36Grow's Veggie Garden - Year 2

What lovely raised beds 36. My mother, Dale and I built a strawberry pyramid one year with scavenged wood that produced some of the best strawberries I ever had. Mother was good with soil. I should have paid closer attention. :laughtwo:

Cute little birds too.
All the larger beds and some of the smaller boxes have old logs and wood on the bottom. The landlord has no problems with me doing hugelkultur beds, but she said I have to make them into raised beds for looks. I'm allowed to have compost piles and worm bins and dogs and birds. It seems like a fair trade to me.
All the larger beds and some of the smaller boxes have old logs and wood on the bottom. The landlord has no problems with me doing hugelkultur beds, but she said I have to make them into raised beds for looks. I'm allowed to have compost piles and worm bins and dogs and birds. It seems like a fair trade to me.

Excellent. Stealth Hugelkultur :cheer:

Your woods and dogs look a lot like paradise to me.
It does look like a nice slice of paradise. Sweet that they're more than simply raised beds, even if you have to sacrifice the gentle rolling landscape of a hugekultur. That's going to make those beds incepredibly productive. I like the fire pit too. Few things are more relaxing to me than watching a fire after dark.
Thanks Rado and Sue. I live on a small island, the beach where I walk my dogs views the Cascade Mountains. It is also a great spot for ocean kayaking. Great salmon fishing and crabbing here too. In the next few days I'll get around to taking pics of the beach, my nettle patches, and the woods on the property. If I have time this weekend I'll be harvesting nettles to hang dry and ill try to remember to take some pics.

To me, it really is a piece of paradise.
I'd like to see the pictures of the patches you harvest from. I used to let stinging nettle grow wild in my yard and got fined for it once to the tune of hundreds of dollars. The borough didn't share my appreciation for alternative vegetation. I miss the sight of it growing. In an urban area it's not as common as I'd hope.
I started a free online Intro to Permaculture class through Oregon State University yesterday. All the videos are on the tube so I watch them on TV and participate in the discussions on my kindle. It has lots of great information and things to think about differently, and you set up a site plan for your property. It is fun, but I need more depth and info. They roped me in with another free course, I loved the Intro to Botany I took as well.
This is the 6 or 7 acres I have to work with. I'm not allowed any more animals currently, but we have 3 dogs, 13 chickens, and 5 ducks here. I will be mapping out the location for a small orchard next year based on permaculture principals and ethics.

Notice the trees, dwellings, and driveways.

I started a free online Intro to Permaculture class through Oregon State University yesterday. All the videos are on the tube so I watch them on TV and participate in the discussions on my kindle. It has lots of great information and things to think about differently, and you set up a site plan for your property. It is fun, but I need more depth and info. They roped me in with another free course, I loved the Intro to Botany I took as well.

Search on Regenerative leadership Open Permaculture - 72 hours of free video - several well known teachers giving the lectures (Larry Korn, Seth someone, etc.)

I found this series very good. They email spam you to buy a certification, but all the taped lectures are free.
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