1st Time Grower

Just read the whole journal you are crushing your first grow! Def great job colas are stupid big. I dont think anyone mentioned it but when your noticing deficiencies typically you can use some compost teas to help bring the plant back quicker. This grow makes me wish I would of gone with 2 20g instead of the 10g im using.
Hey everyone I’m the middle of week 13 of flower. Most the the hairs the turned orange or dark orange. I ordered a small microscope to look at tricombs but I haven’t gotten it yet.

How much time do you think I have left?
Also she really doesn’t smell, I mean like nothing. If I touch the buds they are very sticky and my fingers smell. Should I be worried about the lack of smell?







What are your temps?
You can lower them down a bit 65F at night and 70-75F day to help the plant finish off.
I’d say at least 1-2 more weeks because you still have fresh white pistils. Check out the last 3 links in my signature about tric ripeness, holding over in the dark 36 hours to increase tric production, harvesting, bud washing, and the Cure.

The cure is the MOST important thing to get right.
Hello everyone

today marks week 16 of flower. Hopefully I’m nearing the end but I don’t know. I got a microscope from Amazon, most of the tricombs look cloudy to me with amber on some on the leaves




Good morning @E0325 beautiful garden my friend.
Great work so far.
Those scopes are great aren't they.
But your a little early I'm afraid.
You have to wait for all those white pistols to turn red and crinkle in before you think about chopping :Namaste:
Keep up the good work.

Stay safe
Week 16 of flower I bet it is hard to be patient. They look fantastic. As long as they are still building it is worth the wait though.
I hate to say it too but I’m thinking 2 weeks…? You still have a lot of pistil production. Probably starting to harden up at this point. Stay patient my friend. I had a Sativa hybrid go 19 weeks.
You can try dropping your temps to see if that helps finish her off.
Welcome to the never ending grow

Beginning of week 18

How close to do think I am?






Good afternoon @E0325 Beautiful garden my friend. :thumb:
Harvest is a long way off I'm afraid.
As long as she has white pistols she is still growing and building for you.
When she crinkles in her pistols and they are all red she is done.
Then it's time for the scope.
Clear / cloudy tric's energetic feeling.
Cloudy / amber tric's relaxed feeling.
Give her 2-3 weeks see how her pistols crinkle as she swells for you.
It's fun to watch.
Keep feeding she looks a touch hungry.
But at the end she will shut down her consumption for you.
Keep up the good work. :welldone:

Stay safe
I agree with Bill. A lot of clear trics and fresh pistils. Another week or two unfortunately.
Hey everyone

I ended up chopping her down about 3 weeks ago and over the last 2 weeks or 16 days she has been drying. Today I trimmed and jarred her. I ended with 260 grams of solid flower and a bunch of larf and small buds I just didn’t want to trim.

Congratulations on a great harvest my friend.

Stay safe
Yes, I have the 4” infinity exhaust fan with the carbon filter. I also have a couple of clip on fans
I new too, just finishing my first grow. I have a small tent also, 2x2x4. I heard from a youtuber who seems to give good advise 4" carbon filter fans don't move very much air at all, nothing smaller than 6" should be used. Is your 4 incher circulating good enough in the small tent your growing in? I want to use a carbon filter next grow, but would rather use a 4" (I'm on a tight budget).
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