23 days old they're dying: help please


Active Member
This is my 1st ever grow....and from seed.... she popped, it’s now 23 days since she sprouted and I’ve fed her TWICE in that time with nutes, the rest with just water... I live in the uk and we had 2 really lush days so I bought her outside for some natural light... over the past 3 day’s the leaves have gotten worse and worse :/ I can’t stress I don’t no what to do and don’t want to loose her... she’s always on 18/6 light, and the only nutes I have are HESI TXT COMPLEX, I also moved them further away from the light in the tent and always have a fan on... HELP PLEASE


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What kind of soil ? whats the NPK ratio on your bottle of Nutes? What strength nutes are you using? How often to you feed & water? Looks like the same issue I just had. A "K" def. Had to lower the strength of my nutes to correct it. Only took a few days & they improved 100%. It wont fix the already damaged leaves. But it stopped any new leaves from getting it.
What kind of soil ? whats the NPK ratio on your bottle of Nutes? What strength nutes are you using? How often to you feed & water? Looks like the same issue I just had. A "K" def. Had to lower the strength of my nutes to correct it. Only took a few days & they improved 100%. It wont fix the already damaged leaves. But it stopped any new leaves from getting it.
Hi @Emilya , Does it look like the same issue I had to you?
Pay attention to what she says. She's very good & very experienced. She was the only person who knew right away I had a "K" def. She was right.
yes, I think it very likely, only it is hard to tell for sure with that lighting. I think you have made a good call here. Thank you too for trusting me and trying my solution in your garden, despite heavy opposition to my ideas as to what was happening there. I am as pleased as I can be to see the rapid turnaround in your garden as a result of that one simple change. :goodjob:
Composition: NPK 3 + 2 + 3

Nitrogen 2,8 % N-urea,
Phosphorus 2,2 % P2O5, Potassium
3,1 % K2O, Other: magnesium, calcium,
sulphate, and complex-bound trace
elements: iron, manganese, zinc and copper,
and boron, molybdenum, plus vitamins B1,
B2, B3, plant sugars and amino acids.

Not really suitable for cannabis.
You need more like 20-10-30 (2-1-3) etc.
Thanks everyone for replying,


and the nutes bottle i have is - 3-2-3

ive been watering them once a day sometimes leaving a day then watering them, I usually check to see how dry they are then if I feel there real dry il give them some, but ive only used the nutes TWICE.... usually I only use tap water...
Pics in the light - hope you can see a bit better


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yes, I think it very likely, only it is hard to tell for sure with that lighting. I think you have made a good call here. Thank you too for trusting me and trying my solution in your garden, despite heavy opposition to my ideas as to what was happening there. I am as pleased as I can be to see the rapid turnaround in your garden as a result of that one simple change. :goodjob:
Thanks for commenting... how do I fix this :/ I’ve already topped her a few days ago, but I don’t want this to carry on or spread to other leaves :(
Just lower the strength of your nutes. Might not work though since the NPK values of your nutes isn't correct. Does your soil have nutes in it already? I don't use that soil but others do. If so you might be over nuting it. They only need 1/4 strength right now. I'd buy a nute more suitable though. There's a miracle grow formula for a certain flower that you can get by on for veg if necessary. Can't remember which flower though. You can use a Cactus Nute during Flower.
But if you can get something from a Hydro Store you're better off -or- Order from Amazon & you'll get it in a few days.
I think that you might be watering too often too.. how do you determine when it is time?
I usually check my putting my finger about a inch or so in, if it’s dry then I add water... I’ve been leaving a few days between watering it aswel though... I thought I might of been underwatering it :/
no, by watering when the top has dried out you are not paying attention to the most important part of the container, the very bottom. You are overwatering by watering too often, before the plant has had a chance to use all the water sitting in the container. Instead of your finger, try using the lift method. If you can feel water weight, it is not time to water.
Thankyou! Il try that way from now on... I was advised to flush the plants ( which I done this morning ) and the water that come out was pritty yellow tbh... so now I’m going to leave them for 2/3 days I recon before I give any water now... I won’t be adding any nutes for a while now just water... what do you think?
Thankyou! Il try that way from now on... I was advised to flush the plants ( which I done this morning ) and the water that come out was pritty yellow tbh... so now I’m going to leave them for 2/3 days I recon before I give any water now... I won’t be adding any nutes for a while now just water... what do you think?
giving the plants a flush didn't hurt anything other than it was even more water and flushing is usually the advice from someone that has no idea what is going on and just wants to do a reset... so now you are back to square one and what happens from here on out is up to you.
I don't think the problem is the nutes you are giving... some people give nutes as soon as the seedlings pop above the surface... the problem is simply that you have been giving fluids too often and not letting the bottom dry out. That is it.. it is no more complicated than that. Traditionally in soil, nutes are given every other time, so that with a plain pH adjusted watering inbetween, you pick up any unused nutes and keep them from building up in the soil, and I see no reason not to do that as you go forward.
giving the plants a flush didn't hurt anything other than it was even more water and flushing is usually the advice from someone that has no idea what is going on and just wants to do a reset... so now you are back to square one and what happens from here on out is up to you.
I don't think the problem is the nutes you are giving... some people give nutes as soon as the seedlings pop above the surface... the problem is simply that you have been giving fluids too often and not letting the bottom dry out. That is it.. it is no more complicated than that. Traditionally in soil, nutes are given every other time, so that with a plain pH adjusted watering inbetween, you pick up any unused nutes and keep them from building up in the soil, and I see no reason not to do that as you go forward.

Thankyou! So now I’ve done a reset - I should leave it for about 3 days then water a little bit do ya think? I don’t want to add nutes now Tbh lol
I don't know how badly damaged your lower roots are right now, and they may or may not be able to drain all of that water in 3 days. It might take 5 or even 7. If you have a large degree of root rot beginning to happen, which is the eventual outcome of you continuing to keep the bottom wet, it will take longer. You can not water by the calendar until you have established a wet/dry cycle and can see the pattern... you have no pattern other than what you are trying to artificially set up.
The lift method is your best bet. Compare against a similar container of dry soil and if you can feel water weight in your container, it is too early. If you do indeed have to go 5 days and the water is still not all used up, give a light watering of the top soil, just to soak in to the top 3 inches, so as to water the spreader roots along the top surface... but don't hurry that decision. The problem is you are loving these plants to death.
I don't know how badly damaged your lower roots are right now, and they may or may not be able to drain all of that water in 3 days. It might take 5 or even 7. If you have a large degree of root rot beginning to happen, which is the eventual outcome of you continuing to keep the bottom wet, it will take longer. You can not water by the calendar until you have established a wet/dry cycle and can see the pattern... you have no pattern other than what you are trying to artificially set up.
The lift method is your best bet. Compare against a similar container of dry soil and if you can feel water weight in your container, it is too early. If you do indeed have to go 5 days and the water is still not all used up, give a light watering of the top soil, just to soak in to the top 3 inches, so as to water the spreader roots along the top surface... but don't hurry that decision. The problem is you are loving these plants to death.
Thanks again! You have some serious knowledge in that head of yours! I might have to pick it a lot .... it’s my 1st time EVER growing... And yeh I guess your rite, I got worried I wasn’t doing enough then every time I stuck my finger in the pot about a inch or more and it was dry I’d add some water :/
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