1st Grow Journal

Attempting to resize pic


Here goes nothing , im attempting to put together a journal. 11/01/2021 GDP grown in soil royal gold kings mix , in a 4x4 opulent grow tent. infinity cloud 9 intake 2 -6 inch fans inside 1 on top of plants 1 under canopy 1 -6inch exhaust with carbon filter tent is powered by ion 720 led with 8 bar lites. Nutrients are earth juice grow,transition and bloom all earth juice. Along with kool bloom liquid bloom,along with moab ie mother of all bloom. By mad farmer.Along with some root exclurator gold. 4 -5 gallon canvas bags . I do hope i do this rite ! plants are now 14 days old pix are the you see there in the resize attempt

So happy to see you do a journal, @Mellomale!

Can't go wrong with GDP, or any other strain that begins with "Grand Daddy"! :laughtwo:

Earth Juice sounds interesting.

I'm sure you'll do a great job!

I'm going to see if I can get someone to keep you company, ladies first:

@Virgin Ground @HashGirl @Heavenly Hybrid @BooWho2 @Trala

Now I cannot vouch for the conduct of these guys, but having their eyes on your journal is a good thing, despite what else may occur! :laughtwo:

Just kidding, most of them are very nice, supportive, very well-informed (and fun)!

@Carcass @West Hippie @InTheShed @StoneOtter @Paul Squiggle @VetSmoke85 @Sunnyskies @Nine Toed Hippie @Nev @Verbalist @Tonclon @MrSauga @Stunger @BakedARea

I hope someone else looks in because from what I've seen you deserve the attention!
Thank you for the tag GDB!
Hi, Mellomale- great looking plantsI- it'll be fun to watch you grow 'em!
Aloha MM! Looks like you are off to a wonderful start :slide: Thanks for the tag GDB!

I’ve run the earth juice line up before. It’s a good line but can be little strong so just a word of caution I’d cut the recommended by half and slowly increase as the plants need. If I remember correctly it was a tablespoon of earth juice to a gallon of water?

Any questions come up feel free to tag or ask away. Lots of amazing people here :love:

Hello :)

I don’t usually get formally invited to grow parties. I usually have to sneak over the back fence to get in!

The legendary group of grow girls (I don’t deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with) will all bring de-brilliance, I will provide the de-bauchery ;)

So far your resizing of pics looks brilliant :)
Hello! Good luck with your first journal :)

And thanks to GDB for inviting me. I’ll lurk time to time how it goes. So far looks they lovin it.

For IMG re-sizing and uploading I would suggest you to take a look at here:
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Quick image upload method if youre using mobile and don’t have to resize them:
Choose the hamburger menu from top left corner and tap Gallery -> Add media

Choose category for your needs: ”member galleries” or ”off topic photos” -> Upload your photos and hit save.
They get saved now into member galleries and when you want to embed them in your journal/posts just tap the camera icon:

Then embed media tab opens and you can choose your photos from there!

By doing so you don’t have to worry about re-sizing images. It allows you to upload up to 20MB images but when embedded it scales it down kinda like a thumbnail and can be opened in full res.
For example like this one:
Thanks for responding ladies, gents and MrS!

@Mellomale is not new to 420 but I do believe this will be his first journal. I encouraged him to do one after viewing some of his work here.
Here goes nothing , im attempting to put together a journal. 11/01/2021 GDP grown in soil royal gold kings mix , in a 4x4 opulent grow tent. infinity cloud 9 intake 2 -6 inch fans inside 1 on top of plants 1 under canopy 1 -6inch exhaust with carbon filter tent is powered by ion 720 led with 8 bar lites. Nutrients are earth juice grow,transition and bloom all earth juice. Along with kool bloom liquid bloom,along with moab ie mother of all bloom. By mad farmer.Along with some root exclurator gold. 4 -5 gallon canvas bags . I do hope i do this rite ! plants are now 14 days old pix are the you see there in the resize attempt

Hey Mello how are things in Cali today.
Great looking ladies.
Do you have room for one more?:nomo:
Looks like your off to a great start.
Just curious do you have a smoke detector in there?
Stay safe.
Wow ! Thanks for all the support i received on my attempt to do my 1st grow journal. A big shout out to GDB and all of his followers Thank you my friend much love . Ok so we are now at day 16 I started feeding these young ladies this week using a 28oz spray bottle with just a small amount of earth juice grow . I water every 2days about 20 oz of water over all plants averages out to 5oz per plant . Once again i really want to thank everyone for all the support you've all given me on my 1st journal . Hope i dont screw the pooch

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