21 days flower Do-Si-Do


Well-Known Member
21 days flw, a bit small an dry. but they have a long way to go


hey what you think of my do si do elite at day 21 of 12 / 12

Looking good ! When you say 21 days is that from the actual day of the flip or after a 2 week transition period? I count from the day I switch to 12/12; but some others say the 1st two weeks is a transition period & they don't count it as flower time. Got Me ? 12/12 means it's in flower to me.
Just wondering as I have a Do-Si-Dos I'm doing a SCROG on that goes in flower real soon. Nice to have your journal to compare it to. Thanks !
Looking good ! When you say 21 days is that from the actual day of the flip or after a 2 week transition period? I count from the day I switch to 12/12; but some others say the 1st two weeks is a transition period & they don't count it as flower time. Got Me ? 12/12 means it's in flower to me.
Just wondering as I have a Do-Si-Dos I'm doing a SCROG on that goes in flower real soon. Nice to have your journal to compare it to. Thanks !
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