1st Time Grow Jack Diesel Sativa Indoor CCOB w LST Hydro

Whats going on man, thx for dropping by earlier, ur plants are looking very nice! So you said ur using the hesi kit? Hows that working out for you? Does it keep ur ph stabilized?
Whats going on man, thx for dropping by earlier, ur plants are looking very nice! So you said ur using the hesi kit? Hows that working out for you? Does it keep ur ph stabilized?

Hello :) now in the grow the ph is pretty stable but I check and adjust ph and ec if twice a day and adjust when need. I've no exp of other nutes, but I doubt ill change brand - operating a 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' policy ATM. Also I found a place that does a great deal on it. Hesi girl I am now! I'm not sure if the supervit is ness and wd not bother if buying separately but as you say I have the starter kit and it does the job v well so far! I wouldn't be managing with out the ph and ec meter though!
:thumb: i forgot the thumbs up !!

Great to be here. So glad you have enjoyed my journals, hope you got something out of them. Your little garden looks great, loads of heads. Gonna be great to see em burst forth with bud.
Thanks man - to me lst made perfect sense, it's what you do to many edible plants esp fruit trees to maximise yield in a small space, and sativas being tall I had to control. Though if I clone I will top the plants to achieve a potential mother but only when I have the right set up. My system is to have few plants and get them to grow massive, perhaps not conducive to lots of clones. Tbh I'm happy for now growing straight from seed. FYI if you ever come across cherryhaze seeds let me know! I'm on a quest :thanks:
Hi Cherryhaze!:byebye:
Just looked at your pics from yesterday. You sure have a lot of tops on those plants. You've done a great job training them. :goodjob:
Looking forward to seeing them flower!
Have a great weedend!
:D made you google. Yes, it means crop circle of bud done with low stress training. I am not taking clones this time as I don't have the set up yet so I am just trying to get the most I can from this grow. I thought I shd put a canopy support in as you would for scrog but I never got round to it and now I think it is too late. I am sad not to take a clone and make a mama, but my man wants to see the power bill before I put in a clone station. He is as always the voice of reason to my joyful enthusiasm. No doubt it'll be a nasty shock.
Next grow I really want to get some Argan Strawberry Haze and some Himalayan Gold. Can't find the gold seeds yet though. Then I saw on here someone growing strawberry sour diesel, bet that's amazing :D
FYI Mine were almost panic bends ;) I went for hydro as I thought I would have more control and I have had bad experience of bugs in pots though not growing weed. I have to say so far, I love hydro, but when I started NOTHING made sense, but it feels good to be understanding it as I go along. So many stoned moments of... OMG WTF I so don't get it. Still, this is the best hobby...

And I'm glad you did; I love learning new things! Interestingly it's one of the configurations that have popped up in my head when planning my next grow. Have you had any good experience with it, if any?
Hahaha yeah I know all about that bill and the significant other! I was planning on installing a second lamp myself, when the bill came. :eyebrowsmile:
Strawberry Sour Diesel? That sounds soooo mouth-watering :thedoubletake: Maybe I should add it to my quest list now that I believe my mom have thrown away about 100+ of my old seeds I've been saving up.

Nice to see flower sites pop up after three days of 12/12! I think you're going to get a really nice yield out of these babies, I see a lot of tops :goodjob:
Just got home from a ridiculously long day on my market stall (outdoors...) and rushed to see my ladies before dark time and one hD shot up so much this weekend she hit the light, scorched herself and appeared to faint! :
(All droopy as if they were lacking in water). I moved the pot around raided the light, watered the top of the pot a few times from the res and gave her some bbq kebab... Sticks! Haha. Looking fine and dandy again. Topped res, gave nutes now at EC 1.4 and ph 6.1. Flowers showing nicely :) my mac HD broke yesterday so I may not upload pics for a whole /
I too use an iPhone! And I too understand it's a pain in the ass!
Hello my lovely virtual grow friends. It's 8th day if 12/12 and there has been a 13cm stretch so far! Bud sites everywhere coming on strong and pretty flowers forming. Maintaining a ph between 5.9 and 6.2 and an ec between 1.2 and 1.4. This mornings check is ph 6.1 ec 1.3 so will feed a little. Res topped up around every 2 days hence the ec fluctuation. Friday night is a complete red dump and clean - rock and roll are my Friday nights ;)
I'm still wo my mac ... Already have RSI from running my life and business through my iphone.
I've just taken a load of shots which I'll load up when I'm back online again. So far so good.
I've also taken shots of two plants, same seed pack of JD that are showing totally different characteristics. One is Sativa through and through spring green, thin leaves, a real stretcher and super sensitive to nutes. Like the neurotic eldest sibling. The two middle kids a the back are pretty straight forward uncomplaining siblings minding their own business and no fuss. Then the youngest, one that seedling grew upside down (doh) is a fat dark green squat sturdy nuts hungry monster. Hard to believe they came from same pack. Just goes to show why people clone and how DNA combinations throw up totally different individual plants despite being from the same source. Even feeding the same strain can be tough in hydro I dread to think how hard growing totally different strains in same res must be! iPhone essay over :D hopefully back soon and more involved when my macs back - starts humming Rtn of the Mack ;)
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