1lb Plus Per Plant Organic Indoor Grow


New Member
This is my first post on this site, as well as my first journal. Maybe some of you will recognize me from Shabong, maybe not, but im expanding my horizons a bit here as well as doing a video journal on this grow on youtube. Fresh channel so first to subscribe wins nothing except a pat on the back.. Here we go,

I popped some beans last week,
1x Purple Trainwreck
1x Big Bud
1x Deep Cheese
1x Blue Dream

Three days after popping the beans I checked on them and I was amazed. Big Bud was the winner of my last grow for size and aggressive nature, however, this grow the Purple Train wreck started out very dominant with a 6" root after only three days in a wet napkin (Next time the napkins will be soaked with aloe water instead of plain). The Bug Bud, and Blue dream were also sprouted but nothing substantial So I repotted them in small 4" pots. Fast forward to today, which is a week later, The big bud is looking good, the Purple train wreck already had tons of roots going around the 4" pot and the others.... Well, not so hot. I am probably pulling the Deep Cheese because it is weak already, I have some other beans sprouting..

For this grow I will be vegging 6 plants, 3 will go to flowering inside my grow tent while the others hang out in veg for another 2 months. By the time the other three are done vegging they will be monsters (4 months veg time) so I will have to make sure I am a little light on the nutrients and heavy on the LST and topping to make sure they don't grow into the lights. Even than I still might have to modify the top of my grow tent to raise the lights out of the top before it is all said and done. I have found that a T5 works best for veg because it can be literally inches off the tops of my plants without burning them so that is what I will be using. Here's what my equipment setup will look like

-8'tall x 4'wide by 10' long tent

-Borrowed closet space for my veg tent

-Reflective mylar to make my closet awesome

-2x600 Watt Cool Tube HPS lights with digital ballast for flowering

-Single 6 lamp T5 HO for veg

-Single fan venting both 600W watts into the room to start, and eventually if they get too hot I will be venting them out the window with my custom fab window vent I have planned

-6x 18 Gallon Roughneck containers (Purchased at home depot, they are less than $20 each and they work fantastic for a large planter, just make sure you drill some holes in the bottom for irrigation BEFORE you put the soil in.. I have done it both ways, and its much easier on the kitchen table if you do it before there filled with soil)

- Pro Mix BX soil mixed into half strength subcool super soil ( I know, I know, nobody runs straight super soil but I ran full strength super soil on one of my outdoor grows with a full nutrient lineup and big bud and the plants might put some of you cali growers plants to shame, this is only half strength)

-Rubbermaid Dish pans for drainage (Planters propped up with 4x4's cut to the width of the trays to prop up the planters out of the run off water)

-Shop vac to suck out the run off water

-HEPA filter fan with Negative ION generator. I will run the neg Ions on and off up until flowering

-2 more clip type fans to keep the plants shaking

If I have to incorperate another fan blowing fresh air into and out of the tent I will, I am going to see how well the tent temp and CO2 level goes with only a closed loop type lighting system to start out with..

The Nutrients I will use are as follows, any helpful tips are appreciated.

-Blue Planet High Yield organic line (Cheap and effective, I also like Mills so this might change)

-Azos beneficial bac for nitrogen help

-Aloe water and Seaweed extract for foilar feeding/ for all the benefits and Hormones that Aloe has

-Liquid Silica for fat trunks (not sure which one yet)

Game plan so far,

For the first months worth of veg I will be alternating three separate feedings, one feeding will be a Worm casting/compost/humic acid tea for beneficial bacteria and all the other goodies that come along with this tea. I will be adding the Molasses at the start of the brewing for the actual brewing, than again at the end to feed the soil more before I feed with it. The second feeding will be two days later, this will be made of Aloe water and Azos. This promotes substantial root growth and the Azos will help with nitrogen fixation in the soil to feed the plants more.

--Side note--
If you haven't tried starting clones out or feeding seedlings with AZOS/Aloe water I would suggest it to everybody. I have found this regimen promotes substantially more root growth and vigor than any other rooting product I have tried (and I have tried a bunch) and this costs A TON less money. You can get aloe 200x extract powder from the BuildASoil website that you can just add to normal water.

The third watering is always straight PHd water, this is helpful because I have found that plants that have been well irrigated and flushed regularly always out perform plants with nutrients locked in the soil. This also helps alleviate any potential PH problems and nutrient lockouts further down the road. These first three feeding types will be applied during the first month of veg to build the soil up with living micro organisms to help build roots and help feed the plant throughout the veg cycle and on into and through the Flowering process. I will begin LST and topping as soon as it is possible without affecting the integrity of the entire plant.

After the first months root building I like to introduce my plant to nutrients slowly. This timing will be very convenient because the blue planet nutrient chart is scheduled for a month, so I will try to follow that as closely as possible unless I run into problems. This will be the beginning of my Silica feeding as well as the introduction to Terpenator which I plan to use all the way for the last month of veg cycle and throughout the Flowering cycle. During this period I will be doing a single nutrient feeding a week with staggered Azos/Aloe feedings and Compost/Worm casting tea feedings also a Plain water feeding. It will look something like this

Nutrient feeding/Terpenator/Silica
2 days later
Azos/Aloe feeding
2 days later
Flush/Plain water feeding
3 days later
Repeat the process

The days between each feeding might differ some because I go with how dry the soil is rather than a strict set schedule, but you get the idea..

So to wrap things up here's the game plan

-Build the soil and the soil microorganisms during the first month of veg
-Feed throughout the second month of veg
-Feed throughout the flowering cycle same schedule except with flowering nutrients

-Kick ass/Take names and hopefully come out with over 1200 Grams of Kind organic bud.

For my drying process the best method I have come up with is to 1. Do an immediate rough trim. 2. slowly trim more and more off each day paying attention to the dryness while keeping in a room with around 50% humidity. I use different methods to get this humidity (The best one is to have enough plants hanging that the humidity stays around this level, if not, I have a humidifier because I am in Colorado where it is dry as salt.) The temperature is always best at a comfortable temperature, 65-70. When the stem snaps or even sometimes just before depending on the thickness of the buds and the dryness of the insides I like to take them down and put them into curing

For curing I trim the rest of the sugar leaves before they go into glass jars. I have tried a few other methods (brown paper bags before jars ETC.) and I have settled on straight into the Jars. I follow a strict set of rules while in the jars. I use my handy dandy Caliber IV hygrometers (1 in each jar) to keep track of the humidity and temperature. I also use Boveda 62's in each jar, these keep the curing right on par and everything turns out as dank as dank can be. As far as the temperature, if it is room temp it is ok, Nothing too radical. If it is cooler, that's even better to slow down the process. If it is warmer, I crack open a window.. Im hoping to cure this batch for around a year, and this will be a continues system so once this grow is done there will be plants vegged and I will have a new three plants to flower every 2.5 months give or take a week or two..

So Thats it, here are my very first pictures.. Not much right now but Check back, I'll be uploading updates as much as possible.



Firstly, welcome aboard 420. A lot of very knowledgable and helpful folks here. Looks like you have a good plan laid out, can't wait to see it all come together for you.
Yup, big goals, If everything goes perfect, right now I am closely watching these plants as well as the seeds that I have started to see which ones are most aggressive. I think if I put my top three most aggressive plants into flowering first and leave the other three that are not as aggressive in veg for the next two months I should be able to get close to my goals. If not with this first batch than for sure with the second batch.

Thanks Atulip
got my popcorn popped and have my multi-colored 3d glasses on... ready for the show! I have a similar grow going, not quite the monsters you are planning in that supersoil, but I am hoping for 4oz per plant.

I am mostly curious right now to see how your plants do in those huge tubs right off without successively up-potting them. I am also curious how the 50/50 supersoil mix works... I have done the layering at the bottom thing on mine.

good luck in this grow! I am sure that I will be comparing notes with you as this goes on.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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