3.5 weeks into flowering does she look normal???

Well its hard to see true colors with that light but I just saw a very small about of nute burn on tips of some of the leafs and looks like you had a fight with the sand lol. She looks normal to be. If you can get a cfl light or something that has a normal bulb and take a quick pic with them on the see true colors. If you have and different color leafs I would not be able to give you a warning of a problem by seeing yellow pic but from what I see you are doing great.

Hey qbonecapone, :welcome: :420: The color of the pics is very yellow, but she looks good, I would have topped and lst and tie-down more, the more you top and tie down, the more flowers(buds) you'll have and the less height, short and bushy is what indoor grow is all about! Good luck and keep us updated when you can. I'm looking forward to watching her grow! :goodjob:
Sweet yeah i only had 2 42w growing in crap soil with MG nutes-_- for the longest time and this is my first grow so i didnt know anything in the begining but ive learned a lot in the last couple months im hoping my next will be better also i missed a couple light cycles which im not proud of... will this have a big effect on her yield or quality and would anyone happen to have any idea as to what she is? Indica sativa? My friend got the clone from the clinic for me and forgot strain anyways i ordered some seeds from nirvana and attitude so hopefully those willl work out

Sativa's have long, thin leaves and Indica's shorter and wider leaves, and a hybrid(a mix) would be somewhere in between depending on the mix % of the two, say 50% sativa and 50% indica or 70 and 30. or whatever it is. "Keep the green side up"
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