2 Girls & 1 Kit: Major PITA Takes High Brix Outdoors, Summer 2015

Finally caught up to this wonderful outdoor garden. Reps on the great journal. Thank you for sharing!


Thanks so much S420! I appreciate the reps and your interest. Hopefully things will get fun in the sun.
The Weakly Update (Week #7 / Day #46)

:welcome: back gang!

Not a lot to report this week. All the girls are looking good. Since their move to permanent outdoors and the larger pots, they have lost some of that Hi-Pro Glow. The leaves look plenty healthy, but no longer have the gloss or sheen they had while still in the 7 gal. pots. They also aren't quite as good at praying to the sun god. The leaves aren't wilting or drooping much, but they no longer point to the heavens. I gave them an extra DeStress this week. Any thoughts?

All things considered, with the up-canning and some SC and LST the two in Doc's soil still managed to gain 7" and 10" over the last two weeks. Last week I predicted the AoS was the dark horse in this race and it has proven to be true. In spite of a less-than-graceful transplant, she has put on more height than the PB and is now the tallest at 25". I'm thinking she will be 30" next week at this time. Time will tell if I'm in the ballpark. Stay tuned...

I'm having a hard time deciding when they will need their next drench. I'm used to every 3-5 days. This is day 8 in the new pots and the soil still feels slightly moist and there is no sign of them being thirsty. I'm used to lifting the pot and could tell a day ahead when I would need to mix up a new batch.

I pruned the lowest branches off all the plants last week to keep them out of the soil. I'm not sure if I should be taking more off. Since I'm outside I don't need to worry about an even canopy, but I'm not sure if I should still concern myself with opening up the lower center for more light. I feel like they will get tall enough that whatever is here now isn't going to be all that relevant in a couple of months. Any thoughts?

The HB girls continue to outshine the ones in my organic soil mix. They are probably twice the size. So far all of them are keeping up with the corn. Either that's good for the MJ, or pretty sad for the corn. :cheesygrinsmiley: Picture dump time.





Now the two in my "first-attempt organic soil mix"


Last but not least the OG AoS


Extra credit shots :cheesygrinsmiley:

HB PB's brocolli buddy

Our garden's water supply

That's all for this week. :thanks: and :Namaste:
Bro, my nl x bb lost that hb glow too but...her fans are over a foot wide and she's about 3' tall now lol. Im gonna have to give her to a lucky sob soon because I dont have the room in my greenhouse! Oh, and shes only 30 days old!!! :)
Bro, my nl x bb lost that hb glow too but...her fans are over a foot wide and she's about 3' tall now lol. Im gonna have to give her to a lucky sob soon because I dont have the room in my greenhouse! Oh, and shes only 30 days old!!! :)

I want a 1' fan. She sounds like a MONSTER! Mail her to me. :rofl:
Wow Major, they sure look good out there. Stunning, even. I bet they like being in such a diverse community of plants.

What temps have you been having?

My first instinct (after reading your post and then seeing the pictures, so I was looking for something) was that they were hot without much breeze. And they're probably busy trying to fill those bigger pots ...

When did they get their last Brix?
Hey Major....What a nice garden and grounds bud. Your girls look right at home there along side the corn and brocolli. Cheers eh.
Wow Major, they sure look good out there. Stunning, even. I bet they like being in such a diverse community of plants.

Much thanks!
I wish they were closer by so I could enjoy keeping an eye on them, but I try to get a look a couple times per day. It should be interesting to see how they progress. I'm wondering if they will try to jump the fence in a month or two. :cheesygrinsmiley: I think the AoS is going to be lanky. It has a little of that Sativa thing going on.
What temps have you been having?

My first instinct (after reading your post and then seeing the pictures, so I was looking for something) was that they were hot without much breeze. And they're probably busy trying to fill those bigger pots ...

When did they get their last Brix?

It has been warm for this time of year. The last week was in the 80's. The high temp each day ranged from 80 to 87. We typically do have a decent breeze - or more - each day. It has been humid, too. They probably look like I feel when outside. No fun when it is pushing 90 and there a chance of thunderstorms.

The last Brix was exactly one week ago ... until this morning. I give them Brix each Sunday. It is supposed to be hot again today, then cooler (70s) for a few days with a little light rain, then back up to 90 by the end of the week.

I really appreciate the feedback. I think you are correct about the temp right after transplant being part of the way they look. I'll see how they do this week. They almost have to need a drink in the next day or two.

Thanks Neiko! Will do.
30 days and counting until recreational is legal here!

Come on July 1st...​
beautiful garden, major!

Thank you Boogy!

The girls got their usual Brix yesterday and I decided to go ahead and drench as well.

The PB got 1/4 Trans (4 ml) and the AoS was ready for full Trans (15 ml) and Tea (1.5 ml). I'm having a hard time judging how much water to give them. Rain was in the forecast so I gave them each a little over 4 gallons for their drenches. They almost immediately perked up and followed the sun across the sky all afternoon. It was a great learning experience on reading the soil and plants.

I'm glad I was conservative (?) with the water. It rained pretty good last night and there is more to come today. The garden is rocking right now! In 30 days I will be able to add 4 more plants, once the recreational law kicks in. I better get an order in...
Good show, Major! I saw your post in Pigeons thread and thoought, "Who needs 25 gal pots?"

I am subbed and ready to see some trees! Killer grow!

Glad you found me GG!
I'm thinking I needed 50's. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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