3 Skunk #1 Autos Feminized & Sunset Sherbert Regular Female Plants

I'm a seed grower but have my first clone now.

Doesn't always growing from seeed get expensive? Me, when I bust one seed, I keep it alive for at least 3 generations, but longer if I get good feedback from the ppl. I'd never be able to afford to run a plant just once.
Doesn't always growing from seeed get expensive? Me, when I bust one seed, I keep it alive for at least 3 generations, but longer if I get good feedback from the ppl. I'd never be able to afford to run a plant just once.
You're right. I'd have to tweak my setup to keep clones. I'm thinking of making seeds soon. Natural first, then turning sex.
You get more buds off the plant growing from seed.

I've had plants that did better from clone than seed. Not every clone of course, but at least some. Though I do prefer having paired nodes to train than alternating and despite my best effort, I've not been able to keep paired nodes on successive clones. If I'm lucky, the first set of clones will have 1 paired set and it switches right to alternating.
You're right. I'd have to tweak my setup to keep clones. I'm thinking of making seeds soon. Natural first, then turning sex.

I've always been very intimidated by that thought. I think I'm pre-wired to despise pollen. I hope it works out for you. I see quite a few of our members doing that so it's likely easier than I believe it is.
I've had plants that did better from clone than seed. Not every clone of course, but at least some. Though I do prefer having paired nodes to train than alternating and despite my best effort, I've not been able to keep paired nodes on successive clones. If I'm lucky, the first set of clones will have 1 paired set and it switches right to alternating.
That's successful. I'll begin growing clones starting next year.
That's successful. I'll begin growing clones starting next year.

They're convenient for sure. Clone 2 and select the best one, and cull the other or give it away. I've been perpetual for just under 3 years now I think and harvest every 3 weeks and all that time, I think I may have popped 8 beans at the most.
They're convenient for sure. Clone 2 and select the best one, and cull the other or give it away. I've been perpetual for just under 3 years now I think and harvest every 3 weeks and all that time, I think I may have popped 8 beans at the most.
For sure. I will be looking Into rockwool cubes, a cloning kit, and rooting gel. Then I will transplant them Into soil. I will try for a good 2 ounces off each clone.
For sure. I will be looking Into rockwool cubes, a cloning kit, and rooting gel. Then I will transplant them Into soil. I will try for a good 2 ounces off each clone.

invest in a heat mat for propagating. I clone in RW too, and the heat mat really speeds up the rooting and they root in 10 days on average. For the solution, I just use any high P bloom booster and something with fulvic acid mixed to about 250ppm on the meter and a rooting gel like clonex for when doing the cutting. This method for me is 100% successful. Regardless of the solution though, the heat mat is needed, especially in the winter months, but I also use it in the summer. Just put a bath towel between the mat and your prop tray.
invest in a heat mat for propagating. I clone in RW too, and the heat mat really speeds up the rooting and they root in 10 days on average. For the solution, I just use any high P bloom booster and something with fulvic acid mixed to about 250ppm on the meter and a rooting gel like clonex for when doing the cutting. This method for me is 100% successful. Regardless of the solution though, the heat mat is needed, especially in the winter months, but I also use it in the summer. Just put a bath towel between the mat and your prop tray.
Perfect, thanks for the advice. I'm sure that heat mat would be useful for regular Indoor grows aswell. I will buy a nice, small heater too.
You get more buds off the plant growing from seed.
This is a clone, that I stuck in one of those pre-moistened clone plugs nearly 115 day veg/2 mos flower. Mom gave about 5 zips 5g pot, this is a 7g outdoor flower of a plant that was vegged indoors and covered w mites and almost tossed out. Figured I would try flower in the backyard and have not seen a mite since.

FWIW, I so wish I could grow in ground like you. I have okra that is 10' tall in beds right now.

I've had plants that did better from clone than seed. Not every clone of course, but at least some. Though I do prefer having paired nodes to train than alternating and despite my best effort, I've not been able to keep paired nodes on successive clones. If I'm lucky, the first set of clones will have 1 paired set and it switches right to alternating.

See above.
Doesn't always growing from seeed get expensive? Me, when I bust one seed, I keep it alive for at least 3 generations, but longer if I get good feedback from the ppl. I'd never be able to afford to run a plant just once.

I grew out three succesive clones of Humboldts Raspberry Diesel for a total of 4 flowers over about 14 months. Sometimes smoking and pressing a pound of the same sativa for a year gets old and one needs a change.
This is a clone, that I stuck in one of those pre-moistened clone plugs nearly 115 day veg/2 mos flower. Mom gave about 5 zips 5g pot, this is a 7g outdoor flower of a plant that was vegged indoors and covered w mites and almost tossed out. Figured I would try flower in the backyard and have not seen a mite since.

FWIW, I so wish I could grow in ground like you. I have okra that is 10' tall in beds right now.

See above.

I grew out three succesive clones of Humboldts Raspberry Diesel for a total of 4 flowers over about 14 months. Sometimes smoking and pressing a pound of the same sativa for a year gets old and one needs a change.
Haha I love a surprise! She's a sweet looking plant now.
I just fed my largest mother plant heavy nutrients, and watered her with about 6 gallons of water, I fed my second largest mother plant, heavy nutrients aswell, then watered her with about 5 gallons of water. The rest of my plants expect the smallest one were fed medium nutrients, then watered with about 3 gallons of water each. The smallest plant was watered with about 1 gallon of water.
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