1st Grow In Coco: 70% With 30% Perlite

I’ve got a computer connecting jewellers loupe.

Okay embarrassing fact. First time I said loupe out loud I pronounced it as Loop-aye. My reasoning, it looked very French pronouncey.

Me: This one is shit. I need to buy another loop-aye
Boyfriend: what did you just call it?
Me: sensing danger
Boyfriend: say that again
Me: (mentally) Fuck you word pronunciation. Why do you hate me?

In my defence, why put the French looking e on the end of a word if you aren’t going to take full advantage of its sound?
That’s what happens when you learn a word by reading and never heard it pronounced. Seems like someone is always looking to pounce when you fuck up like that.
That’s what happens when you learn a word by reading and never heard it pronounced. Seems like someone is always looking to pounce when you fuck up like that.
Omg I am not educated. And I mean not educated. I started reading and writing prolly in my mid 30’s, when I decided to study. So the words I have learned have been from reading and writing. Never actually pronouncing, And every time I take the word show on the road, they fuck me in the arse. I always know too coz the listener will say “say that again?“ or “what did you call that?“ and a feeling of dread creeps over me.

I mispronounce all the time. So awful.
Omg I am not educated. And I mean not educated. I started reading and writing prolly in my mid 30’s, when I decided to study. So the words I have learned have been from reading and writing. Never actually pronouncing, And every time I take the word show on the road, they fuck me in the arse. I always know too coz the listener will say “say that again?“ or “what did you call that?“ and a feeling of dread creeps over me.

I mispronounce all the time. So awful.
Yeah, I admit, I love to point out mispronunciations to my business partner. But you know she’s really mean. People come in and ask where is that nice lady? I reply we don’t have one of those.
Congratulations on the harvest mate. She looks like a monster yield.
Loving the colours on her, defo nug of the month out of her
Thanks! I wanted a half pound. Think I’ll get it?
Green Crack Final Day: Sprouted May 15 chopped August 15.


What remains of my quadline and the wash buckets. I tell my friends about Bud washing and the look at me funny…
Absolutely beautiful buds deeboy, real fatties.:bravo:

The brits did that funny look when the Romans first mentioned baths...that caught on, tell ya friends. :laugh:
Thanks man!
Nice work DeeBoy, excellent :thumb:
Thanks! I’ve loved every minute of this. I wish I had started years ago. Thanks to the great people on this site, I did better than I imagined!
Last lady standing. NL is looking milky, but Imma gonna let her be. She’s getting ph 5.8 water and nothing else at this point.
1st admit you have a problem…
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Yep that pic is about Line 1 of the prayer.

Fun fact: I can still recite that fucker off. by. heart. LOL
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Yep that pic is about Line 1 of the prayer.

Fun fact: I can still recite that fucker off. by. heart. LOL
That's right. I cannot change.... I'm just making my family buy me seeds from now on, cuz I'm about to be very generous. Not this grow, but I'll get on the next one ... maybe.
So, last Friday while wet trimming my Amnesia Haze (smells like watermelon still) so maybe it’s not really AH…. Anyway… I missed a snip and cut off a chunk of bud. I threw in it a cup and went on with the job. I remembered that Bud today and it felt dry! I just smoked my own weed for the first time. And it’s good already! OMG! After cure it will be awesome! Sorry for all the exclamation points… I feel like Rick Flair! Whoo!
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