2 Plant Jack Herer Fem, SCROG, DWC, COB LED Lights

Also the clones have continued to really take hold well. Roots are really strong and the growth is all looking good. However, the single clone has MONSTER single node leaves and just weird leaves all over and is getting really bushy. I think maybe I should just trim all these off??


The franken-double clone is looking really fantastic, nice tight nodes, lots of new growth, it's gonna be cool!

Well time for a little update, need to give it a little more love. Lots of upgrades have happened. Now in a 5x5 tent with significantly more powerful lighting! The frankenclone took and is doing well and in the back of the pic. The 2 plants are in 5 gallon or 7 gallon buckets depending on my mood. I think I'm going to try to just run the 7 gallon ones so there is more res water available for these thirsty girls. Flipped to flower a week ago, but on the second day or so of transition I was doing a defol and flipped the timer to manual right when it went to lights out to finish up and somehow forgot that so they got 24 hrs of light for two or 3 days on accident. I guess if that's going to happen after the flip that was about as ideal as it could be. They drank a crapton though and got low low on water and ph'd a bit off, but they are super hardy and have been fine coming back. I did use the taller 7 gallon buckets and was able to leave on vacation for a week with no one tending to them and it worked beautifully which was a big relief too!

I didn't scrog this time with the bucket setup but have been training like crazy and are pretty evenish. The quantums have 1400 lm301b's and 200 far reds built in with 600w to feed it. Currently at about 2/3rds power level, I figure as the buds start to develop I'll start bumping up the power even more. Also took the far red led spotlight thing and taped it to the top of the oscillating tower fan so it just shines back and forth over the whole spread. Plants are also pretty big, they are taking up all of the 5ft depth and 2.5-3ft wide. I think this is going to be a pretty legit haul!
Also the clones have continued to really take hold well. Roots are really strong and the growth is all looking good. However, the single clone has MONSTER single node leaves and just weird leaves all over and is getting really bushy. I think maybe I should just trim all these off??


The franken-double clone is looking really fantastic, nice tight nodes, lots of new growth, it's gonna be cool!

Lol weird, and awesome on those giant single leaves.
Yeah it took the smaller graft frankenplant a while I think to stabilize and reveg, the smaller graft was I think a little more in flower and had weird single leaves, though smaller than they were, for a long time. I reallllllly want to dig down in the hydroton and see what it looks like where the graft actually was/is! I almost cut that whole main grafted trunk off a couple times, glad I didn't though finally now at this point.
I thought they were the same pheno but they were not cut at the same time which maybe made it more confused, or that I basically did the harsh v-notch out of that smaller one into the other. Looks pretty much all the same on that side now on current growth so i think it was more that one was just at flip and the smaller was like a week or two more along in flower and it got confused on programming for a while.

And the other. One of the main roots is the the circumference of my finger on this one, pretty serious!

I really think i need to defol a bunch more one last time but don't know if I still should. The leaves just keep blowing up huge and the nodes are super dense which I like, but it's getting thick and humidity meter is high. It had been sitting on the floor of the tent upside down for the last 2 days though which maybe contributed. I'll have to keep a good eye. I suppose undercanopy over the top of the water res may not be the best place to get an accurate reading, though a fan does blow over it well.

Love how tight these are, the lights are surely helping contain the stretch.

And a view up that shows the light panel layout.
Hey buddie I just want to let you know what I do , but I defoliated almost every 5-10 days and I get rid of all big fan leafs and she responds really well to this , if your feeling courageous try it out. If you have a good healthy root system she will bounce back fast but with my plants I don’t have a lot of light penetration so I get rid of everything that’s blocking the light, your plants will thank you, check out my journal if you want to see How mine react to it. But be bold my friend and happy growing
Things are moving along nicely, I'm not sure if it's the new lights or just that they were basically monstercropped clones, but they are just staying nice and dense and not stretching a ton like they did the first time around which is awesome. Maybe having all this room to keep the lst going helps too. They are gonna really produce I'm sure!
Last night:

This morning:

Also have a few clones going I need to do something with. Went and got a bag of happy frog and a bag of ocean forest and some innoculants and I think I'm going to try my hand at some outdoor soil grow with the hope of being fairly lazy with it and see what happens. If they live it'll at least let me keep the genetics going as this plant in the front is really kicking some ass. I should have a ton of seeds coming too with a whole bunch of strains I might try to pop outside too. Hopefully my neighbors don't freak out.
Well the present truck showed up today...more than I have a clue what to do with lol! I figured this would let me do some outdoor experimentation or something and mix in some auto's during veg time.
So bushy and big!! I have been taking off like 10 leaves a day and they just keep filling out even more. Had to raise up the tower fan, it's really too strong blowing on them from the side, but they are so dense it needs it. Hopefully some dry weather is coming which will help pull down humidity and it'll be less of an issue. I think I flipped on the 7th so they are gonna get a massive defol on Monday I think.


Also took one of the clones that was just sitting in a water cup under the desk lamp and planted it in some happy frog and it is looking pretty good thankfully. I'm gonna stick it outside at some point here, not sure how long it needs to get used to soil before moving it out. I might germinate a few of the other seeds this weekend too. I think I need to move all this out to a new journal of randomness maybe for all that though.
Chopped eleventy billion leaves off of em, soooo much better. Those leaves were sucking down water like crazzzy and making the humidity super high. Much better now and the buds are growing. Should be good. They are still pretty big though and top heavy in the lid when lifting it off the buckets, I might have to figure out some extra supports here soon that are lid/floor attached but still let me swap the buckets out.

My soil planted clone is still alive too which is fantastic!
It's so much happier now with all those leaves trimmed off! Happy plants with a ton of buds coming in nicely. This is going to be a fun rest of flowering time! The roots are crazy, I might have to swap to 7 gallon buckets full time from the 5 gallon just to give em a little more room!
I left a few on the outskirts that were not really in the way. I seriously cut of hundreds of leaves, not sure if I should go further or not.
Coming along! The plants are crazy top heavy in the net pot now since they are so big. I've been taking off leaves here and there still but wonder if i shouldn't do another big round or just let it go. For each bud on top there are a ton right below. The amount it's producing is going to be fantastic.
Looking good still! The smell and weight of the plant is getting more and more intense. Everything is getting super sticky now too.
Well thing are coming along well! Plants are huge and heavy and want to fall over all the time. Kind of a pain but able to get em balanced just right well enough usually so we'll see how that continues. Flowers are big and heavy and dense looking on all the tops. Got it mostly big fan leaf defol'd and getting light down to the undercanopy a bit better now over the last couple days. Hopefully they catch up a bit better. Kind of thinking I might take the done parts and leave the lower a little longer if needed.
Just about done, might chop tomorrow night or Saturday morning i think. Branches are falling with weight, they are really hefty! These lights have done good things!



And I think we're about done here! Gonna probably flush with RO water in the morning and chop tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

Up close pics. They smell so good and sweet, it's really really nice.
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Well the results are in. Harvest has been completed. Plants went up on the full trunks and hung in the tent for a while till things got perfect. Got them dried just perfect and trimmed and jar'd them all up. All in all it was just about 840 grams for 2 plants. Almost a pound a plant!!

They are also way denser with bigger nicer colas and just way overall better with this second grow with the same genetics and nutes but with the bigger tent and better lights made for some significant differences. It's interesting how the draw at the wall was less for this than running the 3 sets of 210w or so each cobs. These 600w quantum boards with the lm301b's and far red are the real deal! I'm super happy!

Also I've sampled a bit from both over the last few days trimming and it's uber smooth and sweet and is crazy strong. Have all the trimmings saved from both grows and got a little dishwasher and 6 bag ice hash collection system so I'll probably do that in a week or so and collect what I can off that. I imagine I'll be getting quite a bit as a ton of the trim was really frosty and coated.

Anyhow, a bunch of pics around harvest to end things off. If anyone wants me to take pics and post about the hash bags and washing machine I can add that in here.
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