Re: 600 Watt Multi Strains from Seed Order to Harvest
The curling and twisting you see is the fan blowing the leaf as I am taking the picture.
My current media is just plain jane sunshine #4 and was looking to help the roots with the piranha and tarantula and to help establish a nice environment for them.
For my clones I will just be using the 2L method to test out all the plants and make my selections from there. First large harvest will be my doubles of all my varieties giving me about 13 plants to get rid off. By the time that they enter into flower they will be well over 5 months old and should be monsters.
As far as the nutrients go will be giving them 1/3 strength Sensei Grow with some B52 this week. Currently with the size of containers I am using I am watering daily. I went with nutes on Monday then plain water Tuesday - Thursday this week and on Friday going to go to 1/3 strength.
I am also aware that as we get going I will have multiple nute solutions as not ever plant is going to be able to handle the full strength of AN. That's why I will be going up very slowly and paying close attention to my girls as they will tell me whats what.
So current plan is 2 more weeks of veg growth then I plan on popping the tops and using those as my first round of clones. Also looking to de a heavy defilation at this time. I am going to have some monsters by the time that they go into flower, with them being inbetween 4 - 5 months old when they finally hit the flower tent.
I also understand that some may not respond well to my growing or my nutes but the good news is I have a few I can stand to lose, I am grasping more and more what an ambitious project that this is, but considering what I pay to smoke each year it is just an investment and I am probably gonna have some left over bud to have to dispose of.
And now more pics from yesterdays canopy as I wait for the lights to come on in the room today so that I can compare the growth I swear I can tell a noticeable difference everyday.