11 finger fan leaf

That's kool lmao unusual but kool
One of my girls has a few fan leaves with 11 fingers.. does anybody know why this happens.. gotta be a good thing, right??
Sure it is a sign of good healthy plant and ideal soil PH worth and water BTW I was have one year with 13 fingers leaf and those girl was a miracle how is strong she was but friendly relaxing and strong euphoria and leas, 9 hour of intensive effect do not remember which was sort but she was 3 meters and 90 cm high and pretty wide branches .
I sure hope this is common because I have had quite a few plants with 11. Every single one ended up producing beautiful big buds though and were usually healthier and stronger than the plants with normal leaves
You are absolutely right. I often had leaves with 11 fingers, and once and only then with 13, so that two came out of the center and stretched vertically in relation to the center, i.e. star-shaped leaves. That plant was a real monster in terms of size and height. of 390 centimeters and a width of about 320 centimeters and of course it was fantastic in every respect, never higher yield and an incredibly strong effect on the body and psyche with strong euphoria and up to 9 hours long driving and relaxation.I can't say what kind it was because I got the seeds from a friend but judging by the width of the middle finger it reached 8.5 centimeters it was some kind of indica but I'm not entirely sure what kind because they are usually not that big. Mostly the seeds looked like a miniature walnut size a pea with all the reliefs that a walnut has. Unfortunately, that friend died in an accident and I never found out what kind he gave me, but it was great! Greetings from Amsterdam!
My Ace Malawi a while back grew up to 15 fingers

Here's she is with 13 and 15 was two extra little ones coming out of the back. basically two leaves in one.
She was severely overfed though as I used some slow release pellet food and well it was too much and well I ran with it as the other option was digging her up again shaking off all the soil and replant.
So maybe that got something to do with it.
As the leaf to the right of it is also a pretty funky configuration.

My Ace Malawi a while back grew up to 15 fingers

Here's she is with 13 and 15 was two extra little ones coming out of the back. basically two leaves in one.
She was severely overfed though as I used some slow release pellet food and well it was too much and well I ran with it as the other option was digging her up again shaking off all the soil and replant.
So maybe that got something to do with it.
As the leaf to the right of it is also a pretty funky configuration.


cool beans- what a funky leaf morphology!!!

think I’d chalk it up more to genetics than ferts… but that's just a non scientific wild assed guess! :cheesygrinsmiley:

regardless she’s got solar panels, nute storage and transpiration capabilities out the wazoo! That’s one I’d clone and play with for a few rounds

Thanks for sharing Fender!!
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