26 days into 12/12 and would apreciate some advice pls guys,pics included.

One thing I'm not quite clear about Creamm ... why are you on here asking for advice? Your girls are beautiful and clearly well cared for bro. It looks as if you've "got it down". Let 'em go til it's your kinda buzz (speed weed or couch lock if you please) and dry 'em right and you're good to go. You've done a great job with your green thumb. Maybe you outta tell us YOUR secrets Creamm.
It's wild. Everyone here has great plants. It has to be the great advice and info. Incliding me- a newbie and I am doin' alright.

Hi all sorry if im slow answering the posts the last few weeks but ive had a few problems here,anyways the lights they were flowered under where 3x 200wt cfl's reds, and for the last few weeks i put them under a 600 wt hps if that helps, as for the smoke report ill do it shortly as ive just smoked a taster from me euforia grow and my ow my am i stoned :smokin:
best regards...creamm :peace:
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