2nd Inside Grow

That's great news Brother miwa. Good for you!:cheertwo:

Thanks OMM..what a relief...
Cool bro! Good to hear, when it comes time to trim all this is going to be old news my friend...

Yep,,,hands will be so tired..oh the pain...

Wow miwa

This is one nice operation you have here :)

Sorry I got here so late, hope you don't mind if I join in :)



:welcome: GF...just trying to make it interesting and learn ...

i hope everyone has a good Labor day...i released some ladybugs in my garden last night..they are really busy..i sit my clones in the big pots so they would get serviced too...i will release some more tonight...going to take this journal to a higher level..hope this works...got this idea from Deege..but i'm not going to school Deege...ok...the pictures with the building blocks is my compost pile...those plants are 3 critical mass and the rest bagseed...the yard is messed up...me and the storm...i'll work on it...DP...my Auto pounder suppose to be on its way..a mix up on their end...something fishy...i'll put the net back over JH #2 wednesday..i don't want to disturb the L Bs..ok..lets see if i can do this...new muvee 002 - YouTube
Hell yeah..it worked...ok some still pics...these ladybugs are doing the job..i hope they are happy and hungry..and will mate and spend the winter...
And some pic of the ones around the compost pile..

i did.nt expect this really...now i got to get some type of camaflage or pull the plants...they are out in the open..3 are critical mass the rest are bagseed...these plants have been fed no nutes...only compost tea..an experiment thats going to have me stressed...i'll think of something...:idea:...may be a good spot for a clothes line..:allgood:
And some pic of the ones around the compost pile..

i did.nt expect this really...now i got to get some type of camaflage or pull the plants...they are out in the open..3 are critical mass the rest are bagseed...these plants have been fed no nutes...only compost tea..an experiment thats going to have me stressed...i'll think of something...:idea:...may be a good spot for a clothes line..:allgood:
Everything is looking good over at your place Miwa. The ground looks saturated. If it don't kill ya itll make ya stronger! Beautiful Garden Borther...lol on the close line! I can't wash the smell off my hands from my plants.
Isaac did the ground like that...crazy plants...when you don't want them to flower..they do...if you want them to stay in veg they flower''...these p;ants around the compost pile aren't thinking about flower..their branches are still opposite..to morrow i'm going to LST them...point all heads towards the center and run a clothes line...in about another month..its going to be busy around here..pineapple express is the 1st to be cut..around the 9th..purple haze still has the largest colas..but critical mass is coming on fast...daylight is getting shorter...down to 13 hours..the end of this month..time will be 12/12...and cool nights..watch my garden turn purple...stay focus...
I have been seeing some beautiful purple strains...i was checking plants this morning...when you have a lot growing you have to be on alert 24..24...in my compose pile,,,i spotted this...

the 1st one in that spot to flower...so 1..2..3

i never have luck having female bagseeds...i have 3 clones in this spot...the rest are bagseed..

back to the garden...
Well...WTH...somebody...this purple haze...flowering time==50-65 days in flower...this is day 20 in flower...are these buds suppose to be the size of a d battery..

don't get confused...i'm not complaining..this is out of the ordinary...isn't it ???...i need to go back and see what caused this..was it the tea..reveg..or genectics...


this is suppose to be my 1st cut...pineapple express==flowering time =56 days...

also day 20 in flower...mix-up or what...
Today..around noon..i checked plants and posted photos..as always i take took a scope to the garden..all was well at noon..its around 1;30..checked plants with scope..this makes #5...five boys i have pulled so far...i have not had a female bagseed yet...

seen another sprout looks like it may show sex tonight...all these were sprouts that grew tall fast...i got 2 more tall ones...about 5 short ones...i would like to have at least 2 bagseed females...
not having much look with them bag seed mate, how many you got left waiting to sex,

ive just started an experiment today so i can put the hydro vs soil at rest, i planted 2 seeds, seedism's big red femenised, i set up 2 hempies, one is a 2ltr soil hempie, the other is a 2ltr dwc hempie, so ill grow these side by side and document the growth from start to finish, at least then everyone can see the difference and see which produces the most, but doing it with the same strain means i can sample the buds from both and compare quality, me thinks this test is going to show everyone which method is the best for growing these plants, everything will be kept the same so it will be as fair as it can be, i know the seeds will be a bit hit and miss and one might be a day or 2 older than the other but that should not change the end results.

i have also been giving 2 of my plants water from my fish tank, now ive only done this the last 2 days, i picked one clone that i had 2 of that was from the same plant and both where the same size, the other plant i watered with this was a plant i have had in veg for a few weeks, so i watered small amounts and checked for problems, so when i checked again today i noticed the clone had grown a lot more than the other, and also the big plant had grown more in 48 hours then it had all week, so clearly something is going on here, ill keep giving these 2 the fish tank water and see what happens, but their is a clear difference, the leaves on these 2 plants are stretching up towards the light more than the other plants, these fan leaves that was level with the plant are now taller than the plant and stretching like crazy for the lights, so their is something going on, the leaves clearly like it and the clone does as well, so ill keep these 2 as test subjects with fish water and see how far they will go,

how are the clones looking mate, still doing ok
Hey DP...i got 10 not showing sex...out of those 10..3 are clones..so i have 3 females for sure..they are critical mass clones...i wanted a couple of bagseed females because they are indica...idk what strain...the fridge clone ..still green top white roots..it looks like the green has turned lime color..do you think i should take them out ???..so what do you think is in the fish water ???think i can make a tea out of fish food ???i guess i better see whats in fish food...i know fish has plenty of nitrogen in him..
im not so sure its the fish food but the fish crap that you need, the fish crap turns into nitrates which most fertilizer is made using, so clearly it should be ok to use on plants, im not sure if making a tea would give the same results, it might do mate, the fish process the food and its their waste that produces what the plants need, nitrates and nitrites, so if the fish food can produce this after some time then it should work mate, my tanks are tropical fish so i feed them tropical fish flakes and my plek has plek wafers, which just basically make sure my tank is dirty enough for him to have something to eat cuz he is pretty big, its crazy watching him hang upside down by his mouth, once he got his mouth on something its like a suction pad and he just slides across the glass cleaning it, does a good job as well, had him a few years and he just gets bigger and bigger, sleeps all day and wrecks the tank at night, if he cant get somewhere in the tank then he will move things out the way, he moved the pump,heater and anything else in the tank,

with the clones mate it sounds similar to what happens to mine, when i put a dome over them and spray the tops of the clones when trying to get them to root it makes all the leaves and stem go hard and rubbery, but once its growing it recovers and grows normal leaves, plus the water clones did the same, they went hard and rubbery on top but as soon as they got roots they started growing normal leaves again, its up to you mate, you could take them out and try them, at least you know they will go this long in the fridge, i just need to get my veg plants big enough then ill take a load of clones and give a few months in the fridge a try, ill take 2 clones out each 28 days and try rooting them, that way i can see how far they will go
August 7 2012---page 83---post 1236...2 clones ...one with roots...one without...was put in a closed mason jar..the question was..after 30 days in the fridge...could the clones be taken out of hibernation and continue to thrive...today after 28 days the clones were removed from the fridge and re-installed into the cloner...poor clones...don't look too well...but we will see...

the fan is on..hopefully the tops will be dry by morning...say a prayer for my ladies...

i downloaded a movie-maker program..now if i can learn to operate it this journal will be the shit:oops:well...you'll enjoy it more...stay focus...
damn them are looking not so good mate, wonder why they gone like that, the pics i seen never ended up like that and these had been in the fridge for a couple of months, ill try and find out what i can and see if their is some reason why they gone like this,
i wonder if it would help if you only had the stem in the water in the fridge, but everything i seen was a jar half full with water then the clones dropped in and placed in the fridge, maybe temps plays a part in this, ill try and find out what i can and ill get back to you mate,

im going to give it a try myself anyway and see how i get on, just waiting on one of these plants in veg to give me around 12 clones, i dont think ill try rooting any ill just put them in a jar in the fridge and take 4 out every 28 days and try rooting them, but they sure look bad mate, theirs got to be some reason why they ended up like that, ill look into it mate
Hmmmm. I get males all the time from regular seed, averages is suposed to be 50/50 but my last time fooling with seed I got 6 females and one herme. Not sure about refrigerated clones making it.
did you have a dome over them clones, im only asking as i took 2 clones that had rooted in water and put them in pots thinking they would be ok, but within an hour they looked like them above, so put them bac in water and they recovered
I don't think your clones are going to do too good. Well you never know unless ya try right......................... Nice buds on that plant Miwa. One thing about plants outside,,,, you never really know when they flip over to flowering. And some start flowering at 14 hours aday light and some might need 13. So they all start flowering at differnt times. And some buds beef up the first 4 weeks and other the last. I woodn't worry just going to have some good sized cola is all. Man all the males you got popping up all over the place, you might end up with some seeds. I am growing some Star Trek that I'm pretty sure selfed itself. I have no other explaintion for the seeds I got out of a LB bag I had. Well like all hermies, they can carry the trait. And alot of the flowers you can't even see. They might be hidden inside the bud and just pollenate just that bud, but then you do take a chance of seeding your whole crop with these hermies. I grew two star treks. And One I just harvested had afew seeds in it. I never saw the male, and I watch closely. The other don't look like its got seeds. I have her in the cloest now doing its 48 hours in darkness. I can really tell if the dark helps, but I don't think it will hurt. Well Dude sorry your experiment didn't work with the clones, but now we know. Site woodn't let me reputation but did let me give ya 'gold star'.
GL and Keepem Green
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