2nd Attempt At Photos


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
This is going to be my second go at photoperiods.

I have completed this grow and now sharing with you for a quick and hopefuly easy read.

What we are using-
Strain: White iverson,Blue bath,Sticky bath(1 is for a friend),Marshmellow Og(for the same friend) ,
Light: Hlg black bird,
Home: Gorilla 3x3,Gorilla 2x2.5 if need,
Food: Advanced Nutes-Connoisseur Coco Grow A+B and Bloom A+B,Calmag,Voodoo juice,B52,Bud candy,Big bud and some great white,PH down,Tap water,
Medium: Coco
Pots: AC infin 3gall fabric(circle) ,
Base: AC infin self water base(xLarge) ,
Intake: AC infin T4 with filter,
Exhaust: AC infin T6 with filter,
Accessories: Large ball fan,Tower fan,3x tent clip fans,Plant ties/rope,PH pen,Snips/cutters,digi scope,pipettes,multiple buckets and jugs,Coco brick,perlite,Me and a whole lotta love,

Step 1-
I started off by taking a small amount of Coco off the brick and put in oven for 30mins on 200c,after that i put the Coco part in a high sided tray and poured boiling water from kettle into the tray,the Coco sucks up the water and expands,I leave for a few hours then it's done.

Grab a little biodegradable pot(the ones i used are rubbish) and fill with the spongey Coco,then place a kithen paper towl on top and done.

Get glasses/cups and fill half wayish with tap water,spray each glass once with h202,pop a seed in each glass(same strain i would put all in one glass but i have never grew the same strain together) .
Cover with a kitchen paper towl and leave.

Knock up tent and set up intake and exhaust in there with sensor probe,Attach Light to rachet hangers and put in tent,Place fans where i need them.

Wait 24H for seeds to have a good soak,I poke them with my finger if they are still floating to make sure they sink(don't know why i do this,i just do) .
I get the filled pots and poke the center with my little finger and push all my nail in,this is where the seeds will lay.
I place a kitchen paper towl on my palm and get the glass with water and seed inside and tip most water out of the glass then when there is a bit of water left and seed i tip it all onto my hand with paper towl on it(this catches the seed for me) ,then i just tip into hole and lightly cover with Coco.
I place these pots in a propogation tank and wait to see signs of life.This tank is left on my kitchen side where it is toastie.

Soon as i see life then the whole tank goes into there tent.

There is life,4 alive and 1 is hiding from me,I place them into there tent.
Light is about 1meter away and power level2.

Next day and the 4 that is alive has taken all there crash helmets off and ready to party.
White iverson is a no show so far,i might pop another seed just incase.
This will be Day1:


White iverson still a no show,i poped another seed.
Gave them a little blast of tap water.




The new white iverson is above ground,helmet still on though.

Here she is,day2 and looking good for her.

Starting to stretch for the light.
Knocked up light power to 3clicks,not touched height.

I catched MO to late,she was to tall and flopped over herself,rip i think.

Weekly temps and humidity-
Day: 23c and 70%-75% humidity,
Night: 19c and 75% humidity.

Light is around 1meter from the top of the heighest girl and 3clicks on the power level.

Intake and exhaust is set on power level 1 for both,kick in when it gets over 75% humidity and/or 26c.

They haven't recieved any actuall food yet,tomorrow will be the start.

I will upload another 10days worth tomorrow for you all to have a look through if you would like.

Thank you
It's the only thing i have used in the few times i have grown
You helped me alot on my first attempt(not sure if you remember) .
My apologies I can't remember what I helped you with. :Namaste:
You have done well though.
How have you been?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My apologies I can't remember what I helped you with. :Namaste:
You have done well though.
How have you been?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's fine,i see you help most folk out so it hard to keep track of who's who especialy if it's somebody new.

I'm getting much better every time i have a go,Keep getting a little bit more weight each time.

And i'm as good as you can be,just needing a few things to sort itself out (out of my hands)then having another round.

I hope all is well on your end,everything all good?
It's fine,i see you help most folk out so it hard to keep track of who's who especialy if it's somebody new.

I'm getting much better every time i have a go,Keep getting a little bit more weight each time.

And i'm as good as you can be,just needing a few things to sort itself out (out of my hands)then having another round.

I hope all is well on your end,everything all good?
Green House is full and the family is grand thanks :thanks:
Glad to hear things are progressing in right direction :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hello everyone.

MO is dying i think,i will keep her in there just incase she pulls through.

Both SB's have a slight yellowing on leaf tips.

everything else is fine and dandy.

2L Water
2ml CalMag
0.8ml each Grow A+B
0.5ml B52
0.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
I gave them about 250ml each,no runoff hole in bio pots,they was drenched.
The rest was saved for next feed.

They are doing ok i think for little ones.

BB has a little bit of yellow on her leaf.

WI has a thin stem where she meets the Coco.

No feed today.

Decided to put BB and WI into there final homes(3gall fabric) ,They are on risers inside saucers,
SB will be placed in hers when the Coco is more dryer.

(Saved from last feed 1.25L)
2L Water
2ml CalMag
0.8ml each Grow A+B
0.5ml B52
0.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
BB and WI had 400ml each in a circle motion just past the widest leaf,
SB got 200ml,
No Runoff.

They look ok at the moment.

MO is a gonna.

Everything is quite stable.

No feed today.

Decided to up pot SB into her final home.

Only have 1 SB to give to my friend,
MO has been removed.

Not much to say at this stage,just feed and wait.

2L Water
1.5ml CalMag
1ml each Grow A+B
0.5ml B52
0.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.9
My 3 got around 500ml each,No Runoff yet.
Solo SB got 300ml,pot is still quite firm to squeeze(not soggey) .

My SB is still adjusting to her new home i think.

WI looks like she is starting to take off now.

BB is my best out the bunch.

2L Water
2ml CalMag
1.5ml each Grow A+B
0.7ml B52
0.7ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.9
They recieved about 500ml each,
Small amount of Runoff them all,
Solo SB got 300ml.

All is looking good so far.

Weather outside has gotten much warmer,
No need for aircon to be turned on yet.

WI is behind the bunch in size.

2L Water
2ml CalMag
1.5ml each Grow A+B
0.7ml B52
0.7ml Voodoo juice
PH 6.0
They got 500ml each,good Runoff my 3,
Solo SB got 200ml.

My BB and the solo SB look the best out of them.

Just waiting to start some Lst to them.

My plan is to Veg them using hydro rings then when i change them to bloom they will go on the AC infin self water base,
First time using these so it will be a experiment more than anything trying to fine tune them.

2L Water
2ml CalMag
1.5ml each Grow A+B
0.7ml B52
0.7ml Voodoo juice
PH 6.0
They got about 500ml each,decent amount of Runoff my 3,
Solo SB got 300ml.


My SB is looking very droopy,i think it is due to being overwatered but unsure,pots feel quite heavy still so i'm not going to feed them today and hopefuly this will help my SB.

Not much left to say about them realy.

No feed today.

Well i opened them up to my SB looking very very sad for herself,maybe it was underwatered instead,lets see if she perks up.

Knocked intake and exhaust up to power level 2 and kicks in when Humidity goes over 70% and/or when temp goes over 26c.

Not messed with Light.

10day Temps/Humidity:
Temps: 24c - 26c
Humdity: 66% - 70%,

Temps: 18c - 20c
Humidity: 68% - 71%.

2L Water
2ml CalMag
1.5ml each Grow A+B
0.7ml B52
0.7ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.9
They got 500ml each,
Tiny amount of Runoff,
Solo SB got 300ml.

Thanks for stopping bye.
Hello everybody,hope you are well and good.

My SB seems to be perking up,must of been underwatered plus the rest of the Coco in the pot sorting itself out.

WI has started to pick up the pace now and catch the others up.

BB looks the strongest out them all.

Ball fan is set to power level2 and gives them a nice little shake when oscillating.

2L Water
1.5ml CalMag
1.5ml each Grow A+B
0.7ml B52
0.7ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.9
They got 500ml each in a circle motion,
Good Runoff them.
Solo SB got 300ml,bio pot is getting soggy now.

All of them are looking ok i think.

A few more days then i'm going to start some Lst on them.

The Solo SB is a little beast,my friend will hopefully be impressed when i gift it him.

Not much left to say at this stage.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
They got 800ml each,good Runoff them all.
Solo SB got 300ml.

I don't think they liked the slightly stronger feed,i will try the same strength again and keep a eye on them.

BB is nearly soaking her full pot of Coco at feed time now.

There is much less perlite in my SB than the others.

Weather is still warm outside,no need for Aircon though.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
They got about 800ml-900ml each,
Good Runoff them.
Solo SB got 350ml.

Solo SB has gone on a journey to its new home.

SB is getting lighter in colour on the very edges of her leaves.

I need to speed up a week so i can start messing more with them.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
They got 1L each,
Good Runoff them all.

SB is not looking any better,time to take away Voodoo juice so that may help her.

BB looks chunky close up.

WI has catched up.

Covering all there Coco now at feed time.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
PH 5.8
They all had 1L each,
Good Runoff them all.

Nothing for today sorry.


Intake and exhaust has benn knocked up to power level3 and kicks in when the Humidity goes past 67% and/or the temp goes over 26c.

SB is starting to darken up more,feed must be better for her.

BB has a couple of yellow spots on her leaf,i'm not worried about that at this moment.

WI is coming along very nicely.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.7ml B52
PH 5.9
They all had 1L each,
Decent amount of Runoff them.

Whipped out the plant tie and gave them a little Lst,i anchored there bases with some tie and then pulled over there heads in the opposite direction and tied down with plant tie.

Knocked up the power on Light to power level3,not touched height.

Going to put the hydro rings on them in a few days(easier for me to feed them then) .

That's all for now.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 5.9
They all had 1L each,
Good Runoff them all.

Wi has nearly pulled herself back straight,

SB has gotten big overnight,not seen this growth in 24H before.

BB is the best still.

Smelling greenery in there,not the good stuff yet.

Turned up ball fan to power level3,gives them a nice shake.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 5.9
They all had 1L each,
Good Runoff them.


SB is thriving,overtaking BB now for size.

I think WI is struggling a bit,not sure why,
I get 1 decent plant and always a crap 1,never get them all good.

Going to add rings tomorrow.

That's all for today.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 6.0
They got 1L each,good Runoff them all.

Ignore the little sprout in the corner,i found a seed in my grinder a decided to see if it would sprout,and it did.
I was just trying something out with it and don't expect it to live.

Added the hydro rings to them all,was abit of a faff to put in.
I ended up hovering the ring with 3 legs on over the plant where i want it to sit the push down just enough to mark 3 holes in the Coco,
I then pull off the 3 legs from the rings and push them in the marked holes in the Coco enough so there's about 2inch sticking above the surface.
I then just push the ring to the 3 legs that are sticking above ground,easier this way i think.

I pulled over the Lst more on SB and BB.

I set intake and exhaust to kick in when Humidity goes over 65% and/or the temp' goes over 27c

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 6.0
They all got 1L each,
Small Runoff them all.

Thank you.
Hello everybody,hope you are well and good.

My SB seems to be perking up,must of been underwatered plus the rest of the Coco in the pot sorting itself out.

WI has started to pick up the pace now and catch the others up.

BB looks the strongest out them all.

Ball fan is set to power level2 and gives them a nice little shake when oscillating.

2L Water
1.5ml CalMag
1.5ml each Grow A+B
0.7ml B52
0.7ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.9
They got 500ml each in a circle motion,
Good Runoff them.
Solo SB got 300ml,bio pot is getting soggy now.

All of them are looking ok i think.

A few more days then i'm going to start some Lst on them.

The Solo SB is a little beast,my friend will hopefully be impressed when i gift it him.

Not much left to say at this stage.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
They got 800ml each,good Runoff them all.
Solo SB got 300ml.

I don't think they liked the slightly stronger feed,i will try the same strength again and keep a eye on them.

BB is nearly soaking her full pot of Coco at feed time now.

There is much less perlite in my SB than the others.

Weather is still warm outside,no need for Aircon though.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
They got about 800ml-900ml each,
Good Runoff them.
Solo SB got 350ml.

Solo SB has gone on a journey to its new home.

SB is getting lighter in colour on the very edges of her leaves.

I need to speed up a week so i can start messing more with them.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml Voodoo juice
PH 5.8
They got 1L each,
Good Runoff them all.

SB is not looking any better,time to take away Voodoo juice so that may help her.

BB looks chunky close up.

WI has catched up.

Covering all there Coco now at feed time.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.5ml B52
PH 5.8
They all had 1L each,
Good Runoff them all.

Nothing for today sorry.


Intake and exhaust has benn knocked up to power level3 and kicks in when the Humidity goes past 67% and/or the temp goes over 26c.

SB is starting to darken up more,feed must be better for her.

BB has a couple of yellow spots on her leaf,i'm not worried about that at this moment.

WI is coming along very nicely.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
1.7ml B52
PH 5.9
They all had 1L each,
Decent amount of Runoff them.

Whipped out the plant tie and gave them a little Lst,i anchored there bases with some tie and then pulled over there heads in the opposite direction and tied down with plant tie.

Knocked up the power on Light to power level3,not touched height.

Going to put the hydro rings on them in a few days(easier for me to feed them then) .

That's all for now.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 5.9
They all had 1L each,
Good Runoff them all.

Wi has nearly pulled herself back straight,

SB has gotten big overnight,not seen this growth in 24H before.

BB is the best still.

Smelling greenery in there,not the good stuff yet.

Turned up ball fan to power level3,gives them a nice shake.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 5.9
They all had 1L each,
Good Runoff them.


SB is thriving,overtaking BB now for size.

I think WI is struggling a bit,not sure why,
I get 1 decent plant and always a crap 1,never get them all good.

Going to add rings tomorrow.

That's all for today.

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 6.0
They got 1L each,good Runoff them all.

Ignore the little sprout in the corner,i found a seed in my grinder a decided to see if it would sprout,and it did.
I was just trying something out with it and don't expect it to live.

Added the hydro rings to them all,was abit of a faff to put in.
I ended up hovering the ring with 3 legs on over the plant where i want it to sit the push down just enough to mark 3 holes in the Coco,
I then pull off the 3 legs from the rings and push them in the marked holes in the Coco enough so there's about 2inch sticking above the surface.
I then just push the ring to the 3 legs that are sticking above ground,easier this way i think.

I pulled over the Lst more on SB and BB.

I set intake and exhaust to kick in when Humidity goes over 65% and/or the temp' goes over 27c

3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml each Grow A+B
2ml B52
PH 6.0
They all got 1L each,
Small Runoff them all.

Thank you.
Hey Buddy :ciao:
Great update.
Just curious your nutrient amount/ litre is that what is recommended by the schedule?
And your ph is a touch high.:Namaste:
5.8 all day every day.
I think you should up your feed volume and keep the bags/roots wet.
1 litre in a bag that big won't do it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hiya Bill,
Just so you know that i have finished this grow already and sharing the outcome with you all,i think i said at the start but unsure now haa.

Without looking i think my nutes (grow A+B)should be around 2ml per Liter but i had a few marks on them so didn't raise the strength as fast as what the nutes want me to.
They are showing better signs now so i'll just raise slowly as my last run.

At the moment i am having good RunOff so i didn't want to over do it on the volume of feed they get.
Soon ill be raising as i'm copying from my written manual that i do.

I try and go 5.8 and then lean towards 5.9 then 6.0 then back down to 5.9 then 5.8 ,so they get a little range of food.

Please keep watching because there is some wrong turns due in a couple of weeks,it's all learning i see it.

Thanks for having a look,
Hello everyone,hope you are all well and good.

It is getting much warm outside now and i think it's time to get the Aircon out.

They look ok i think at this stage.

BB is storming through.

WI is probably the smallest out the group,looks the worst out them all but she will have to put up with it.
She is the main one i want to grow/try aswell.

SB is growing vigorously everyday now.

Turned light to power level4 and raised the height by 15clicks on the rachet hangers(couple inches) .
It is about 1meter away from the heighest girl.

Intake and exhaust is on power level3 and kicks in when Humidity goes over 60% and/or Temp' goes over 27c.

4L Water
4ml CalMag
4ml each Grow A+B
3ml B52
They had got 1.3L each,Good Runoff them all.

Aircon is turned on and sitting in the room that the tent sits in,Turns off at lights out.
It keeps the tent at a nice stable temp.

Not sure if i said but i'm running 18/6 Light sched' and then 12/12 at flip time.

They get fed within 1 hour of lights coming on.

Not much else to say about them today,just feed and close them up.

4L Water
4ml CalMag
4ml each Grow A+B
3ml B52
They had got 1.3L each,Good Runoff them all.

Added some more Lst to them today.

SB needed a good tug at her top to bring it down.

They are all stepping on the gas,i can see it day by day.

4L Water
4ml CalMag
4ml each Grow A+B
3ml B52
They had got 1.3L each,
Good amount of Runoff them all,a bit less from BB.

WI leaves are mostly clawing/pointing down,Gave her a flush with-
30L water
8ml CalMag
8 ml Each Grow A+B
Tons of RunOff her,PPM's and PH looked good when finished.

The other 2 are doing fine.

Tower fan is now on power level10,Going to have to switch soon to ball fan(more powerful) .

4L Water
4ml CalMag
4ml each Grow A+B
3ml B52
BB and SB got 1.5L each,
Decent Runoff them both.

No proper feed for WI.

Swapped over the fans,Tower fan was sufficiant still but it is more for piece of mind.

WI looks much better.

BB has a nice ball shape to her.

SB is growing crazy fast,she is big.

5L Water
5ml CalMag
5ml each Grow A+B
3.5ml B52
They all had 1.5L each,Good Runoff them all.

WI looks much better,glad i decided to flush her,wish she was bigger still.

SB has a couple of dodgey looking leaves but overall is looking good.

BB is exactly what i'm looking for in shape and size.

Ball fan is on power level3.

5L Water
5ml CalMag
5ml each Grow A+B
3.5ml B52
They got 1.5L each,
Good amount of Runoff them.

They all look ok and roughly where i want them,Not long now then before i flip the light to 12/12.

Just a waiting game,can't do nothing with them.

5L Water
5ml CalMag
4.5ml each Grow A+B
3.5ml B52
They all had 1.5L each,
Smaller Runoff them all than yest'.

SB is quite tall,i have the room to play with in height so there's no problem with that.

They all look a bit let down due to the fact i didn't turn on switch to relay Aircon.
The heat rose to 29c for a good couple of hours.

Messed with there Lst and moved a few leaves around.

I'll be soon putting them on Ac infin' wick bases and flipping the light sched'.

5L Water
5ml CalMag
5ml each Grow A+B
4ml B52
They all had a little over 1.6L each,Small Runoff them all.
Going to up feed volume tomorrow.

BB looks good,strong and healthy.

SB is tall and branchy.

WI is small and squat.

Can't wait to try these in a couple of months.

Tucked some leaves on them all.

6L Water
6ml CalMag
6ml each Grow A+B
5ml B52
They got 2L each,
Good Runoff them all.

Changed Light sched' to 12/12 today.

Decided to put BB on Ac infin' base aswell.

Lets see how they start to respond to us.

6L Water
6ml CalMag
4ml Each Grow A+B
4ml Each Bloom A+B
5ml Voodoo Juice
5ml Budcandy
They got 2L each,
Good Runoff SB and WI.

Thanks for taking a look.
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