1st Grow: Strawberry Kush Closet Grow

hey guys sorry for all the post i have been batting a temp humidity issue. i can't drill holes for exhaust ventilation due to it being an apartment so the door stays open. door open- low humidity, door closed too hot. any suggestions to get the humidity up its low today. around 25. i need to go up. can i supplement with misting regular ph water around the plants to give them moisture? or will this contribute to over watering and cause mold?
Misting at this stage you usually don't want to do so in order to fix humidity being to low add just a bowl or 2 of water in there so to help with temp while closed get some oscillating fans they don't gotta be big but u gotta keep temp and humidity right

"You can fail at doing something you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing something you love" ~ Jim Carrey
I have been putting a bowl of water in my tent and it works great to bring up the humidity. If I put a full cup of water in there, it's usually half evaporated by the next day. I'm finding it to be a constant process to keep the humidity right. I have 3-4 vents in my tent and I keep experimenting with keeping 1 or 2 open. I have a seedling heating pad in the bottom of my tent to keep it warm. If I don't have that on it gets pretty cold.
I had the room in my cabinet for a cool mist humidifier during veg. Now Im running out of space and I am doing the bowl of water. Its working great.

Sent w my Light, Love and Energies
Thanks guys. Did a ghetto rigged set up with a fan blowing through the hood and added a bowl of water. Ill let you know tonight the result

The Kushman

Starting little yellow spots. Can anyone diagnose this?

The Kushman
I water them two days ago then filled in with new soil so they are still wet the buckets are heavy. Ive come to the conclusion of nitrogen toxic. Im backing off the nutes to 50%

The Kushman

The toxic plants is doing better. Fed with regular ph water today. Topped all 3 and set up the scrog net for them to grow into. When topping i accidentally chopped a fan leaf, and one leaf got a tear so i cut it off on the big plant. Humidity varies between 33-50 % depending on the day. Heat is between 77-82 degrees. I got over zealous with the nutes and have learned my lesson. I feel confident it will recover. Here is my heat solution. Baller on a budget.

The Kushman

Humidifier fell on my strongest plant. Split the main stem down the middle. Can i save this plant? It took out in tops will it even produce. Trying to get a clone. I dont know what to do

The Kushman
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