping .
I worked your watering and nutrient process this morning ( 1 1/2 hrs of smoking and watering ) and
now , a few hours later all leaves are back up.
Can drooping leaves also not represent thirst ?
It sure can on my tomato plants.
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