Time for my
Weekly (Weakly? ) Update
My little AoS were drinking every other day so I figured it was time to give them some more room. I up-canned from 1 gal. to the 7 gal. pots, so now all 4 plants are where they will stay until they go in the ground in a few weeks.
My usual prep
Home sweet home
I love doing it this way. The plants don't even skip a beat.
The plants in HB soil both have that "Hi-Pro Glow", especially the Pitbull. It loves the bigger pot. I gave it a little supercropping today. All plants added 3.5" - 4" in height this week. Not too bad since they were topped and are adding growth sideways.
I almost re-potted my Pitbull in the organic soil but finally just last night it looks like it is starting to hook up with the soil and recover from the roots getting too hot/burnt. When I took a close look at the bottom of the pot, it has roots growing out of the bottom of the pot - all nice and white. It even began to perk up slightly today. Now I need to get more color into it.
Here is the full lineup for the remainder of this journal.
AoS are the smaller girls in front. The PB are in back and larger being a few weeks ahead.
Can you guess which side has the High Brix soil? I thought so.
Compare the HB PB to the OG PB
...and the HB AoS to the OG AoS
I feel like a commercial for Doc's soil.
The Pitbull is the best looking plant I've grown so far. That's not saying a lot, but I love its vibrancy. I wish I was better at capturing it with my photos. These pics don't do it justice.
We are back into the mid-80s for temperature. The white trash bags help a lot. I also added that piece of pink rigid foam insulation as a shade and heat shield. It appears to be doing the trick.
That's it for this week. I can't wait to get these in the ground. I'm tired of lugging them in and out every day. I'm sure having them outside will present a whole new set of challenges. As always, ideas to help me improve this grow are most welcome. I'm not sure what to do for the plants in non-HB soil. Cheers and thanks for following!