23 days old they're dying: help please

Thanks again! You have some serious knowledge in that head of yours! I might have to pick it a lot .... it’s my 1st time EVER growing... And yeh I guess your rite, I got worried I wasn’t doing enough then every time I stuck my finger in the pot about a inch or more and it was dry I’d add some water :/
She got me through my very first grow ever !!! She knew how to fix the issues I had. That was 3 years ago & I still turn to her for advice when I run into an issue.
its certainly not perfect for cannabis, but that isnt all that is going on here.
I got that bottle of love nutes from my local hydroponics shop along with the soil :/ he said I could start using it straight away but I didn’t as I said I only used the nutes TWIVE the whole time from 1st pop to the 21 day old she is now
I got that bottle of love nutes from my local hydroponics shop along with the soil :/
I am sure that you did and it is typical. Your local hydro store does not want you to succeed in soil. He may sound nice and helpful, but what he did here was crap. He knows full well that there are all sorts of very good nutrients for soil grows and that are specifically designed to grow cannabis. Some are cheap and some are expensive, and he should have shown you all the lines that he supports and told you a bit about each one.
Instead, he gave you that crap that is not even close to what you need now or in the future. He misled you, and he expects you to come back in and lament about how crappy your grow is going, and that is when he will hit you with the soft sell... hydro hydro hydro.... he wants that money out of your wallet and into his.
Do not expect valid advice from the hydro guy. Come here for that. Here you might get lots of opinions, but they will all be honest opinions and not with the ultimate goal being your failure.

For soil.. I used to use Fox Farm's line of nutes and I loved them. What I didn't love was the cost of a grow when using these commercial nutrients. The only other fertilizer I have used is MegaCrop, and I really liked how it worked too. Others will no doubt offer other suggestions as to what works best for them. I suggest keeping things simple at first, and learn how these plants grow before having to at the same time learn some complicated grow method or multipart nutrient system. I recommend Megacrop, simply because of its simplicity and ultra cheap cost or I recommend going the organic supersoil / microbe route... both are easy systems to use and learn, don't require a lab of equipment to monitor nor do you need to learn complicated nutrient mixes that need to be carefully constructed within narrow pH confines.
You are displaying some N-P-K deficiencies. Here...
Is it an auto? I strongly suspect nute burn - the photos under the LED with the orange colour just round the edges of the lower leaves is a giveaway, and the later photos under normal light it looks like the edges have gone ‘crispy’ which indicates nute burn.

She’s in soil and still only small so very unlikely to be a deficiency; they’ll be plenty of nutrients in the soil particularly given the size she is vs the pot and the amount of soil. And autos are incredibly sensitive to nutes, very easy to burn.

Flush exactly as you’ve already done and follow Emiliya’s advice so you don’t overwater and she’ll be absolutely fine.
I have read all post here I dont think anyone has asked if he PH'd his water if the ph is off it could be a lockout. If your using tap water I would recommend a good water filter to get rid of the chlorine and chloramine that stuff is bad for cannabis. Also I noticed that at least when I filter my water it also drops my ph to around a 6. Just my two cents here. I have made every mistake i think one can make and doing so i have lost plants and had bad harvest but i learned that good water, a good environment, and the right nutes for your style of grow all work together to make a grow successful.
I am sure that you did and it is typical. Your local hydro store does not want you to succeed in soil. He may sound nice and helpful, but what he did here was crap. He knows full well that there are all sorts of very good nutrients for soil grows and that are specifically designed to grow cannabis. Some are cheap and some are expensive, and he should have shown you all the lines that he supports and told you a bit about each one.
Instead, he gave you that crap that is not even close to what you need now or in the future. He misled you, and he expects you to come back in and lament about how crappy your grow is going, and that is when he will hit you with the soft sell... hydro hydro hydro.... he wants that money out of your wallet and into his.
Do not expect valid advice from the hydro guy. Come here for that. Here you might get lots of opinions, but they will all be honest opinions and not with the ultimate goal being your failure.

For soil.. I used to use Fox Farm's line of nutes and I loved them. What I didn't love was the cost of a grow when using these commercial nutrients. The only other fertilizer I have used is MegaCrop, and I really liked how it worked too. Others will no doubt offer other suggestions as to what works best for them. I suggest keeping things simple at first, and learn how these plants grow before having to at the same time learn some complicated grow method or multipart nutrient system. I recommend Megacrop, simply because of its simplicity and ultra cheap cost or I recommend going the organic supersoil / microbe route... both are easy systems to use and learn, don't require a lab of equipment to monitor nor do you need to learn complicated nutrient mixes that need to be carefully constructed within narrow pH confines.
So we’re now day 32... it’s been 8 days since I flushed her, and I watered her on the 21st (5 days after flush) and this is the new pics of her :( I don’t know what’s going on :( I topped her on the 12th April aswel.


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You are having some severe deficiencies and I blame lack of nutrition coming in. You need to feed these plants, flushing and water only is not helping. Your nutes have what is needed for veg, they will not work in bloom, but I believe you need to at least give the recommended dosage every other time you water. Here are the stats on your TNT complex:

Composition: NPK 3 + 2 + 3

Nitrogen 2,8 % N-urea,
Phosphorus 2,2 % P2O5, Potassium
3,1 % K2O, Other: magnesium, calcium,
sulphate, and complex-bound trace
elements: iron, manganese, zinc and copper,
and boron, molybdenum, plus vitamins B1,
B2, B3, plant sugars and amino acids.

Dosage: 50 ml / 10 L
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