miwa, that's just really tight inter-noding Going On, In betwixt Your Plants, on the Main Stems Tops and Arms, Nothing to worry about, it usually Means Kola for Tip to Stem!!! Nothing could Be nicer than that!!! I had a friend Named Dan, and He Had an African Plant, I believe it was Malawi, and it grew looking exactly like Your Plant, from a 5 gallon Container, He could get them to Harvest sometimes 7-8 ounces in Spring-Summer , during Winter they would Yield about 5 per Harvest. What I am saying is that if these Flower Like Those, Your Gonna Have a Shendy Load of Weed on You, Man!!! Any Trees or Bushes around or Above your Plants??? Because it looks to Me like something that got washed or Blown, from One Plant or Tree to another(YOURS!!!) If it is a Bug I, seriously Doubt it is Plant Eating Bug, it looks too capricious(OR HARD SHELLED), probably a bottom Feeder(SCAVENGER), But miwa I really cannot be sure, Because I would need to be there Touch It, To feel It in Between My Fingers, and Give it a Good Eye Examination as well!!! Everything LOOKS GREAT MY MIWA!!! Take Care, and I sill Feel the Same About the Tops going Through The Netting Squares, they'll Be Fine!!!! One More Time miwa, TAKE CARE MY BROTHER!!!!