2021 Barneys Runtz Muffin In A RDWC 4x4 Scrog & Mars LED

I am super excited, so excited I forgot that they will be in paper towel today until i see her nub er um root tip and not the cubes. However, I just looked and both seeds are cracked open; The one seed has her tap root lying along the crack and it will be first I feel but the second seed has a little white speck I believe to be the tap trying to escape.
Quiet! :) It was a bummer not getting to see any family, but outside of that it was good? How 'bout you?
It was quiet here also usually the whole family would come over for a special dinner but it was just us this year
So glad to have you Dankman and I do always try have a fun ride :Rasta:

The girls are tucked into a nice moist paper towel and sitting on top a heating pad on low with a folded towel over to reduce the heat
So glad you have you around JimJonesJr

So umm end of the day and the nubs are not nubby enough or long enough I could say so I will let them sleep in the paper towel, Luckily as of yet both seeds seem sorta evenly active or are both alive I should say

Well the girls are onto bigger and better things, out of the paper and into the cube.

I warmed the cubes over the heat mat beside the paper towel/seeds overnight, this morning I sprinkled a little great white and washed that in with a few ml of 100ppm dilution of that fox farms stuff that says 0-0.5-0.7 or something (all of this into the little hole in the rockwool) now all is back in the warm spot chillaxin

Well I meant to tell you last night that nothing was happening but this morning one of them is up high waiting for light and the other has the seed showing at the top of the cube

Ok well I typed that way earlier and forgot to hit post (just smoked some distillate) ummm since then I have cleaned the tent and put the heating pad in the tent, I have been running water through the chiller to clean it I have soaked some pipes and pump in bleach and water then cleaned them good, hope to reuse them. Without further adue I will leave pictures below. Oh one adue, I have to add a hole in a bucket sometime to get my auto top off working if anyone remembers my first hole was a little too high once I actually filed the system lol. ya ya here is the pictures lmao :laugh:

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