2 Tents 1 Man And A Plan

I'll be following along, I wanted 2 tents but the better half nixed that lol. Looks good so far can't wait to see what grows!
Welcome aboard. My wife hasn't questioned one item I've bought so far. She doesn't understand all that goes on in a grow nor the equipment needed for indoor gardening. In the end it's been a lot of expense but worth it knowing I'm not headed to an out of state dispensary and dropping $400+ a month on flower. It's nice having her onboard with all this. She's just as motivated as I am.
I wasn't planning on two tents in the beginning. I just happened to win three tents at an auction and that was not only a surprise but added to the 4x4 I already had..lol.
Gonna be a continuous harvest in the auto tent. Can't wait to get things growing steady here.
Anxiously awaiting my first bean delivery in decades. Nothing to get super excited about for most but for me it's another step forward. After all the planning and gathering of equipment I failed to gather one important thing....fresh good seed. I tried to crack what little I had left from years ago but not much luck. So, it's off to the www.
I remember decades ago when most seedbanks were cash transactions via international mail. Lost a few bucks in the mail back then. Always sketchy and risky. Glad those days are over.

420FastBuds...I've read some good things on their selection of autos. Going in over budget on everything I opted to go with the mixed bag of 5 beans. It will be fun growing out some mystery seed. I've already got my eye on a few more selections from their inventory. Fingers crossed they have fast shipping.

Welcome aboard. My wife hasn't questioned one item I've bought so far. She doesn't understand all that goes on in a grow nor the equipment needed for indoor gardening. In the end it's been a lot of expense but worth it knowing I'm not headed to an out of state dispensary and dropping $400+ a month on flower. It's nice having her onboard with all this. She's just as motivated as I am.
I wasn't planning on two tents in the beginning. I just happened to win three tents at an auction and that was not only a surprise but added to the 4x4 I already had..lol.
Gonna be a continuous harvest in the auto tent. Can't wait to get things growing steady here.
It's always nice to have support from ones spouse , & what a great windfall with the tent cool take care & peace ✌️
Tweaking my grow space has been a challenge. Due to the fact I'm venting a 4x8 and 4x4 with one single 6" inline fan I'm paying close attention to my temps. The 4x4 only has one 6" duct extracting heat and it's mounted in the 4x8. Since lowering my lamp I can't get the duct close to the top of the lamp to suck out heat. I've ran out of duct length..lol. It does okay the way it is but I feel as though it could be better. Once things start getting filled up in there I worry the temps may rise higher than expected. Only time will tell..lol
I'm thinking of adding a 6" booster inline fan to that duct just hanging there. Found one on Amazon with a nice speed controller. I can mount it closer to the lamp heat. Make it movable of course but the added suction would reduce some heat. Highest Ive had is 81. Not horrible but I'd like to stay in the 70s. Higher temps turn my attention to the dwc res. Temps have been 71-73 so far. I'm sure that will go down a little once the canopy fills the scrog screen and shades the tub.
I'll probably rethink this a dozen times but hey that's half the fun.

1 week update 11/20..few days behind

The fems in the Dwc are moving along. I've noticed some spots here n there which I'm hoping the calmag will correct.
The funky little LA Amnesia is still acting a fool and still not fitting the profile of a young healthy plant. I'm gonna let her roll and see what happens. I'm thinking it's just a blemish in the gene pool. I dunno just grabbing at straws here.

Ppm 600
Ph 5.6
VPD... unmanageable for now
Temps 77-81
Res temp 71
Calmag 5ml per gallon
Silica 5ml per gallon

Only one I49 Xxxl plant up so far but I had a tail pop out on another. Sowed the bean and fingers crossed. My Fastbuds order should be here soon.
A little surprised this morning with a new Xxxl that popped up. So that makes two with two more just planted.

Been struggling to get the vpd correct. This house is soooo dry and add winter on top. Dry as a bone in here. I have a large capacity humidifier coming so I hope to get that under control soon.
Ive also been struggling getting autos to come up. My apt is kept so cold and I suspect that maybe that may be an issue. So Ive ordered some warming pads. Perhaps a warmer pot will encourage some life. Should have thought of that earlier..lol. Oh well, things will come together once all this setup is over.

I can see already I'm going to have to resupply CalMag. Only picked up a quart and I've got a long way to go.
Not much else happening around here. Tweaking grow spaces and trying to keep the ladies happy. Anxiously awaiting the last delivery of items needed for the grow spaces I have. Hopefully all will be well after all that and I can concentrate on growing.






The importance of checking it twice

So I'm going through the motions of the daily gig with the girls. I noticed a little tip burn on the autos. Looked back at the mixture I made and I mixed it a little hot for youngsters..lol. May e just some ph water on the next need for it.
Then I turn my attention to the dwc. I've been overfeeding them as well. Week old and I'm feeding at week 3. Oh well, they don't look so bad so I'll just leave them alone.

Note to self: check shit twice.
I have the same issue with my basement at times.....too cold and too dry. The cold seems to mess with them more, especially the autos.

Did you get that variety pack from Fast Buds yet? If so, what did you end up getting?
I have the same issue with my basement at times.....too cold and too dry. The cold seems to mess with them more, especially the autos.

Did you get that variety pack from Fast Buds yet? If so, what did you end up getting?
Hey Tim, I used to grow in a basement. Awesome for summer but can get cold n clammy in winter. I always had a space heater for the ladies. Good info on the autos. My house stays so cold anyways with a wife in pre menopause..lol. I don't worry bout the fems in dwc. I can control their medium but the autos in promix are kinda cool. I have a few heating pads coming. Maybe that will help a little.
My struggle has been humidity or should I say lack of. VPD is way off. Should get it under control soon with a new big humidifier.

Fastbuds...I ordered the variety mix...5 beans. Not real concerned about what they are. Just need some bud in jars. Then I'll have the fems harvest right behind them. I'll order more halfway through. I like the reviews I've read on Fastbuds. Beautiful strains and acceptable pricing.
Led Lighting question
Okay so I'm surfing around the site reading away and come across something that got my attention. In my 4x8 I'll prob use 4x6 of the floor space...2/3. I have one 300w lamp in there and just realized that is not enough. I have a adiding gp3000 in there now. Not a high end lamp by any means. Rated @ 300w.
So if I throw another lamp in there say 200w +- I should be good right? Or should I get the same lamp to keep things even? Does it matter? I need bout 400w+ in there correct?

So I'm shopping...again. I like the adiding lamp I have. They offer a nice 480w and it's on sale. May have to go that route. Shouldn't need anymore lamps after that. What ya think? Input?

And here I thought I had everything.. 😆
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