150w hps?

On that light alone probibly not much. Depends on your set up and how big your box or room is. You will most definately need more light. I would get more HPS or a MH for veg and HPS for flower. I am a fan of CFLs also, not much heat, compact and cheap. Hope that helps you out ToKeSs
Yeah I was just thinking I should go with CFL's how many 42w bulbs would you recommend for each plant?

4 42 watt cfl's within 6 inches of the top will work. Without a doubt a hps will give you better yield. Toward the end of the flower cycle, fluro's just run out of steam. The best advice i can give to anyone is to save up a couple hundred bucks and get a 400 hps.
Ok I went with a 150w hps now my question is if I keep my light on 12/12 Only during day light hours it would be fairly impossible to be detected by a flir scan right?..Also how long does it usualy take for the light bulb an metal part to cool down? also does a 150w emit less heat than a 400w hps? thanks...
I would hate to imagine detection by a flir scan for 150w, or the amount of money someone would spend to do so. But if you live in an area,inside a building that does monitor electricty or heat in that fashion, being careful as you have already stated is wise. Usually look to one hour for optimal cool down times, as long as ventilation is being used. It will take longer to cool down if you have no ventilation method. I assume that the 150w hps is a self ballasted lamp? and no remote ballast is needed for the 150w hps?
Yes a 150w hps does emit less heat than a 400w hps.

Keep us posted on what your progression is, so we can ride along on your journey.

A Hui Hou
I have and still am using a 150w HPS durring flowering but i also prefer the CFL's for starting the plants. The HPS is added into my grow whe i start to flower for the extra lumens and the different spectrum of light. You will increase your yeilds with the HPS but enough CFL's will also do a good job when flowering. Look at how many lumens you are using with the HPS per ft2 in your room and then look at it with the CFl's.
See which is going to give you the desired or best lighting. That will help you decide, either way if you have a good set up and good nutes your plants will reward you in the end.
Thanks for the info well my big bang female seeds germinated an they are under cfl until my hps system gets here hopefully by then theyll have sprouted im using fox farms ocean forest for soil...im gonna keep a fan blowing on the hps bulb an try figure out a way to exhaust the heated air...

I plan to add 4 23w cfl's during flowering including my hps itll be around 21,000 lumens this is a high yield strain so I expect a decent outcome...im a little too paranoid to create a grow log but ill consider it...
Squirel cage fans exhaust a LOT of air. Keep the exhaust pulling hot air from around the bulb or the top of your grow area. Or you could look into bathroom fans for when you take those monster dumps. Those move some air too. Your plants will thank you with a nice juicy harvest, not heat stressed scragly looking buds.
I have seen people go down for their electric bill faster than i have seen people get introuble with heat sigs. I have seen heli's scope an area where i know there is a good sized plot outside. Went for a hike with a buddy and found an o so fermiliar smell. My buddy knew but he kept it a good secret. Went back to help fert and found out he had been robbed a little. Neither of us went back, made sure there was no sign of us there. He is still afraid to go on that mtn, and so am i.
P.S.:Dont forget to save some money on your power bill and swap out your household bulbs with some CFLs. If you are going to get CFL's and a HPS i would pay the extra buck and get the better (48w or something like that) CFL's. More lumens always help
Yep already took care of that couple weeks ago switched all with cfl's an removed unnecessary lighting I should be good..I been paying 200+ a month all summer even this past month I think it might of been from using my 42" hdtv an receiver 24/7 with the pc I already switched back to my 19" moniter:bong:

My seedlings have already sprouted all within 42hrs it was fun watching them spring to life so quickly:yummy:
Yeah this last months for mine was 246. Yikes, need to make sure i don't leave anything on unless necessary
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