I left one of my bottom vents halfway open today and the temp only dropped a few degrees to 79.. im happy with that though. Thankful i can get it under 80 during lights on. I am very 'anal' about light getting in the tent during lights off so i dont see myself forgetting. Usually the thing i do forget is to switch the fan speeds.. wish i could buy something to change them for me lol
Today was day 26 in flower.. time seems to be flying by now. I do notice them getting bigger and frostier every day.. and that smell... everytime i open the tent i have to smell my biggest plant, she is her own strain and is starting to have a strong tropical pineapple smell when before she smelled very lemony.. the other two are the same strain and have a strong terpene like smell and they kind of smell musty almost hard to describe. You guys may not care but the SMELL is absolutely amazing, ive never smelled such strong smelling buds before. Fresh buds kickass its like fresh stuff from my garden, havent thought about it that way before. Damn i could go on for days lol thanks a lot guys you all kickass too! .