2nd Grow! - Clones


New Member
A while ago I took up my first grow with bag seeds and got 4 plants out of them 2 I grew and 2 my brother grew. Both of mine turned out to be male and one of my brothers was male. But the other is a beautiful big healthy gal!

So 22 days ago I took 7 clones off her and stuck them in dirt with root hormone on them. All 7 rooted!:cheertwo: All of them are now growing beautifully. Enclosed closet, fan, 1 55 watt CFL 3500+ lumens, sterile pots and soil and regular tap water with a small dose of miracle grow in it every now and again. 24 hour light.

After my first grow turning out to be males I was knocked down pretty hard for a while but saw my brothers female and decided to give it another grow even as discouraged as I was I'm glad I tried again. Lol only thought maybe 2 or 3 might make it if I was lucky. I was wrong thankfully!

more pictures to come of clones and mother!
re: 2nd Grow! - Cllones

Hey Supertramp!! Glad you were able to get at least one female from 4 seeds. I have 3 mystery seeds going now and I'm hoping for a female. Even better that you were able to pull some clones off her. You could be looking at a really good grow!! Good luck and keep the pics coming!:volcano-smiley:
Hope all is well in your world.

Is your grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Apologies for abandoning my thread. Mother plant didn't turn out good bud because of a few mistakes. I got discouraged and my schedule wasn't ideal for my clones so I let them go... GOOD NEWS! I have new mystery bag seeds germinating and will be posting a new grow thread! Mystery grow #3! Thank you (:
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