1st Grow, Bagseed, CFL's..

I tend to agree with GMT1975A, just look like older bottom leaves.

I do have question about your photos, are you taking them under CFL lighting, or moving them in natural light? Thanks.

yeah, I'm hoping its nothing bad. You guys have made me feel better about it. The most recent pics except the first one were all taken under just the 2 shop lights, which run at 6500k, and they're raised pretty high so the light isn't flooding the lens. The first pic I left the CFL's on, which is why the pics have a warmer tone to them

nice frosty's man..hey are those cfls daylight (6500K)? :ganjamon:

Thanks dude! all the CFL's are rated at 2700k (42w, 23w, 23w) and the shop lights are rated at 6500k (4x40w)
I hadn't thought of using a few of my veg CFL's for the pics, thanks for the tip!

Glad to help.
thanks dude!

Anyone know how I can check the trichs without a scope? Next Tuesday is my 8 week mark in 12/12. My scope wont be here for another 10 or more days, they're delaying the hell out of it.. I clipped a very small test bud last night to gauge how far along it is, and I was couch locked for a good 2 hours from a couple of bong hits. I tried taking good macro pics to see the trichs, but it doesn't really give much of a view of them. I'd like to avoid buying another scope since I have one on the way.

Oh well, I'm sure they could go for another week or so without anything bad happening.

I gave em half a gallon of plain water last night, they seem to be loving the nutes from before as they're getting their color back and fattening up. The burn hasn't spread to anywhere else on the plant other than a few old leaves, so I think we're good. I'll feed them the same strength nutes with next watering. I think I'm going to feed them up until a few days before I chop them, then flush for a day or so. I don't think it's really needed since they haven't been fed the entire grow until now, there can't be too much of a chem buildup to flush away anyway.

I already have my jars ready. I'm not quite sure where I'm going to dry them though, I'd like to not do it in the grow room as it gets kinda dusty down there sometimes, so I might just do it in a cabinet, who knows..
Since they are some of the more mature leaves they will just fall because the plant is near ending. You could take a bud and try it out to test potency levels to see if its anywhere near the high you are looking for. The only con is that it doesn't mean its at max potency. Best bet is to wait on the scope for the best results.
You won't believe how cool those trich's will look under your scope. Shame you don't have a Radio Shack down the street, but it's only a week.

Looking forward to hearing how they turn out after you cure them. If looks mean anything, they should kick your assRoorRip
Yeah, I'm definitely going to hold off a bit. The test bud I clipped was amazing, and I know the bigger buds will smoke so much better right now, but I want to hold off until they are ready and cured. They're not fully ready yet, the high was very indica, but I know with a bit more time it will give that complete numbing sensation I'm after. I haven't had some good indica in a very long time, I've been smoking mainly sativas for the past year. There is a radioshack near me, but I don't really want to buy another scope since I have one on its way. They should be fine until it gets here, I'm just curious as to how they look under the scope.

Unfortunately I don't have any other plants growing right now. After this grow, I need to focus on getting back into financial stability (my girl lost her job about a month ago, so I've needed to pick up the slack until we find her something else), and then I'll be picking up a HID and starting a new grow and a new journal. I'll probably do another round with bagseeds, this time using better lights, soil, and nutes throughout.
TheCriMsonK20, great job on the grow friend, and good to hear the buds will be up to par. Looking forward to your scope arriving, just so you can be amazed at the fantastic job you have done. Looks like we will be smoking hydro soon as all of ours is almost gone. Gonna have to wait another 4-5 weeks for the next 3 to finish. You should be very proud of the magnificent job you have done!
yeah i definitely learned enough to start growing some serious plants next time around. Just gotta get the right materials and I'm set!

One thing I'm kind of confused about is the pink-ish bud plant is showing seed development in the buds. I checked both plants over time and time again and there are no signs of male flowers at all. Could the chopped males have somehow spread pollen to the ladies? I cut them after maybe a week of ball development and they sat in a garbage bag for a couple of weeks after that. I can't think of any other way they would have been pollinated.
maybe you had a hermie and didnt know it....
that's what I thought, but I looked it over for male flowers and there aren't any that I could see.. Unless it was from when I had the one hermie in the room and I was picking the balls off it for a couple days before I decided to just chop it.
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