1st Grow Help, Green Crack Auto

You're in good hands. There's a great bunch of members already here taking care of you. Your next grow you'll look back and wonder why you were shook ;)
Your plants look great in case I never mentioned it. :circle-of-love:
Best people ever here and hopefully we can become friends! Thank you and everyone who has participated through my 1st grow, it means the world to me! I am a very lucky girl!
Funny pic,
I am 5”3 and look at this girl!
Cruising right along. Looks like that one is going to give you some monster buds. Glad you got a good light it will produce better quality. You are doing awesome.
It does look like you have some weeks to go judging by that HUGE bud.
Not to be weird or anything but why does my plant have hairy little ball sacs? :cheesygrinsmiley: I thought that was a male plant thing? My plants can do whatever they need to but I am tiny bit confused?
I forget what they’re called, but those lil seed sacks should be empty. If you were to pollinate, those would eventually fill with a seed. Your good! :thumb:
Yes she is. She is britney, pit mix my youngest brought home from the shelter. Alley is her name. She is totally alley mcgruff anti-marijuana unlike her brother from another mother Blaze.
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They are adorable! McGruff Anti-marijuana! Hahah my shar-pei feels the same way, very serious about the war on drugs! he would totally narc me out if he could talk. :cheesygrinsmiley: My Tay bae is a little more chill, she is a mastiff/Rottweiler mix.
Look at all those handsome dogs.

all I have is a slobber monster

Aww so cute, I love dogs so much. So your doggie likes the car? Taylor likes to hang out her head out of my sunroof, she is too big to jump out so it is funny as hell. Maverick is a slobber monster too, I just put gray pants on & looked down to see a drool spot :cheesygrinsmiley: Is you dog mixed with a chow chow?
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