1st Grow Journal

Its week 6 came in to do some feeding and reposition my LST . My lite is now up to 100% bumped up the feeding to 1/2tsp per gal with a couple of drops of root gold per gal . Its now 1/2 gal per plant . Water ,tea or feed every 3rd day so far so gud pics are b4 trim and after trim they seem to be happy





Its week 6 came in to do some feeding and reposition my LST . My lite is now up to 100% bumped up the feeding to 1/2tsp per gal with a couple of drops of root gold per gal . Its now 1/2 gal per plant . Water ,tea or feed every 3rd day so far so gud pics are b4 trim and after trim they seem to be happy





Good afternoon @Mellomale great garden my friend.
What's in your pots?
What are you feeding?
Stay safe
When im able to on the weekends .Normally its just after lites come on
I no mean to offend you, I checked out your media, and see you do just fine... but feeding right before lights out, IMO, isn't good. Your plants just sit in all that glorious-ness and no can utilize efficiently cuz theres no photosynthesis/transpiration (and all the other daylight plant activities). Probs cuz of your weekend schedule, but if your plant isn't sad from dehydration, I would wait till lights on for feed. Again, I not trying to offend you, and sorry if it comes off that way.
When im able to on the weekends .Normally its just after lites come on
Just a tip for next time.
Fill your pots right up.
Your wasting a lot of real estate there. :Namaste:
Mound it up in the center then your leaves won't touch the bag or soil.
And your feed water automatically runs to the outside where you want it.
It's in my Gorilla Glue clone thread how to fill and use those bags and air pots.
If you want to take a look
Your using earth juice non soluble nutrients?
Rainbow mix pro grow?

Stay safe
Well this week ladies are not happy i believe it could be over watering but its still 3 days apart but still droopy leaves . Was only giving a half gal of water wen feeding, watering nd tea decided to bump it up to get run off and the ladies are so not happy about it . Now in week 7 FUDGE ! Another thing have not been fed any nutes in 6 days water and tea last night hope they bounce back after they rest a bit . Tent tps been down just a bit cos it has been cold in the garage. Today temps 59 humidity 39 stil growing just not as vibrant as weeks past not sure what going on

Well this week ladies are not happy i believe it could be over watering but its still 3 days apart but still droopy leaves . Was only giving a half gal of water wen feeding, watering nd tea decided to bump it up to get run off and the ladies are so not happy about it . Now in week 7 FUDGE ! Another thing have not been fed any nutes in 6 days water and tea last night hope they bounce back after they rest a bit . Tent tps been down just a bit cos it has been cold in the garage. Today temps 59 humidity 39 stil growing just not as vibrant as weeks past not sure what going on

They look good. They are exploding with growth. Look back a week. Leave the leaves unless touching the soil. They will perk up soon. Try upping the food slowly. Others might see it different. :ganjamon:
Hello - are you watering the whole pot to run off?
They look like they are trying to go crazy but falling a bit short of energy
I find a drench with organic NPK/enzyme/fulvic/micros reconditions the root zone when they look tired
They look good. They are exploding with growth. Look back a week. Leave the leaves unless touching the soil. They will perk up soon. Try upping the food slowly. Others might see it different. :ganjamon:
Well this week ladies are not happy i believe it could be over watering but its still 3 days apart but still droopy leaves . Was only giving a half gal of water wen feeding, watering nd tea decided to bump it up to get run off and the ladies are so not happy about it . Now in week 7 FUDGE ! Another thing have not been fed any nutes in 6 days water and tea last night hope they bounce back after they rest a bit . Tent tps been down just a bit cos it has been cold in the garage. Today temps 59 humidity 39 stil growing just not as vibrant as weeks past not sure what going on

Hey Mello hope your having a good day.
Your in soil right?
You said watering every 3 day's is that your schedule or theirs.
You must let them dry right out in between.
Do you have a schedule for your nutrients. Earth juice?
I suggest you get on the schedule.
Your in week 7 right.
Put in your suggested nutrients for week 7 of veg next feed. At 6.3 ph
Then let them dry right out.
Then give plain water.
Then let it dry right out.
Then feed with full strength nutrients again.
Then dry out again.
Then water.
Feed full strength again.
Feed.........keep going like that.
If your nutrients calls for calmag put it into your mix from then nutrients
Following this will make them happy again.
What light do you have?
How far away is it?

Stay safe
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